Indigenous Marchers, Covington Catholic HS, and Black Israelites preachers = a buffet of media mess

All groups involved did wrong but nobody broke the law.
Then why are all groups not being condemned by the media? It's only the white kids. I have a die hard liberal friend on Facebook, and after someone posted the whole video on her post about the white kids, she's still in denial. She said "I don't care what the others did, that white boy triggered it all with his racist smirking". I mean really? It's laughable how hypocritical the left is, not all, but the majority.
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The Washington Post’s Self Pity Over Its Failures On The Covington Catholic Story Is Not A Good Sign For The Media

To say that the mainstream media really screwed up on the Covington Catholic saga is putting it lightly. Between attempting to make kids out to be racist villains based on nothing but the word of activists and their readiness to believe them because the kids were white, male, and wearing MAGA hats, the media has so much egg on its face that they’ll be wiping it off for a long time.

The Washington Post is just one of the many media outlets who royally screwed the pooch when it came to this debacle. According to it, they were just trying their best to keep up with a story. The real problem was with what WaPo calls the “Trump Internet,” who pounced on the poor Washington Post as it attempted to report the facts.

On Wednesday, WaPo released an article titled “A viral story spread. The mainstream media rushed to keep up. The Trump Internet pounced.” The article centers around the Washington Post attempting to make excuses and feel sorry for itself about how the Covington Catholic story played out for it. What’s more, it made sure you understood that the reason it looked so bad is that opposition press, all of which is apparently of the right-wing conspiracy theory variety, was ready to act.

“The online supporters of the president were ready for a moment like the Covington Catholic controversy,” declared WaPo, who then went into describing the play by play events that guided their reporting.

The outlet this proceeds to tell the story of releasing facts as they had them, and were unaware of the whole story, building it as they went. The trouble is that the story they built was definitely one-sided, as they proceeded to release quotes from the likes of Nathan Phillips and nearby activists who were clearly not friendly to the Covington Catholic students, or the truth for that matter as it was falsely claimed the students were shouting “build the wall.”

The Post claimed it was unaware of such factors as the Black Israelites, a hate group that was screaming vile, racist things at the students just nearby.

“Post journalists worked diligently on Saturday and Sunday to present the facts of the incident as we learned them,” Cameron Barr, managing editor of The Post, said in a statement. “This was a complex encounter involving many people with sharply different perspectives — we reported what we could verify by talking to participants and witnesses and examining the available video. As is often the case, reporting over time allows a more complete picture to emerge.”

Only the Post didn’t complete the picture. A narrative was generated with the help of the Post that painted the students as the evil racists the left and its press had been preaching about for ages. There were multiple videos that told the truth of the story circulating, and it took Reason’s Robby Soave to actually watch the videos and get the real truth of things.
Then the tide started to turn and the narrative began to collapse right on top of the heads of those who held it, the Post included. WaPo marks this as a turning point in the story, but that its so-called diligent reporting was suddenly turned against it by conspiracy theorists on the right such as Mike Cernovich and Gateway Pundit.

According to WaPo, they pounced on the fact that WaPo’s reporting hadn’t caught up to the whole story yet and made it seem like WaPo was attempting to jump on a story that would damage Trump and the right without facts.

This is a weak tactic by the Post to make it seem as if its opposition isn’t the citizenry who did its due diligence and actually went through the footage to get the facts, but crazy conspiracy theorists with connections to the alt-right. The narrative from WaPo’s explanation article is “we’re the calm diligent press trying to get a story right, and they’re the crazy Pizzagate right-wing press pointing fingers at poor, noble us.”

The fact is, from Reason to RedState, the Covington Catholic story was being told the proper way while the Washington Post was painting a narrative, and releasing side articles such as “The Catholic Church’s Shameful History of Native American Abuses.

The scary part is that this isn’t a good sign for the media.

WaPo seems to be holding itself as a victim of a right-wing smear campaign, when really it was called out by the citizenry for attempting its own smear campaign against a group of kids as well as the right, and Christianity.

This is giving off the vibe that the mainstream press isn’t going to learn its lesson. It’s going to view itself as a noble entity soldiering on in the face of an evil right-wing attack machine.


The Washington Post's Self Pity Over Its Failures On the Covington Catholic Story Is Not a Good Sign for the Media
Man Told To Remove His Trump Shirt At Gym Because It Was “Racist”

Staff Sergeant Jake Talbot was working out at CDY Fitness in Troy, MO as he had many times before. This time during his workout the gym’s owner Liz approached him and told him he could not wear his Trump 2016 shirt to the gym and that it was offensive to her and others. “The owner Liz came up to me and said that Trump shirt I had on was offensive and said I needed to remove it in order to work out there, and that it is linked to racism. I hate the word, its used way too loosely. It’s 2019, get the hell over it, it’s not racism,”.


Man Told to Remove His Trump Shirt at Gym Because it Was "Racist"
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Then why are all groups not being condemned by the media? It's only the white kids. I have a die hard liberal friend on Facebook, and after someone posted the whole video on her post about the white kids, she's still in denial. She said "I don't care what the others did, that white boy triggered it all with his racist smirking". I mean really? It's laughable how hypocritical the left is, not all, but the majority.

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Then why are all groups not being condemned by the media? It's only the white kids. I have a die hard liberal friend on Facebook, and after someone posted the whole video on her post about the white kids, she's still in denial. She said "I don't care what the others did, that white boy triggered it all with his racist smirking". I mean really? It's laughable how hypocritical the left is, not all, but the majority.
They are all getting trashed on social media, it's what started all of your knee jerk reactions. First it was the church kids, then the blacks, then the native. Punk ass kids acting like punk ass kids, the israelites shouting insults, and the native for beating the drum in the kids face. I find it all despicable but that is the political atmosphere in this country. I find it hard to defend any party involved.
Ok back to what I was saying. I couldn't even start to condemn someone getting yelled at like that and decides to walk up to them and knock them out. Whether it was white vs any race, black vs any race, muslim vs any race etc.
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They are all getting trashed on social media, it's what started all of your knee jerk reactions. First it was the church kids, then the blacks, then the native. Punk ass kids acting like punk ass kids, the israelites shouting insults, and the native for beating the drum in the kids face. I find it all despicable but that is the political atmosphere in this country. I find it hard to defend any party involved.
of course it's the "punk ass kids" yet when you are describing the liberals it's just "israelites" and "native" This story didn't go down how you and the left wanted so now the best you all can do is "all sides are to blame" haha such a loony hack
They are all getting trashed on social media, it's what started all of your knee jerk reactions. First it was the church kids, then the blacks, then the native. Punk ass kids acting like punk ass kids, the israelites shouting insults, and the native for beating the drum in the kids face. I find it all despicable but that is the political atmosphere in this country. I find it hard to defend any party involved.
I'm not talking about social media, I'm talking about main stream news, they've only bashed one certain group, and it's the white kids.
of course it's the "punk ass kids" yet when you are describing the liberals it's just "israelites" and "native" This story didn't go down how you and the left wanted so now the best you all can do is "all sides are to blame" haha such a loony hack
I was a punk ass kid once. I played my share of devils triangle and boofed on occasion.
Attorney Threatens to Sue NYT’s Maggie Haberman for Libel Against Covington Students

The Covington High School students have earned the support of an attorney who has threatened to sue New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman for the “obvious libel” of her accusations against them, Daily Wire reported.
Haberman initially claimed that the students from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky were taunting a group of Native Americans. Haberman characterized them as Trump-supporting racists who were mocking a “Vietnam veteran.”

The paper later amended the report in several ways, including an addendum that said, “interviews and additional video footage have offered a fuller picture of what happened in this encounter.” The report was also amended to reveal that the Native American who led the group, Nathan Phillips, had misled about his military service. It turns out he only served during the Vietnam era. He never served in Vietnam nor did he go to war.

Ultimately, Haberman’s report was riddled with errors and characterized the Covington kids as the worst sort. The attack was brought to the attention of L.A. trial attorney Robert Barnes.

Barnes jumped to his Twitter account to warn the Times’ Maggie Haberman over her error-filled report on the Covington kids. Barnes tweeted, “I will represent the kids for free if they want to sue @maggieNYT for obvious libel.”

Barnes’ tweet attracted a large number of supporters:
All groups involved did wrong but nobody broke the law.
What did the kids do wrong? Should they have bowed to chief liarass? If it had been me I would have given him a warning to stay out of my personal space or risk having that drum shoved up his ass. The kids did nothing wrong and exercised a huge amount of restraint despite being verbally attacked by two separate groups. Your failure to acknowledge this displays your ignorance or liberal bias or both.
Then why are all groups not being condemned by the media? It's only the white kids. I have a die hard liberal friend on Facebook, and after someone posted the whole video on her post about the white kids, she's still in denial. She said "I don't care what the others did, that white boy triggered it all with his racist smirking". I mean really? It's laughable how hypocritical the left is, not all, but the majority.
Yea all the libs I know are doubling down on their stupidity which only makes them look more stupid. Even Whoopie Goldberg acknowledged that they were wrong on this.

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