I Can't for the life of me



Poon, Mr. Poon.
Jan 1, 2007
Figure out why Neal starts over Lane.

It's nothing against Neal, but, unless my eyes and the stats are deceiving me, Lane is the back that is one cut and go, is quicker out of the back field, and who is dragging and trucking guys for extra yardage after the initial hit.

I know this has been discussed before, and I have nothing against Neal,he did a serviceable job today, but, top end speed not withstanding, I would rather see Lane as the featured back. Am I missing something?
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Figure out why Neal starts over Lane.

It's nothing against Neal, but, unless my eyes and the stats are deceiving me, Lane is the back that is one cut and go, is quicker out of the back field, and who is dragging and trucking guys for extra yardage after the initial hit.

I know this has been discussed before, and I have nothing against Neal,he did a serviceable job today, but, top end speed not withstanding, I would rather see Lane as the featured back. Am I missing something?

Neal is more elusive. They are both relative equal IMO. Mediocre SEC backs. (That's not a slight, just reality)
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Neal is more elusive. They are both relative equal IMO. Mediocre SEC backs. (That's not a slight, just reality)

Could be, maybe it is too close to call, and you're right about the mediocrity. I haven't brought this up before, but after 3 years, it's the conclusion I have come to. I just hope Hurd lives up to the hype.
Could be, maybe it is too close to call, and you're right about the mediocrity. I haven't brought this up before, but after 3 years, it's the conclusion I have come to. I just hope Hurd lives up to the hype.

I can't freaking wait to see Hurd suit up.
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I am not ashamed to say that the anticipation of Hurd in orange arouses my Lil' Smokey. No homo.
I think Neal is better than Lane, & he was better in the first half when WKU's line was full strength - Lane looked better in the second half when WKU's line was worn down & he was getting the bulk of the carries
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They're basically the same, it's a 1 2 punch....

Who goes first is irrelevant.

Disagree, ML is for sure more powerful than RN. I felt like the plan was for ML to be used in short yardage situations and to relieve RN in the first half. Keeping him fresh for the second half which he took over IMO...

They are around the same caliber player and like your firat point a 1 2 punch but there is a strategy for who goes first with Marlins ability to take over in the second half.
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Can we go with "average" instead of mediocre? It just sits better in my gullet for some reason.

Sure. I really didn't mean anything negative. We haven't even had "average" backs in a while. I'm certainly not complaining.
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I think Neal is better than Lane, & he was better in the first half when WKU's line was full strength - Lane looked better in the second half when WKU's line was worn down & he was getting the bulk of the carries

I thought about that too, but it always seems to me that Lane has looked marginally better in all game situations.
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I can't freaking wait to see Hurd suit up.

A lot of people seem to be concerned about hurds height being a rb. I don't think k its that big of deal. Maybe 10 years ago it was but now every position seems bigger and taller really, your lbs, CBS, safetys are all taller and bigger then the past. Al Wilson is listed at 6' 220 for a mlb. That's considered small in today's game.
Neal = Lane as far as quality. No harm in starting the Sr. They both get their carries so who really cares which one starts.
Maybe Neal's attitude and work ethic have been better. Coaches value those attributes higher than some yardage differential. No inside knowledge--just speculating on a hypothesis.
Figure out why Neal starts over Lane.

It's nothing against Neal, but, unless my eyes and the stats are deceiving me, Lane is the back that is one cut and go, is quicker out of the back field, and who is dragging and trucking guys for extra yardage after the initial hit.

I know this has been discussed before, and I have nothing against Neal,he did a serviceable job today, but, top end speed not withstanding, I would rather see Lane as the featured back. Am I missing something?
This the 2nd year I find myself texting this same thing over and over to friends and family during Vol games. I thought I was the only one with this point of view.

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Neal = Lane as far as quality. No harm in starting the Sr. They both get their carries so who really cares which one starts.

Ok, but you have to agree we could have used some punishing runs on offense in the first half.
This the 2nd year I find myself texting this same thing over and over to friends and family during Vol games. I thought I was the only one with this point of view.


I've thought it for awhile, although judging by the responses to this thread, the general consensus seems to be that they are interchangeable.
Lane and Neal are our 2 RB's and proudly represent the Vols, I think by the end of the year both will be considered better than average RB's. If I remember correctly Arian Foster was not the greatest of RB's when he was with the Vols, so give these young men some time and we may be pleasantly suprised.
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Lane and Neal are our 2 RB's and proudly represent the Vols, I think by the end of the year both will be considered better than average RB's. If I remember correctly Arian Foster was not the greatest of RB's when he was with the Vols, so give these young men some time and we may be pleasantly suprised.

Eh, the knock on Arian was the fumbles at key points in key games, I don't recall anyone criticizing his running style.

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