"I'm Voting For _________ Because"

What do you like about the other Jo?
I think she’s at minimum a small step towards common sense being back in charge instead of just “I am a (insert D/R) so I must have all these exact views and no one on the other side can ever have a good idea.” I feel like she has a better chance of bringing everyone back together than either Biden or a Trump could ever do. Also, I hate the two party system as it is today.
Honestly I was secretly hoping Trumo was going to cite his age and decline to run again this year. My only question is who would've run for the Republican nomination this year if that happened
That's a good question... Apologies to the Dems but that was a bad field they had imo..Im a Rand Paul supporter and Ted Cruz will always be one of the most intelligent guys no matter the room he is in
That's a good question... Apologies to the Dems but that was a bad field they had imo..Im a Rand Paul supporter and Ted Cruz will always be one of the most intelligent guys no matter the room he is in
Late in 16 I started liking Cruz a lot. Personally I would like to see Jeb Bush run again i don't think he got a fair shake or ever had a chance
Interesting how democrats in this thread have reconciled Bidens kid touching as being something normal and not despicable. Remember when people said the left world try to normalize pedophilia and they laughed and said thats crazy? Well....
I know you said you aren’t voting for Trump but he is just s as bad if not worse than Biden. He slurs his speech constantly and goes to his escape word “Look!” every time he loses his train of thought which is often.

And the way he drinks water with two hands is a sign either a weak shoulder or a mild stroke. Remember that mysterious hospital visit he had back in Nov?

I disagree with nearly everything Joe Biden supports. Imagine how Joe Biden will look and act after four years from now if he already can’t read a teleprompter? He will need to be carried around like Weekend at Bernie’s
Career politicians that tell you who to hate , particularly wealthy people and then spend a lifetime voting to enrich their own lives. Raises, pensions, healthcare for life etc. Everytime I hear them complain about a CEO's compensation or golden parachute it makes me want to puke.

So yeah the guy on the right.
Me. Because. And my wife is hot.

I'm voting this guy, because. And, his wife is hot.....or are you a her.....

Sure as heck can not be any worse than what we have. Probability should say that's a freaking guarantee.

You going to be able to handle the press and media.....it takes a special kind of patience and self control to do that, or will you be piss and vinegar and fire and ice and not play their games and just stick to solutions and the issues needing solutions.... instead of the gossipy, high school, fruitless, and irrelevant drivel they try and create?

No need to answer, already getting my vote.
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Man nobody even tried to do what the op asked 😂

I will ...I will never vote for Biden because he and every Dem that’s tried to run for POTUS has told me they want to restrict my 2a . I’ll never vote for anyone who isn’t afraid to tell me that I’m going to take your firearms , NEVER.
Once we figure out who would be President in the event that Trump lost re-election I think this question would be a lot easier to answer.
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Trump for many reasons. One being, Biden has been in DC nearly 50 years and hasn’t done dick. What makes people think he’s gonna get things done now.
Another, when Trump wins again I want to see the snowflakes lose what’s left of their minds.
Who cares about the election, catch phrases........what are the best tag lines and political buffoonery that can be marketed and given grade A advertisement appeal, both sides......maybe the MEME thread is just that.......

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