I really want a copy of the Cal game

1. Rocky Top
2. utvols07
3. Jasongivm6
4. raleighvolfan
5. Bobby Dodd
6. VolinArizona

It may be another day or two before I get the commercials edited out and burn it.
1. Rocky Top
2. utvols07
3. Jasongivm6
4. raleighvolfan
5. Bobby Dodd
6. VolinArizona

It may be another day or two before I get the commercials edited out and burn it.

Lazy... I have an 800MB xVid version with the commericals gone from CSS today that just finished encoding. :p :whistling:
Me too... I also edited some of the boring commentary that comes on the tailend of a commercial break. They make programs for that, ya know... :)
Programs? Unfortunately I don't get to do this on computer.

I have to record it to DVR Hard drive. Then I have to record it over to my DVD burner's hard drive (I could probably set it to do these both at the same time I guess). Then I have to edit out commercials. Then finally burn the DVDs.
1. Rocky Top
2. utvols07
3. Jasongivm6
4. raleighvolfan
5. Bobby Dodd
6. VolinArizona
7. Volsaholic

Guys, I recorded this off ESPN in HD. The DVD is obviously not HD quality after it's compressed. Anyway, I just realized that this DVD is not going to look right on a regular TV. It's recorded in widescreen so when you watch it on a regular TV everyone will look very tall and skinny. It needs to be viewed on a widescreen tv or computer to look normal. Everyone who is on my list, please confirm that you still want it.
1. Rocky Top
2. utvols07
3. Jasongivm6
4. raleighvolfan
5. Bobby Dodd
6. VolinArizona
7. Volsaholic

Guys, I recorded this off ESPN in HD. The DVD is obviously not HD quality after it's compressed. Anyway, I just realized that this DVD is not going to look right on a regular TV. It's recorded in widescreen so when you watch it on a regular TV everyone will look very tall and skinny. It needs to be viewed on a widescreen tv or computer to look normal. Everyone who is on my list, please confirm that you still want it.
Depending on their DVD player, it should just put the wonderful black bars on the top and bottom of their TV.

I can't believe you do it this way Freak! You don't think you could get your DVR to output the MPEG-2 to your computer via ethernet? Don't have a DVD burner in the computer? Good luck.

BTW, my file has been uploaded to Mininova... if you don't use bittorrent and want to know about how to use it, PM me.

mininova : TV Shows > Sports related > Sports related - Cal vs TN 2006 avi
Depending on their DVD player, it should just put the wonderful black bars on the top and bottom of their TV.

I can't believe you do it this way Freak! You don't think you could get your DVR to output the MPEG-2 to your computer via ethernet? Don't have a DVD burner in the computer? Good luck.

BTW, my file has been uploaded to Mininova... if you don't use bittorrent and want to know about how to use it, PM me.

mininova : TV Shows > Sports related > Sports related - Cal vs TN 2006 avi
My DVR is the charter box and it does not have ethernet that I am aware of. I need an easier way really.
My DVR is the charter box and it does not have ethernet that I am aware of.

You're right... Charter and Comcast are haters... you'd have to have a DirecTV DVR, or a TIVO to get it to allow you to get the files over your network...
You're right... Charter and Comcast are haters... you'd have to have a DirecTV DVR, or a TIVO to get it to allow you to get the files over your network...
It's funny, there is a ethernet port of the back of the DVR but I imagine it's disabled.

Maybe I should trade for a regular digital box and get TIVO?
It's funny, there is a ethernet port of the back of the DVR but I imagine it's disabled.

Maybe I should trade for a regular digital box and get TIVO?

I'll look around the 'net and see if I can find something... I may be able to come up with a set of instructions for you that would automate your commercial removal. :yes:
I'll look around the 'net and see if I can find something... I may be able to come up with a set of instructions for you that would automate your commercial removal. :yes:
cool. :dunno:
w00t! I've got my first peer connected!!!

Make that two! I wish I already had more seeds...

Is that one you already Freak? Nice! :) :sad:
Freak, is your DVR the motorola? If you have the model number that'd be nice... it looks like those have a built-in cable modem, and that may be why it has the LAN connection...
cool, thanks for uploading it :rock:

Fair warining Shadow... the beginning is horribly interlaced. Sorry about that, I dunno what the deal was. Your D/L is moving pretty slow. :wacko:

Freak has seeded almost as much out as I have at this point. :rock: Thanks Freaky!!!
Freak, is your DVR the motorola? If you have the model number that'd be nice... it looks like those have a built-in cable modem, and that may be why it has the LAN connection...

The model number appears to be 500611 and yes it's a MOXI Motorola Broadband Media Center.
I'm sorry. I just don't understand all this "french" you guys are talking about.....Make that "swahili".....Just let me know how I can get a copy to watch and I'll do whatever it takes. (The way MyBloodRunnethOrange gets me copies)



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