Ilhan Omar calls to dismantle entire US economic system. She makes $175k/year btw.

She makes alot more than 175k . Perks and benefits. Nobody leaves congress poor.
$174k. If she serves 5 years she is eligible for a pension of 1% of her salary for each year she serves. Lets hope she only gets that 10K a year and she goes and buys all of Somalia where she can live free and not face oppression.
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$174k. If she serves 5 years she is eligible for a pension of 1% of her salary for each year she serves. Lets hope she only gets that 10K a year and she goes and buys all of Somalia where she can live free and not face oppression.

Unfortunately pension plans for Congress members are MUCH more lucrative than that
Unfortunately pension plans for Congress members are MUCH more lucrative than that
Nope. Its FERS. 1% of their top 3 salary for each year they serve. Same as everyone else in government who isnt in the legacy CSRS system.

My pension as a GS 14 (Ill be a 15 or higher when I retire) will be more than 90% of people who served in congress.

The big difference is they can use their position as a member of congress or former member for higher paying jobs afterwards, usually as lobbyists.
Words do not violate the Constitution. Actions violate the Constitution. She can say whatever she wants, but it's meaningless unless she attempts to put those words to action. Even then, there's lots of leeway. It's the job of the courts to interpret the Constitution, which is why the fact they have become a political body worries me. Justices and judges should be about the law, not politics.
Whoah whoah... did you not get the memo? Words are the biggest enemy to anyone these days. When historians look back at this time in American History it will be referred to as the “Feelings Age”.
Putting on my Nostradamus hat, this is where you tell us how the Fed tossing bailout money all over the place is socialism, right?

Yeah, that's not socialism.
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Whoah whoah... did you not get the memo? Words are the biggest enemy to anyone these days. When historians look back at this time in American History it will be referred to as the “Feelings Age”.
The Era of Delicate Feelings, and we already have the Era of Good Feelings
I like it.
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Let's start with cutting her salary to $24K, then deporting her.

There! freedom from our systemic "economic and political oppression".

That is the modern Republican party in a nutshell. We will drape ourselves in the constitution to support racism, sexism and all types bigotry, but the moment someone has the temerity to say something that offends us... DEPORT 'EM!
That is the modern Republican party in a nutshell. We will drape ourselves in the constitution to support racism, sexism and all types bigotry, but the moment someone has the temerity to say something that offends us... DEPORT 'EM!

Daily Must Have Blue Font To Counter Linear Thought Award - congrats!
Mick - Runner-Up DMHBFCLTA to you, buddy!

You guys might start to recognize fascism in the cattle car to the gulag.
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That is the modern Republican party in a nutshell. We will drape ourselves in the constitution to support racism, sexism and all types bigotry, but the moment someone has the temerity to say something that offends us... DEPORT 'EM!

Not me , I say keep her and let her ignorance shine under that liberal lamp post . That’s goes for the other ignorant ones you guys have been collecting under that tent .
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Not me , I say keep her and let her ignorance shine under that liberal lamp post . That’s goes for the other ignorant ones you guys have been collecting under that tent .

Upvoted but there's really nothing liberal about them; they should be called leftists. Sorry, pet peeve of mine, not allowing them to define themselves by a diametrically opposing term.
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Upvoted but there's really nothing liberal about them; they should be called leftists. Sorry, pet peeve of mine, not allowing them to define themselves by a diametrically opposing term.

I agree they are the extreme but every extremist wanting to destroy our system and country right now votes liberal . Funny how that’s working out . Not long ago we were being called crazy for saying they were socialist.
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I agree they are the extreme but every extremist wanting to destroy our system and country right now votes liberal . Funny how that’s working out . Not long ago we were being called crazy for saying they were socialist.

That assumes Democrats are a liberal party. I disagree. Let's call them what they are. Leftists, Marxist, etc. but they ain't 'liberal'.

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