I hate Dan Werner

Per Bruce just now on the radio show, "We're kinda tired of that" and "The book is out on him"

Bert also saw the look on Tyler's face and mentioned it to Bruce. Evidently Tyler isn't the only one on the team who wants to rip this guy's head off.
Is that a joke? He gets in fights, and mainly he just sucks a basketball. Don't argue that he's a good player based on tonight. No one could miss for a while on their team. And he's a very average player on a very average team

It's nice to have an enforcer on the court. And UF is not an average team, they're just young. In the next few years they will be back to their higher-caliber team.
I have no doubt they all want to rip his head off. I'm not even playing and I want to do it.
Is that a joke? He gets in fights, and mainly he just sucks a basketball. Don't argue that he's a good player based on tonight. No one could miss for a while on their team. And he's a very average player on a very average team

He's a good player on a very young team.
8.9 points per game
6.7 rebounds per game
2.3 assists per game

He's a Ramar Smith or J.P. Prince(Stat wise.) He's a jerk, yes. But he's not bad.
A thug. I can't stand the guy. He has some skills, but just helped cost his team the game with his hotheaded drive toward the end. Part of me wanted to see Tyler Smith cave his head in.

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