If Trump doesn't win in 2020, the church leaders will be murdered.

Rise against corporate exploitation that has been plaguing this country for decades.....

You are right, but the problem is with the elected officials. The swamp if you will. When they earn an average american's median salary, can't become "lobbyists" after term, and we start taking seriously by auditing and spot auditing them, add term limts, and put better people in who won't by their decision be bought or bribed because they actually stand for something, corporate exploitation will stop.

Or, better, why is it that the elected officials have been weak and vain and greedy and not able to say no. If they had any bit of actual ethics, values, character and virtue it wouldn't be the issue it is. Yet, we want to tackle the "issue" without dealing with "THE" issue. The problem are the people elected who can't seem to not be taken over by personal greed and desires and wishing for "power" that feeds ego's and corruption.

Typical response is those types can't make it in D.C............................, enough said. When the status quo is made to be held to a higher regard, standard, and it reinforces itself to be as such, then it will be.
Which is why I am against protecting mega corps and ending the corruption in politics. I am not blindly defending all things socialist as many of you think I do. I am a capitalist at heart. But in this day and age, the only way I can foresee combating this issue is for the electorate to rise against corporate exploitation that has been plaguing this country for decades. And if it must be through a political revolution and government legislation so be it. Thankfully we live in a democracy that allows that to be even possible.
Less power in governments hands, less corruption. The mega corps only invest in the government because it's worth it to them. The more things the government controls, and has thus taken away from the people, the more power they have. The more power you give them the more corrupt they become as more people are willing to invest (bribe) more money into the government. It's why single payer and all that stuff is bad. It just leads to fewer choices and more corruption.
There was capitalism back in the Middle Ages and throughout the Renaissance. Socialism came about in the 1800s,
Not if you are counting the serf system as part of that capitalism. Their were monied classes but there wasnt real upward mobility until the industrial revolution.

Marx and the type just codified socialism and learned how to profit from it. Shared living has been around a long time. Heck even as far back hunter gathers there was a chief enforcing his version of shared living. But at least back then everyone had to contribute or you got pushed out on an ice flow. Darn that global warming from removing that option
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Not if you are counting the serf system as part of that capitalism. Their were monied classes but there wasnt real upward mobility until the industrial revolution.

Marx and the type just codified socialism and learned how to profit from it. Shared living has been around a long time. Heck even as far back hunter gathers there was a chief enforcing his version of shared living. But at least back then everyone had to contribute or you got pushed out on an ice flow. Darn that global warming from removing that option

No, there was capitalism aside from the serf system. There were middle class craftsmen and shop keepers in the Middle ages. There were always bankers, too.
That's another thing I can't stand about left economic thinking. They love to designate themselves as some kind of arbiter/judge that gets to determine whether or not someone "deserves" the amount of money you have. If you inherit a ton of money, for example, you don't "deserve" it, so that should be subject to essentially a confiscatory tax. If you earn passive income, you didn't "work for it," so that should be taxed at a higher rate.

Also lost on them is the irony that they believe the US Government was founded on racism, sexism, white privilege, genocide of Native Americans, etc., but the solution to all of this is to allow this same government to correct it. Many (not all) of them hate the government and probably actually hate the country itself, but this same government also has all the solutions. Remember Occupy Wall Street and how they were upset the banks got hundreds of billions? They were in NYC, in front of the banks, to protest. Why not protest in front of the entity that gave them all the money? If they didn't get that money, many of them would have gone bankrupt, to the glee of the Occupiers. I never once saw their anger directed at Congress or the Federal Reserve. I think that's because ultimately they aren't upset that the banks got money. They're upset the banks got money but they didn't.
Groups like Occupy Wall Street are not organic.

Someone is paying the “organizers” to protest and telling them exactly what and where to protest.


I trust Bill Gates far more than I do 99% of people in DC/state government. Remove the ones obviously in bed with the government (Bezos, Kochs etc) and I would say I generally trust them more. they actually did something of worth, most politicians just make things worse for the people.

and your way to fix the level of influence is to tax away most of their wealth? May not be poverty but that sounds like straight highway robbery. Nothing the dems have proposed would do one thing to remove that power. in fact any socialist idea just puts more power and money into fewer hands. its a recipe for disaster. all you are doing is playing to what one side's rich backers want them to say. because they know it won't actually hurt the 1%ers. the 1% will stay the one percent, it will even get worse. all you are doing is making the mid 2-25% look a lot like the bottom 25.

Sen. Bernie Sanders - Campaign Finance Summary

I see a couple big names on that contribution list. may not be as big as some others but he isn't telling them no. Also willing to bet a few of your Billionaires made individual contributions to him.
You may want to read up on Bill Gates and his dad.

Not trustworthy IMO.

Large stake in Monsanto. Dad was into eugenics.
Groups like Occupy Wall Street are not organic.

Someone is paying the “organizers” to protest and telling them exactly what and where to protest.

Yes, although to be fair most of these groups are not organic. The Tea Party was far from "grassroots."
No, there was capitalism aside from the serf system. There were middle class craftsmen and shop keepers in the Middle ages. There were always bankers, too.
That's just a piece. And like I said there wasnt upward mobility. It was just a monied class.
If we are judging based on parents we have a long way to go before we find anyone

Not what I’m saying. I’m questioning whether or not Bill Gates is also pro-eugenics.

Are you familiar with Eugenics?

Margaret Sanger was an advocate - she also founded the organization that became Planned Parenthood.

In addition to Microsoft, Gates has a huge ownership stake in Monsanto which is making the news lately for “trade secrets” of suppressing data that showed Roundup was a dangerous carcinogen.

Monsanto now has ownership stakes in many food companies. Tests have shown that Roundup is also being found in the food we eat.

I don’t trust him whatsoever.
Monsanto belongs to Bayer now and Bayer is selling or has sold several of their ventures. The pet supplies area and Coppertone products are two that I know of.

Coppertone now belongs to Beiersdorf the makers of Nivea.
Not what I’m saying. I’m questioning whether or not Bill Gates is also pro-eugenics.

Are you familiar with Eugenics?

Margaret Sanger was an advocate - she also founded the organization that became Planned Parenthood.

In addition to Microsoft, Gates has a huge ownership stake in Monsanto which is making the news lately for “trade secrets” of suppressing data that showed Roundup was a dangerous carcinogen.

Monsanto now has ownership stakes in many food companies. Tests have shown that Roundup is also being found in the food we eat.

I don’t trust him whatsoever.
So Gates is a decision maker there?

And you are still comparing him to politicians. And all they do is lie. Planned pArenthood is an interesting point to pull considering at least half of Congress fully support it. You are differentiating from Gates. If there is a conection
So Gates is a decision maker there?

And you are still comparing him to politicians. And all they do is lie. Planned pArenthood is an interesting point to pull considering at least half of Congress fully support it. You are differentiating from Gates. If there is a conection
I just stated my opinion. I don’t trust him.

You stated your opinion “I trust Bill Gates far more than I do 99% of people in DC/state government.”

That seemed to be an endorsement of some sort. If not, then I misunderstood.
So Gates is a decision maker there?

And you are still comparing him to politicians. And all they do is lie. Planned pArenthood is an interesting point to pull considering at least half of Congress fully support it. You are differentiating from Gates. If there is a conection
Looks like Gates is going public with geoengineering (aka chemtrails).

Looks like Gates is going public with geoengineering (aka chemtrails).

Did you read this article? It's about an experiment to put 100 grams of calcium carbonate (yes, the active ingredient in Tums) into the atmosphere to see how it disperses in order to assess the viability of a method designed to mitigate climate change.

Save us Qanon!!
Did you read this article? It's about an experiment to put 100 grams of calcium carbonate (yes, the active ingredient in Tums) into the atmosphere to see how it disperses in order to assess the viability of a method designed to mitigate climate change.

Save us Qanon!!
Do you believe soft disclosure ever happens?

FWIW, I don’t believe any official explanation I’ve ever heard for geoengineering.

If you can look up in the sky and see a checkerboard of contrails that don’t evaporate and think that’s normal, then you’re kidding yourself.

Look into it for yourself.

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