If Republicans pride themselves on free thought and independence...

A workaholic does not spend all day tweeting and watching Fox News. A workaholic does not play 36 holes of golf every weekend. A workaholic does not take a vacation to a resort every month.

Of course, and the President has to sign it, in order to make it law. He didn't have to sign those bills into law, but he did.

Trump said that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Congress shouldn't have had to lift a finger, if a word of that was true.

Okay; again we're not moving the needle; I'll let this post of yours be the last word on it.
Why, then, the party purge of anyone who does not fall lockstep into the party groupthink? Wouldn't the nature of individual liberty extend to its own elevated members?

It’s called politics and the fact that bothers republicans and democrats are lying pieces of garbage.
The GOP more closely resembles a cult now, than it does a political party based on ideology, and focused on policy objectives. Their one and only criteria for membership, at the moment, is subservience and unconditional loyalty to an egotistical, wannabe authoritarian, named Donald Trump.

How is Trump an authoritarian?
Why, then, the party purge of anyone who does not fall lockstep into the party groupthink? Wouldn't the nature of individual liberty extend to its own elevated members?
The Republican Party is mostly comprised of hypocrites, who are completely void of self-awareness. They are the party of Karen, who insists that wearing a mask should be a decision left up to the choice of each individual. Karen calls the store manager, who has respectfully asked her to put a mask on, a "fascist" .... Days later, Karen can be seen on YouTube, yelling at fellow Wal-Mart shoppers while she insults them for being "liberal, mask-wearing, sheep." So, it's not really individual choice that Karen wants. What she wants, is for everyone to be like her. Karen epitomizes today's Republican Party.

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