Ilhan Omar calls to dismantle entire US economic system. She makes $175k/year btw.

That has zero to do with your claim about treason. Walk it back or admit you are anti American. It's pretty simple. You have claimed that someone should be tried for treason for having a opinion you disagree with. You are the anti American one. And it's extremely dangerous thought process you have that should be shouted down by everyone when it rears it's ugly head. Our whole system is grounded in people being allowed to having differing thought. Even commies, fascists, and all others. By trying to silence them you are them.

True, but tell it to fascist social media.
That has zero to do with your claim about treason. Walk it back or admit you are anti American. It's pretty simple. You have claimed that someone should be tried for treason for having a opinion you disagree with. You are the anti American one. And it's extremely dangerous thought process you have that should be shouted down by everyone when it rears it's ugly head. Our whole system is grounded in people being allowed to having differing thought. Even commies, fascists, and all others. By trying to silence them you are them.
Let me guess, you're a muslim or you're in your early 20's.
Maybe you should be tried for treason for having positions I disagree with? Do you see how dumb you sound?

All of this is nationalism vs globalism. Basically why Trumpism is popular, regardless of whether one thinks he was effective. MAGA, securing borders, energy independence, etc..were so offensive
You thinking people should be tried for treason for having thoughts is about as anti American as it gets. Whack job.

And we have committed tons of atrocities. Even murdering our own citizens without s
Due process. Let's not pretend we are clean here.
LOL says someone that obviously supported numerous impeachment trials.
Didn't but nice try
I do believe the term 'treason' gets thrown about way too much. Like the words hero and racist, it has lost it's real meaning. I am not so sure that John Kerry is not guilty of it however, but to attach it to either Trump or Xiden is a bit of a stretch. Xiden just cares more about the rest of the world than he does his own country. That is readily apparent, and damned near impossible to deny.
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Nope and nope. But feel free to keep being anti American. You have the right to do so. I have the right to point how you have zero understanding of our founding
Free speech is one thing….. treason is another. She’s a disgusting POS and essentially an enemy of the state…. It’s piss poor form for her to make such comments especially with her Muslim third world background, but hanging seems a bit much.
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She is like the idiots from up north that move to Tennessee and bitch and moan about everything and how in "Michigan or fill in the blank failed state" we did it this way. Many of time I've told them if was so F'n great then why did you move here? Usually the respnse was their weather sucked and their taxes were too high.

My california neighbor started that.

I cut him off and say no offense but you moved here because your business bailed out of cali due to crap like that. You are here no and we dont want u changing it. If u dont like it leave because we didnt want you here in the first place.

We dont talk much now....
We are going to see more and more “Omars’” be elected as the SA citizens will ALWAYS congregate in small areas so they can elect one of their own. It is the express plan of the Muslim religion.

I still say the FF had an express intent in including "natural born citizen" as a presidential requirement. In their day it had express meaning rather than a nebulous "it means what we want it to mean" today. Too bad they couldn't see into the future on stuff like this, and put more stipulations on who can hold office. I can't see them approving newbies who haven't been in the country long enough to understand what the whole concept is about; or worse, those who would just import their native country's conflicting values with them; it's a shame we haven't had the collective wisdom to nip it in the bud. It's criminal we haven't had the collective wisdom to vet candidates rather than accept political party's "he/she/it is good to go". Nobody has any business running for US federal office if they weren't born here of US citizens.
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Show me where we ever "expected" people to assimilate. They do so naturally. First for families don't. That goes back all the way to the founding of this country. Hence why China town and little Italy exist. It's a myth the fresh off the boat people assimilated. They got jobs.

So once they assimilate and understand what the country is all about, they can run for office. Otherwise, if they don't like it, they can go back home.
We are going to see more and more “Omars’” be elected as the SA citizens will ALWAYS congregate in small areas so they can elect one of their own. It is the express plan of the Muslim religion.
I've often wondered, since the media loves to bring up gay marriage and such when questioning a Republican, why they never ask her how she feels about it. I'm curious if she'd remain loyal to her religion, or party?
You are entering EL territory.
How so? Freedom of speech is indeed a fundamental right guaranteed by the First Amendment. You don't have to agree with her opinions, I generally don't, but she has every right to have them. That's not "treasonous". To deny someone their Constitutional rights would be un-American. Posters are losing their minds and making wild assertions that just are not true. And using the excuse "well the other side does it" really isn't an adequate justification.
That has zero to do with your claim about treason. Walk it back or admit you are anti American. It's pretty simple. You have claimed that someone should be tried for treason for having a opinion you disagree with. You are the anti American one. And it's extremely dangerous thought process you have that should be shouted down by everyone when it rears it's ugly head. Our whole system is grounded in people being allowed to having differing thought. Even commies, fascists, and all others. By trying to silence them you are them.

Should his thoughts be shouted down so other’s opinions can be are the only opinions heard? So in your mind are their “different” thoughts the only ones allowed?
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