If Trump doesn't win in 2020, the church leaders will be murdered.

The VA is perfectly fine. Please spare me any anecdotal evidence of how bad the VA is.

If it's so perfectly fine then we can expect you to accept a job working there, right doc?

Spare you? Oh hell effing no...
how about when the patient monitor goes off and the patient is gasping for breath and you have to go out of the room multiple times requesting help and finally have to scream your head off to get enough attention to get oxygen brought into the room because everybody is standing around the station chatting and cutting up.

Or how about getting chemo there and being told they were going to change to an experimental 3 drug cocktail dosage and if you didn't agree you could just go home and die or find another hospital.

Or how about when they remove a lower lobe of a lung and instead of correctly sewing up the incision they basically just whip stitched it all together so the patient could no longer raise their arm up on that side.

Don't you dare presume to tell me the VA is fine. I dealt with them repeatedly during my dad's battle with cancer.

VA has been effed up for decades.
I didn’t want to entertain an idiotic statement. But it seems that I must respond now.

Let’s be clear. Donating money to charity, as considerate as it is, will not resolve the systemic issue that exists. Me “setting an example” by splitting my wealth with nurses will certainly not fix the issue, and goes against what I believe in. As shockingly enough, I believe in most aspects of capitalism, and I nor anyone else support a structure in which hard work is not rewarded. These ludicrous statements that any progressive must donate all their money to set an example is utterly ridiculous, and paints this false picture that socialism is guided on purely economic equality for all. This is utterly false. The purpose of socialism, from its origin was to serve as a critique of capitalism and address the flaws. I am not an advocate for outright socialism, nor do I believe any democratic candidate is, despite all of the candidates being labeled socialists (many of whom are far from a socialist ideologically). There is a systemic issue in which unregulated capitalism can lead to exploitation from the wealthy, and that our country has been dominated by corporate interests for decades. But unfortunately we live in a country in which individuals who want an objective conversation and who have a critique on capitalism are quickly labeled as “socialist extremist” or “Venezuela lovers”.
In every doctor's poffice I have been in, the nurses and PAs 'work' far harder than the doctor, therefore they should be paid more. Your words. YOu aren't even willing to split the fees.
The VA is perfectly fine. Please spare me any anecdotal evidence of how bad the VA is.

The living wage is probably my least important resolution amongst all the issues, as some states will be hit hard by this.

Oh please let’s not act like that accounts for the entire 1%.
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Democrats want to give out healthcare for all then stop trying to shove the joke that is Medicare up our butts and give us exactly, and I mean exactly, what the military has in the Tricare system.
Bad analogy. The Single Payer system would be based on Medicaid, which works very well.
LOL.. If you are not destitute, Medicaid will ensure that you are by seizing all your assets to pay for that 'free' medical service. Do you really know what Medicaid is, and can you seriously say with a straight face that you believe it is a good alternative to anything we currently have?
So much about this post that demonstrates what is wrong with the liberal view. Your first statement. "I don’t expect anyone to donate their wealth to the point in which they become impoverished". Donate is an interesting word, because as a leftist, you advocate taxing anyone that the .gov deems 'rich' into that same poverty. Or at a minimum into a position of wealth that YOU decide is adequate. What an arrogant position! Who are you or the .gov to determine what is 'enough'?

No one is advocating taxing anyone into poverty? The idea is to explore ways in which we can mitigate income inequality. I am sure that you do not believe that a system in which 3 individuals contain more wealth than the poorest 160,000,000 people is healthy for the economy and the American people.

And the even more rightening thing is that you and the .gov don't allow them to donate, because YOU know better how to spend thart money. How much more good if Jeff Bezos were to be able to donate his money to charitable causes that go to cure Malaria or heart disease or cancer instead of having it go into the governmental black hole to fund bridges to nowhere and needle exchanges in SFO?

It is as if you are implying that we should have more faith in individual billionaires than a democratically elected government? Is this truly what you are implying? No one is stopping Jeff Bezos from donating money. I am sure you are aware that the billionaires/multi-millionaires and their influence on our politicians is precisely why our system is corrupt and useless. Your cynicism toward the government and their overall ineptitude is based off the same issues I am putting forth.

Second statement: "I believe that people who work harder should make more money than people who don’t work as hard.' How do you determine what is hard work? Should a ditch digger make more than Bill Gates. Those are your words. If you or I risk the money we have earned on a struggling business, and that business then succeeds, should we be rewarded for that risk? Capitalism is about risk as much as hard work. And your exact quote says that a McDonalds fry cook should make more money than I do. They work hard. Every McDonalds I have been in (which is not many grant you) has been swamped and they are going like crazy the entire time. On an international flight, my 'work' is not that difficult. I make radio calls and make sure the technology is doing what it is supposed to do. When you finish med school, your work, won't be all that hard on a day to day basis. Compared to a guy that climbs phone poles and splices electrical cables 100 feet off the ground... your job won't be all that difficult. I could go on and on with this. So did you mean physically taxing? Because your argument is a big fat fail on that front if you did. So then to give you the benefit of the doubt, let's say you are including mentally taxing as well. I guess you think that successful (rich) investors just throw a dart and pick a stock to invest in that suddenly makes them rich. Well that view is about as clueless as you can get too. It is hard 'work" deciding whether or not you will make more money in Nike or Starbucks or Amazon. There is a lot of research involved. Kind of like med school. OR did you just get lucky and fall into an MD degree? IF that is the case, I am really fearful for the future of that profession.

So help me out here and define 'hard work', and then tell me how you determine what kind of 'hard work' is worthy in the eyes of the .gov to keep the money they earn.

I feel like you are rambling here. I'm not sure what the purpose of this is other than the common pro capitalist "if you work hard you will do well" theme isn't that accurate in your eyes?

The one area where I will agree with you is that the uber wealthy have undue influence on the political system. Interestingly enough, that is true for everyone in DC except for one person... the one person that you completely detest. And he had his wealth before arriving in DC.

He also had his wealth before birth as well. If you truly think Bernie or Warren are secretly fighting for the interests of corporations, I truly do not know how to have an objective conversation with you.
I sincerely hope that you will address this response, as I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on these things.

I don't have enough time to reply to every post, but you asked for this one in particular.
Socialism existed long before capitalism. It was first a response to monarchies and oligarcharies in which wealth was actually controlled.

Wealth controls at either end of the spectrum dont work. Capitalism allowed actual movement between "classes" something neither monarcharies or socialism allows, and is a fairly recent development compared to the others. Largely accredited to the industrial revolution.

If you are at all for any type of wage control you are socialist. And it's not contradictory to believe that you would share your income that falls over that amount. All you are arguing for is the government sets that vs actual charity. Most people would rather determine their own level of charity vs the government telling them how much they can earn.

Which is why it is unhealthy for people to believe in pure unregulated capitalism without socialistic aspects to counter.
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Those are pretty nice cities controlled by liberals...

I am just sick of Trump attacking Americans. How about offering to help figure out a solution? Why all the derision?
You’re serious? It’s a laser pointer —> look here 👀

As in, look into Elijah Cummings (and his wife) and anyone else in Baltimore politics that has been part of their decades long problem.

Why are people still offended by Trump’s style? He is who he is and it’s not going to change. Political correctness is out the window.
I just want him to define what he means by hard work. I really like my doctor, but I have never, ever seen him sweating.

Hard work in the sense of developing one's education or talents that has lead to increased skill level for high skilled and paying jobs. Relax.

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