"I'm Voting For _________ Because"



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
I see alot from both sides saying they are voting against Trump or Biden, this thread is to tell us why you are voting for your candidate, no mentioning of other candidates.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but plan to this time and while disappointed in his failure to drain the swamp, I like that he will call out the media and I don't think he will put our soldiers in wars that we have no place being in and I feel he is the best choice for me and my families financial future.
I voted for Trump in 2016. I won’t be voting for president this time unless it is a third party candidate
Biden because he is not a horrendously despicable human and will reverse the current downward spiral and shredding of the fabric of society.
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Biden because he isn't a petulant 6 year old.
Full disclosure...Biden was a Dem I used to have alot of respect for but
1) He has become a panderer with no leadership qualities
2) I sincerely feel he is not well mentally
A somewhat scary fact, Sam Nunn was another Dem I had respect for, he has been retired from the Senate for 23 years yet he and Biden are almost the same age.....Biden would be 83 during his 1st term.
Biden because he is not a horrendously despicable human and will reverse the current downward spiral and shredding of the fabric of society.
What has Trump done that makes him a "horrendously despicable human"?

The current downward spiral was started by a pandemic and now continues with leftist groups who want to destroy the American way of life and neither has anything do with Trump.
Biden because he is not a horrendously despicable human and will reverse the current downward spiral and shredding of the fabric of society.
You’re not giving Biden enough credit..... he actually is a horrendously despicable human.
......and he’ll reverse the current downward spiral?...... 🤣.....I still can’t tell if you’re “special” or just a 💩4 🧠s
You misspelled dementia. The way he stammers and forgets where he is half the time. It’s concerning.
Bro.... don’t question my Tennessee State Tiger education😎..... I got this
Definition of demented

1: MAD, INSANEThe advertising campaign for the movie version is trying to sell it as a prankish comedy, with the eccentric aunt who appears from nowhere as a demented Mary Poppins.— Pauline Kael… the violence was instigated directly by Serbian nationalists in Bosnia and in Belgrade as part of their dementedproject to separate the two intermixed ethnic communities once and for all,— Charles Simic
2: suffering from or exhibiting cognitive dementiaAt least one-third of people serving as caregivers for a demented husband or wife become chronically depressed.
You misspelled dementia. The way he stammers and forgets where he is half the time. It’s concerning.

I know you said you aren’t voting for Trump but he is just s as bad if not worse than Biden. He slurs his speech constantly and goes to his escape word “Look!” every time he loses his train of thought which is often.

And the way he drinks water with two hands is a sign either a weak shoulder or a mild stroke. Remember that mysterious hospital visit he had back in Nov?
I see alot from both sides saying they are voting against Trump or Biden, this thread is to tell us why you are voting for your candidate, no mentioning of other candidates.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but plan to this time and while disappointed in his failure to drain the swamp, I like that he will call out the media and I don't think he will put our soldiers in wars that we have no place being in and I feel he is the best choice for me and my families financial future.

Biden because he isn't a petulant 6 year old.

Now compare the two responses and honestly tell me which one seems like the most mature and most thought out post.

Plus, he really didn't answer why he is voting "for" Biden.

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