Indigenous Marchers, Covington Catholic HS, and Black Israelites preachers = a buffet of media mess

Wait, this is an all boys Catholic School on a field trip to washington for a pro life march all decked out in MAGA gear.

Redhat Indoctrination complete.

Those symbols mean different things to different people so you tell me what the symbolism was based on perspective. Good luck.

Look at your logic.

If you seemingly know the meaning of the Redhat, then you know the meaning of the BeatingDrum.

Tell us, who is receiving the threats and why.
It's okay. I got Mick and LG both to admit they made stuff up in the same day. Im sorry, not making stuff up, but "correcting" themselves.
You failed to mention the props I gave the main kid for signaling "cut it" to that other kid and walking away. That wouldn't have been as fun though.
It's okay. I got Mick and LG both to admit they made stuff up in the same day. Im sorry, not making stuff up, but "correcting" themselves.
They had a tough few days between this,the buzzfeed story and Cohen no longer testifying before Congress, it's been difficult for them
I think the kid was trying to point to Africa as the origins of all human life on second listening.

Be careful. Using your brain on a routine basis will eventually cause a certain red hat to appear on your head and you'll be the recipient of institutional hatred.
just looks like dumb ass male teenagers to me dancing around. Not sure what people think they are going to do when you walk up and beat a drum in their face.
We all know Nathan wanted a confrontation with them that he didn't get. He did lie and described the "beasts" as such but I guess forgot it's 2019 with cell phones everywhere.

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