Off topic: How many kids graduate high school at a 3rd grade reading level?
How many kids have teachers like NYY Vol and hatvol?
Sorry, you'll have to go in to more detail, specifically the bold section, if you expect anyone to be able to form an opinion. Otherwise, this heart-warming story is irrelevant.Of course you couldn't with your head in your ass.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I have an advanced degree partly because I had a teacher who realized I had an avenue through baseball to get my bachelors degree and eventually get my head on straight. I thank him every time I see him. And I'll promise you he wouldn't apologize and would tell hypocrites like you to shove it.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I am a teacher. I do not do this but some of my colleagues will give a student an opportunity to re-work missed problems and will give them 10 points to do so, or so many points per problem missed. I do not know the extra credit policies in the school district he attended nor the grading scale; but, if that was the case, and it was a high c, raising it to a low a is completely feasible. That being on the standard grading scale.