Indigenous Marchers, Covington Catholic HS, and Black Israelites preachers = a buffet of media mess

Dammit, G. You posted the same response immediately after OP in 2 different threads. I opened them about 6 times thinking my phone was screwing up and only reopening the first one i clicked on.
I thought it fit both threads very well. Sorry for the confusion, although adding in some small way to your delirium is the least I can do.
Really what did Jim Carrey do?
Several celebrities were calling for physical violence to these kids. I think he was one of them. A Saturday Night Live Writer tweeted that she would give oral sex to the first person that punched the kid in the face.
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I wuldn't settle with any one of these people, not 1, Make them pay, make them have to sit through the time needed, they are going to lose, maybe not everyone of them, but, the majority are not coming out of this as winners.
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According to the Daily Wire, Sandmann's lawyers sent "letters for potential lawsuits to over 50 entities ranging from Democratic politicians to celebrities to media figures."

That list includes journalists, media outlets and celebrities:

1. The Washington Post
2. The New York Times
3. Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
4. The Guardian
5. National Public Radio
6. TMZ
7. Atlantic Media Inc.
8. Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
9. Diocese of Covington
10. Diocese of Lexington
11. Archdiocese of Louisville
12. Diocese of Baltimore
13. Ana Cabrera (CNN)
14. Sara Sidner (CNN)
15. Erin Burnett (CNN)
16. S.E. Cupp (CNN)
17. Elliot C. McLaughlin (CNN)
18. Amanda Watts (CNN)
19. Emanuella Grinberg (CNN)
20. Michelle Boorstein (Washington Post)
21. Cleve R. Wootson Jr. (Washington Post)
22. Antonio Olivo (Washington Post)
23. Joe Heim (Washington Post)
24. Michael E. Miller (Washington Post)
25. Eli Rosenberg (Washington Post)
26. Isaac Stanley-Becker (Washington Post)
27. Kristine Phillips (Washington Post)
28. Sarah Mervosh (New York Times)
29. Emily S. Rueb (New York Times)
30. Maggie Haberman (New York Times)
31. David Brooks (New York Times)
32. Shannon Doyne
33. Kurt Eichenwald
34. Andrea Mitchell (NBC/MSNBC)
35. Savannah Guthrie (NBC)
36. Joy Reid (MSNBC)
37. Chuck Todd (NBC)
38. Noah Berlatsky
39. Elisha Fieldstadt (NBC)
40. Eun Kyung Kim
41. HBO
42. Bill Maher
43. Warner Media
44. Conde Nast
45. GQ
47. The Hill
48. The Atlantic
50. Ilhan Omar
51. Elizabeth Warren
52. Kathy Griffin
53. Alyssa Milano
54. Jim Carrey
Good go after every single one of these worthless SOBs, bankrupt them all
NBC Gives Seconds to Covington Teen Suing Washington Post, ABC and CBS Ignore

By Kyle Drennen | February 20, 2019 1:42 PM EST

On Wednesday morning, only NBC’s Todayshow mentioned lawyers for Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann filing a lawsuit against theWashington Post for the liberal newspaper’s defamatory coverage of him following false reports that Sandmann and his classmates were the instigators of a confrontation with a Native American activist at the Lincoln Memorial in January.
The suit, which condemned the Post for engaging in “a modern-day form of McCarthyism,” was filed on Tuesday. “The high school student at the center of the viral confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial last month is suing The Washington Post for defamation, claiming the newspaper accused him of racist acts,” co-host Hoda Kotb informed NBC viewers on Wednesday.

Moments later, she added: “The suit claims The Washington Post waged malicious attacks on Sandmann by falsely accusing him of instigating the tense standoff with Native American activist Nathan Phillips.”
The Washington Post was not the only media outlet to jump to such conclusions, NewsBusters documented numerous examples of nasty attacks on Sandmann and his fellow students. During a hostile interview with Sandmann on the January 23 Today show, co-host Savannah Guthrie pressed him on whether he owed an “apology” for his “aggressive” behavior.
Fox News recently reported that several other media organizations may also be facing civil litigation from Sandmann and his family.

While the Today show at least allowed 37 seconds of air time to acknowledge the lawsuit Wednesday morning, ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morningcompletely ignored the story.
Just days ago, there was a blackout of broadcast network coverage after an independent investigation cleared the Covington students of wrongdoing in the incident.
The press often smear people with great fanfare, but when it comes to correcting the record and admitting they were wrong, the media are either silent or merely whisper.

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I’ve never been a fan of litigious lawsuits but I hope this kid and his lawyers inflict copious amounts of financial pain on a bunch of media outlets and especially some private individuals that participated in the calling for violence against the kid.
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We can all just hope that this lawsuit forces airports around the country to get that crap network off of the TV's displayed throughout the terminals.

The victory would be short lived.

They'll replace it with MSNBC broadcasts by Joe Scarborough and Rachel Maddow.

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