I have a question for some of the Political forum regulars....



No Disassemble!
Jan 13, 2005
I see some of you that get into a discussion about faith/religion, and yet, you don't have a stake in either. How can you even argue for or against something you don't believe in yourself?? What does it matter to you, other to just have an opinion or try to question another's faith/religion??

I mean, the people in this forum that actually have a relationship with Jesus Christ have a stake in this. We are being told that we have to keep our mouths shut because we should be tolerant, but in all actuality, we are just being told that we aren't the current and latest religious fad and need to let others come before our wants and needs in the political world.

I'm going to tell you this much, if Islam has it's way over here in the West, this country is going to get torn down from the inside out. Christians, atheists, and agnostics alike are going to be put in a VERY bad place, IF our government continues to preach tolerance/freedom of religion in the case of Islam. I mean, if people can't see that the Taliban doesn't want our education, our medicine, our technology, and just wants to kill us, then this country is in for truly desperate times.

I have typically stayed out from the spotlight in this whole mess, but they are even trying to build one less than a mile from our church, so I figured it's time for me to speak out. These people, while most here claim to be peaceful and most are, come from a VERY violent background. Their Mideast counterparts live only to see us die and be killed in the name of Muhammad. I've NEVER, NOT ONCE, known anyone to actually kill in the name of Jesus Christ, and if anyone ever has, they weren't even Christian to begin with. Our Scripture is VERY forthright about violence, it DOES NOT condone it in any, way, shape, or form. Now, if you are in the military, you can be in the military and still be a Godly man or woman. Just don't go killing in the name of God or Jesus.

I really hope some of you understand what you are telling us Christians, because the past couple of days have really opened my eyes to what some of you believe and how quick you are to cast stones at us, because you think we aren't "tolerant". We have been the major faith based religion for the entire time that this country has been established. Many of our ancestors who built this country up from the ground level were Christians, but not all obviously. I just hope you know that our people have bled overseas to protect the rights of everyone over here, my wife included, and yet the government allows those same people we fight over there to claim peacefulness over here and still build their places of worship that promotes something completely different than what they are personally standing for over here.

I really hope that one of these days, our government stands up and actually protects the people from a theology as dangerous as Islam, but unfortunately our country is only a little over 200 years old, and will have MANY growing pains as it gets more mature.

God Bless. :hi:
Nuke'm all and let God sort it out. :hi:

My words cannot express how stupid you sound. You condone the murder of over a billion people, children and women alike. You are no different than the people that commit terrorist acts, you should join up with a Muslim terrorist group or the KKK you have a lot in common with them.
And to TS, while I actually think you make some decent points and I agree being PC has gone to far you are freaking out over something that has about a .00000000001% chance of happening. I makes me realize that indeed the terrorist have won this war and totally corrupted the minds of many Americans. You seem to totally omit the crusades from history in your post, when you say no one has ever killed in the name of God. I'm not "taking up" for Muslim's because if they wanted to fix several of this issues they could, but I can not fathom in my mind that almost 2 billion people all hate America and want to murder all Christians.
And to TS, while I actually think you make some decent points and I agree being PC has gone to far you are freaking out over something that has about a .00000000001% chance of happening. I makes me realize that indeed the terrorist have won this war and totally corrupted the minds of many Americans. You seem to totally omit the crusades from history in your post, when you say no one has ever killed in the name of God. I'm not "taking up" for Muslim's because if they wanted to fix several of this issues they could, but I can not fathom in my mind that almost 2 billion people all hate America and want to murder all Christians.

No, I said I have never known, not that there hasn't been almost 800 years or more ago, anyone who has killed in the name of Jesus Christ. Just want to make sure that's plain. Yet, there was a Christian lady over in Afghanistan from Knoxville that got killed because they were trying to help the villagers in that area. So, there is a BIG fundamental difference in what today's Christians look like versus the Crusaders of the times of wars with Christianity and Islam.
No, I said I have never known, not that there hasn't been almost 800 years or more ago, anyone who has killed in the name of Jesus Christ. Just want to make sure that's plain. Yet, there was a Christian lady over in Afghanistan from Knoxville that got killed because they were trying to help the villagers in that area. So, there is a BIG fundamental difference in what today's Christians look like versus the Crusaders of the times of wars with Christianity and Islam.

Ok, and yes I know about that sad story about the lady getting killed. Who actually killed them though, (I believe it was a group of people) it wasn't just the villagers it was the Taliban or in other words the terrorist not just the common people. They where in a very dangerous place and something bad happen they knew the risk yet they continued to do the right thing and help people, and thank God for people like that. The point you argue is still not valid though, you think no one has killed in the name of Christ recently you must have never heard of the IRA or The Troubles in Northern Ireland. Google Christian terrorist and notice the 3,600,000 results....
I just hope you know that our people have bled overseas to protect the rights of everyone over here, my wife included,

This includes everyone from every religion and those who do not have a religion. Do you not agree?

and yet the government allows those same people we fight over there to claim peacefulness over here and still build their places of worship that promotes something completely different than what they are personally standing for over here.

Care to elaborate?

I really hope that one of these days, our government stands up and actually protects the people from a theology as dangerous as Islam, but unfortunately our country is only a little over 200 years old, and will have MANY growing pains as it gets more mature.

I'd like to stay away from the government getting to decide what gets generalized as a dangerous theology or group.
To say I don't have a stake in religious beliefs because I don't have any, and then go on about how bad a particular religion is speaks for itself. I don't live in a vacuum.
Ok, and yes I know about that sad story about the lady getting killed. Who actually killed them though, (I believe it was a group of people) it wasn't just the villagers it was the Taliban or in other words the terrorist not just the common people. They where in a very dangerous place and something bad happen they knew the risk yet they continued to do the right thing and help people, and thank God for people like that. The point you argue is still not valid though, you think no one has killed in the name of Christ recently you must have never heard of the IRA or The Troubles in Northern Ireland. Google Christian terrorist and notice the 3,600,000 results....

so, is that 3.6 million completely different articles describing 3.6 million separate acts of Christian terrorism?

I don't think the IRA used a perverted interpretation of their religion to justify their terrorism.
eric just because people aren't religious right now doesn't mean they weren't at one time and understand what it is about. You seem to take the view that you either are or you never have been and you really couldn't be further from the truth. Our founders worked very hard to keep things separated yet many want to see them come back together. Stop that and many objections go away. You start taking away the rights of some in the US and soon you won't like what you see.

Yet, there was a Christian lady over in Afghanistan from Knoxville that got killed because they were trying to help the villagers in that area.

she walked into a war zone and got killed? Color me shocked. Maybe she didn't realize men trained to fight are getting killed over there too.
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The OP is kind of littered with exaggerations and paranoia. Someone was spot on earlier when they said that paranoia like this was a sign of victory for those who wish to destroy us -- from both the inside and outside.

Atheists and agnostics have just as much right to debate religion and its cultural influence because we DO have a stake in it. Religion has its roots in just about everything we encounter in our day-to-day activities. To say we don't have much right to discuss religion when it affects public policy, social norms, and personal relationships simply because we choose not to believe in a deity we can neither hear nor see is simply asinine.

I don't blame a particular religion for convictions involving violence, as most of the major world religions have resorted to killing in the name of their respective deity multiple times. I simply blame mankind's organization of religion, as many religious and non-religious folks would agree that the church is the worst thing that happened to religion.

That's my 2 cents.
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I see some of you that get into a discussion about faith/religion, and yet, you don't have a stake in either. How can you even argue for or against something you don't believe in yourself?? What does it matter to you, other to just have an opinion or try to question another's faith/religion??

I mean, the people in this forum that actually have a relationship with Jesus Christ have a stake in this. We are being told that we have to keep our mouths shut because we should be tolerant, but in all actuality, we are just being told that we aren't the current and latest religious fad and need to let others come before our wants and needs in the political world.

I'm going to tell you this much, if Islam has it's way over here in the West, this country is going to get torn down from the inside out. Christians, atheists, and agnostics alike are going to be put in a VERY bad place, IF our government continues to preach tolerance/freedom of religion in the case of Islam. I mean, if people can't see that the Taliban doesn't want our education, our medicine, our technology, and just wants to kill us, then this country is in for truly desperate times.

I have typically stayed out from the spotlight in this whole mess, but they are even trying to build one less than a mile from our church, so I figured it's time for me to speak out. These people, while most here claim to be peaceful and most are, come from a VERY violent background. Their Mideast counterparts live only to see us die and be killed in the name of Muhammad. I've NEVER, NOT ONCE, known anyone to actually kill in the name of Jesus Christ, and if anyone ever has, they weren't even Christian to begin with. Our Scripture is VERY forthright about violence, it DOES NOT condone it in any, way, shape, or form. Now, if you are in the military, you can be in the military and still be a Godly man or woman. Just don't go killing in the name of God or Jesus.

I really hope some of you understand what you are telling us Christians, because the past couple of days have really opened my eyes to what some of you believe and how quick you are to cast stones at us, because you think we aren't "tolerant". We have been the major faith based religion for the entire time that this country has been established. Many of our ancestors who built this country up from the ground level were Christians, but not all obviously. I just hope you know that our people have bled overseas to protect the rights of everyone over here, my wife included, and yet the government allows those same people we fight over there to claim peacefulness over here and still build their places of worship that promotes something completely different than what they are personally standing for over here.

I really hope that one of these days, our government stands up and actually protects the people from a theology as dangerous as Islam, but unfortunately our country is only a little over 200 years old, and will have MANY growing pains as it gets more mature.

God Bless. :hi:

calling Christians, homophome, intolerent, racist is how the left shuts us up. over time it eventually wears on Christians. Churches are a great example, more and more churches are become social groups, they stopped preaching on Hell and sin. This is the root of America's downward spiral. We can't blame anybody without blaming the church first.
No, I said I have never known, not that there hasn't been almost 800 years or more ago, anyone who has killed in the name of Jesus Christ. Just want to make sure that's plain. Yet, there was a Christian lady over in Afghanistan from Knoxville that got killed because they were trying to help the villagers in that area. So, there is a BIG fundamental difference in what today's Christians look like versus the Crusaders of the times of wars with Christianity and Islam.

Wait, so have you personally known a Muslim who has taken jihad to the extreme?

What about abortion clinic bombings? Abortion doctor assassinations?

Check some of these out (I know it's wikipedia, but I'm not writing a collegiate essay here):

Army of God: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army_of_God_(USA)

The Lambs of Christ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lambs_of_Christ

Concerned Christians: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concerned_Christians

Not to single out Christians, but it just seemed like the anti-Islam argument was in no need of reinforcement on this board.
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My words cannot express how stupid you sound. You condone the murder of over a billion people, children and women alike. You are no different than the people that commit terrorist acts, you should join up with a Muslim terrorist group or the KKK you have a lot in common with them.

Lighten up Francis. You dont know me or Jack Squat.
This is kind of like the argument that you can't criticize dooley because you currently aren't the head coach of Tenn. Even if you've been a head coach in the past, been a player, whatever. in other words it's a rather silly argument.
eric just because people aren't religious right now doesn't mean they weren't at one time and understand what it is about. You seem to take the view that you either are or you never have been and you really couldn't be further from the truth. Our founders worked very hard to keep things separated yet many want to see them come back together. Stop that and many objections go away. You start taking away the rights of some in the US and soon you won't like what you see.

Post of the thread so far.

I grew up very religious and now I am against organized religion. There are a multitude of reasons as many can understand, but religion still affects me in different ways as it affects most everyone despite the most earnest efforts to keep it from.

PJ makes a good point when referring to the founding fathers and their desire to keep religion out of government. I hear all the time the argument that the US was founded upon Christianity which could not be further from the truth. The architects of the nation were largely anti-religion. The anti-religious sentiment was even more prevalent in those times than in these.
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What is you are trying to make the assertion that they, as Muslims, have lesser rights than you as a Christian. To think every single Muslim is the boogeyman and they're all out to get you is incredibly ignorant. To take that further and try to claim that only "people with a relationship with Jesus Christ" can have a stake in this argument is self-righteous and extremely pithy. Religion isn't binary, man. It's black, white and a whole lot of gray area for interpretation.

Honestly, it's blathering like that in combination with corruption, hypocrisy and various other malignant factors that are why I entirely eschew organized religion.
The only role I think the US Govt should serve in any of this is to make sure this organization isn't somehow supporting groups associated with terrorism. Even "friendly" mosques around the country are known to give money to Muslim organizations that are affiliated with terrorism. If this is the case, then they should be prosecuted and not allowed to build a Mosque anywhere, let alone a block from Ground Zero.

However, one of the greatest things about this country is the freedom of religion. I think it's a very bad idea for this Muslim group to build this mosque, and it's nothing more than provocation, but under the law, it is and should be protected.
The only role I think the US Govt should serve in any of this is to make sure this organization isn't somehow supporting groups associated with terrorism. Even "friendly" mosques around the country are known to give money to Muslim organizations that are affiliated with terrorism. If this is the case, then they should be prosecuted and not allowed to build a Mosque anywhere, let alone a block from Ground Zero.

completely agree and view the funding of it in the same way

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