"I'm Voting For _________ Because"

Trump. My biggest issue is the minimum wage debate. I fear a push for $15 federal minimum wage if the Democrats take control. My family owns a small business which cannot sustain this. In some areas, yes, I understand it, but it is not sustainable for small businesses in rural West and East TN.

I'm curious, what kind of business? With as many people out of work these days, I suspect people will be looking for work where they can find it. Especially since a lot of jobs won't be coming back. Many companies are automating during this pandemic. Net result jobs people were laid off from won't exist once the economy starts picking up. Yes other types of jobs will also be created as a result of the shift in how the economy works. So that means retraining etc.
Hope you didn't take it wrong wasn't try to make a statement...just was watching a travel show and the host mentioned it

Not at all. It's just something "we do" in Oregon. Yes, it's a bit different from most of the country, but hey, that's ok. You live in a beautiful part of the country, just as I live in a beautiful part of the country... Enjoy, have fun and make a good life for yourself and your family.
I'm voting for Biden because he isn't Trump

There not a lot of reasons to vote for Biden; however, only this one is needed
Again, it’s a shame that the party that claims to have the most intelligent and informed voter base ends up nominating a 78 year old closet pedophile with profound cognitive difficulties. And the only thing those voters can point to in support of Biden is, “well, he’s not Trump.”
I guess both Trump and Biden are viable in that either could win. No other candidates are viable.

Neither Trump nor Biden are acceptable. Off the top of my head, I'd take Mitch Daniels in a heartbeat.
The same Mitch Daniels that contracted out the Indiana toll road to Spain for 75 years?
Again, it’s a shame that the party that claims to have the most intelligent and informed voter base ends up nominating a 78 year old closet pedophile with profound cognitive difficulties. And the only thing those voters can point to in support of Biden is, “well, he’s not Trump.”

I'm not a Democrat and if they had nominated Warren or Sanders, I likely would have voted for Trump.

I'm an independent that does not think Trump has the temperament or maturity to navigate a crisis. You saw it with the PR hurricanes, the protests this year, and response to COVID. My fear isnt his politics or his normal day-to-day governing, it's when a crisis hits.
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Trump. My biggest issue is the minimum wage debate. I fear a push for $15 federal minimum wage if the Democrats take control. My family owns a small business which cannot sustain this. In some areas, yes, I understand it, but it is not sustainable for small businesses in rural West and East TN.
This is exactly why there shouldn’t be a federal or state minimum wage. Everything should be handled on the city/county level.
Again, it’s a shame that the party that claims to have the most intelligent and informed voter base ends up nominating a 78 year old closet pedophile with profound cognitive difficulties. And the only thing those voters can point to in support of Biden is, “well, he’s not Trump.”

Better than a 74 year old grandiose narcissistic obese jackass who molests women, shirks his duties, lies and is the worst leader to ever become president.
Better than a 74 year old grandiose narcissistic obese jackass who molests women, shirks his duties, lies and is the worst leader to ever become president.
I rest my case. Biden could have been in the room with Jerry Sandusky, diddling himself, and all you clowns can say is, “well, he’s not Trump.”
I rest my case. Biden could have been in the room with Jerry Sandusky, diddling himself, and all you clowns can say is, “well, he’s not Trump.”

As usual, you missed the meaning of my reponse. I think Biden is a better candidate with far less reprehensible qualities.
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Libertarians don't ever have good candidates.
They have had some good ones. It's just that most people on the right are slaves on the GOP plantation. They'll vote for any clown the party props up. Outside of Bob Barr and Johnson, most of the other candidates the LP have had were better than McCain, Romney, Dole or W. I might even throw Trump on that list but that would be slightly disingenuous right now. Let's see if he builds that wall, locks her up or drains the swamp...
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I am an independent and will be voting for trump.... I will not vote for a 3rd party bc until their is some kind of united movement to get a viable third party candidate it is a wasted vote...I feel that right now the democrats at the national level are the most divisive, manipulative group I have ever seen in our history.... They don’t care about what is best for America but what will buy them more votes no matter the effect on this country.... I will vote for Trump bc I feel he is the best candidate for increased freedom(although he is not the best there either), will work to improve businesses, make America strong, steal less of money, decrease a lot of this stupid regulation, and give me more opportunities to grow and prosper.
I am an independent and will be voting for trump.... I will not vote for a 3rd party bc until their is some kind of united movement to get a viable third party candidate it is a wasted vote...I feel that right now the democrats at the national level are the most divisive, manipulative group I have ever seen in our history.... They don’t care about what is best for America but what will buy them more votes no matter the effect on this country.... I will vote for Trump bc I feel he is the best candidate for increased freedom(although he is not the best there either), will work to improve businesses, make America strong, steal less of money, decrease a lot of this stupid regulation, and give me more opportunities to grow and prosper.

Trump is the most divisive President I have seen in my lifetime. Calling out the Democrats (or Joe Biden) for being divisive is irony on acid.
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Trump is the most divisive President I have seen in my lifetime. Calling out the Democrats (or Joe Biden) for being divisive is irony on acid.
Trump is definitely not a feel good bring everyone together type of president but equally talks to black,white, Mexican, women, rich, poor, homosexual. And whatever other group the exact same way..... that’s what equality is.... you may not like it or agree with it but it’s the way it is.... Democrats imo don’t treat people equally and try to create division in white versus black/minorities..... straight versus homosexual..... poor versus rich.... they really don’t care about any of these people but feel if they can get any of the supposed marginalized groups to vote in high numbers for Dems then they can stay in power. Just look at the protests..... white protests was killing people.... black lives matters protests where actual people died were for the good of the people...... start to pay attention to being manipulated like that.... it is very eye opening or at least it was to me.
Not if you know something about cars. If your only two choices are crappy ones, you walk away.

I've got a crappy car that's imploding. I have a chance to keep that same crappy car or get a slightly less crappy one...
Again, it’s a shame that the party that claims to have the most intelligent and informed voter base ends up nominating a 78 year old closet pedophile with profound cognitive difficulties. And the only thing those voters can point to in support of Biden is, “well, he’s not Trump.”
It's a shame the rep. elected someone who is so horrible that the "well, he's not Trump" is all that is needed.

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