Oh man, so devastating to read of Chris’ passing. I have no wisdom for you, wish I did.
I’ve always felt like I’d want no part of a world without my wife in it but when I give that some real thought I realize that if the situation were flipped, I’d be devastated to know that my passing would end all joy in the remainder of her life. I know she feels the same.
It’s a special and lucky thing to have had a person in the world that loved you above all others. Once you overcome the blow of the loss, that’s what you can carry forward through the rest of your life.
Immortality, in its most meaningful manifestation, is having the best part of ourselves, our love for those closest to us, carried along and spread through the world far beyond our own reach. I know that’s what I’d wish for.
Sending many good thoughts your way in hopes that peace comes to you soon.