much this. If you Trump haters wanna be HONEST and just say "I am voting for Biden bc I hate Trump." Or. " I am voting for Biden bc I am a Dem/liberal"...OK. You're ignorant but at least being honest with yourself or other people.
To say yall are voting for Biden because he has some great record or trait is just to be full of sheit!!! The man spearheaded the 1994 crime bill that locked up millions of people for simple drug posession(for long prison terms), which disproportionately affected Dimwits and minorities, he has been in DC for half a century making the clusterf$%k we have now...while still managing not to accomplish anything really important, and now the man is 80 years old and unlike Trump is suffering from dementia, alzheimers, or both and struggles just to complete a sentence WITH a teleprompter in his face telling him EXACTLY to say. Along with the almost daily gaffes and "senior moments" where he is completely dumbstruck and lost ...we have the several racist comments and telling black folks that if they dont vote for him that they "arent black". Did I forget to mention the creepy way he is always fondling women and children, mostly children, as the video shows the poor kids with their skin crawling? How many separate pictures and videos of that phenomenon are there, dozens?
I get having to lower expectations and accept flaws in a candidate in order to at least keep SOME or MOST of your ideals and values represented by your candidate in office...versus the guy from the opposite end of the spectrum in the other party. Any honest Trump voter will admit that, including most of the posters here. Most folks here arent big fans of Trumps personality, or many things that he says. What I dont get is you clowns acting like there is even 1 single redeeming quality about Biden that makes you WANT to vote for him. I get you feeling like you HAVE to vote AGAINST Trump....but yall are absolutely full of sheit acting like there is any reason whatsoever to vote FOR Biden... full of sheit. You guys are so Trump obsessed there are 15 threads here in this forum right now (more surely) where yall cant help but make every single thing about Trump. He lives in your heads, rent free. Time to just be honest about that...creepy, demented Joe needs to be put out to play golf and hit the cafeteria at 4pm for the early bird specials. The man cant even finish a sentence, and the best thing he has going for him right now is that, like the media apparently, he cant even remember all the garbage legislation he pushed for the last 50 years like that 1994 crime bill. What a joke.