
I'll post this here because of the thread title. The game, like any other, can be analyzed a million different ways.

Bottom line, Tennessee did not bring the proper effort level and when they did it was too late.

The first half effort level was epitomized by the defensive back's attempted tackle on Etienne's TD run. You can't bring that level of effort on the road in the SEC against a team that really needed a win badly.

If they brought the effort level that Squirrel did on the first third down of the 2nd half that he had in order to pick up the first down, it's a different game.

But, for whatever reason, beyond all the x's and o's, refs, etc., the effort level was not what it needed to be.

It just wasn't
I agree with you in regards to the first half but they brought the proper effort level all 2nd half which was plenty of time. You not gonna admit to the obviously bad game changing calls by the refs over and over again that half?
1st half tackling and OL were awful and put us in a hole the refs wouldn't let us climb out of. I'd really love to not see Hadden start another game for UT and thank God Mays is back next week
Was dining out, watching the game. Nearly choked on Reuben sandwich when Hadden whiffed on that pathetic tackle attempt.
Remember 2 or 3 years ago when we would hope for a bowl game?
I think we just assumed Huepel would take lemons and make lemonade.
We hoped Milton would be as good as Hooker but that was to optimistic.
The Oline had holes in it going into this year. We hoped they would developed and gel quickly. Texas has 5 returning starters on their Oline.
Our WRs aren’t as good as last year but it is hard to tell with the lack of down field throws.
Our defense was spotty last year and I think they are about the same this year.
If you don’t have adequate quarterback play in college/pro football, you can’t win. We don’t. It is what it is.

Nico is not ready, my guess is by the end of the year and after a few more ugly losses, Josh will make a change.

A lot of the new freshman, that should be playing, will be by then and we win a couple games at the end of the season. Joe, as we all suspected, cannot and will not be the answer. He is a hell mary quarterback at best.
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I'll post this here because of the thread title. The game, like any other, can be analyzed a million different ways.

Bottom line, Tennessee did not bring the proper effort level and when they did it was too late.

The first half effort level was epitomized by the defensive back's attempted tackle on Etienne's TD run. You can't bring that level of effort on the road in the SEC against a team that really needed a win badly.

If they brought the effort level that Squirrel did on the first third down of the 2nd half that he had in order to pick up the first down, it's a different game.

But, for whatever reason, beyond all the x's and o's, refs, etc., the effort level was not what it needed to be.

It just wasn't
That’s pretty bad when the opponent can realize that the effort level is just not there… thanks for your post and sheesh how embarrassing
Remember 2 or 3 years ago when we would hope for a bowl game?
I think we just assumed Huepel would take lemons and make lemonade.
We hoped Milton would be as good as Hooker but that was to optimistic.
The Oline had holes in it going into this year. We hoped they would developed and gel quickly. Texas has 5 returning starters on their Oline.
Our WRs aren’t as good as last year but it is hard to tell with the lack of down field throws.
Our defense was spotty last year and I think they are about the same this year.
Quit being so rational and logical lol
Game turned on Etienne's long td run. Hadden bumped into him and followed him downfield trying to apologize.
No, he wanted to run his mouth and fight with him afterwards, but definitely not tackle him.. I think I would pull some people out on attitudes alone, let someone play who actually wants to, the outcome couldn’t be worse
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CJH just lost every bit of equity he built last year. I'm out on this damn clown after last night. That's the most inexcusable loss in the last ten years. Absolutely outclasses by a ****** coach and team.
They are afraid to open it up which shows they do not believe in Milton, there were no bubble screens last year, we went for the jugular, now we play to prevent mistakes and it doesnt work, Heupel is to loyal to Milton to pull him or Nico is nowhere near ready, idk but its gonna be a rough year.
We lose 6 games easily then what?
I agree with you in regards to the first half but they brought the proper effort level all 2nd half which was plenty of time. You not gonna admit to the obviously bad game changing calls by the refs over and over again that half?

I thought they got jobbed on some calls. Not going to dispute that.

I’m speaking to the principle.

If Florida is a rival….If it’s a team you need to beat to achieve your goals…. If it’s a place you haven’t won since 2003….. If it’s a team that you struggle to beat for whatever reason….

Then the first thing I’m pissed about (again on principle) is that the team didn’t come into the game with the physicality, mentality and effort that they should be coming into the game with.

I, like many, thought that the team took last week off and was laser focused on Florida. I thought they’d be foaming at the mouth trying not just to win, but embarrass and humiliate Florida.

That’s not how they showed up to play
#1 Josh didn't have his team ready to play, didn't have a clear game plan and didn't coach around his team's obvious weaknesses.
Joe Milton is the QB. You don't have Cooper, Mincy and Sampson and your OL is devoid of competent talent. Your WR's have had the drops. Your secondary is probably the biggest weakness on your team and you don't have your starting LB Pili. What "plan" do you suggest? Where do you hang your hat when your team has so many deficiencies? Now if you want to complain about roster management, Heupel has to own that one. I was a big proponent of getting a 1 year QB from the portal, but he chose to roll with milton. Should have grabbed more OL and another DB or 2 from the portal IMO.
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If you don’t have adequate quarterback play in college/pro football, you can’t win. We don’t. It is what it is.

Nico is not ready, my guess is by the end of the year and after a few more ugly losses, Josh will make a change.

A lot of the new freshman, that should be playing, will be by then and we win a couple games at the end of the season. Joe, as we all suspected, cannot and will not be the answer. He is a hell mary quarterback at best.
Put Nico in now. Joe has lost the QB job at two major schools (Michigan and UT) for a reason - he is not good! Let Nico play the rest of the year. Learn how to play in the SEC then we, hopefully, have a great QB for three more years.
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Joe Milton is the QB. You don't have Cooper, Mincy and Sampson and your OL is devoid of competent talent. Your WR's have had the drops. Your secondary is probably the biggest weakness on your team and you don't have your starting LB Pili. What "plan" do you suggest? Where do you hang your hat when your team has so many deficiencies? Now if you want to complain about roster management, Heupel has to own that one. I was a big proponent of getting a 1 year QB from the portal, but he chose to roll with milton. Should have grabbed more OL and another DB or 2 from the portal IMO.
Plan 1 don't continually run up the gut when you have a FCS level player at center.

Plan 2 slightly move the pocket. You can slide the pocket and still give your QB time to set his feet.

Plan 3 stop running QB draws up you backup center's butt.

Plan 4 Something besides Hadden. Kid plays hard but is not an SEC level player. Not sure how a backup or freshman could be worse

There were plenty of other issues around discipline/penalties, play calling, etc but that's a good start.
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#1 Josh didn't have his team ready to play, didn't have a clear game plan and didn't coach around his team's obvious weaknesses.

You can’t coach around being manhandled at the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball.
1. Joe ain’t Hendon but I don’t think this is all on him. Never had much of a chance in the second half which brings me to…

2. Ollie Lane. Holy ****. My sister could do better.

3. Refs butchered any chance of a comeback. Just straight up inexcusable to be this bad at your job and not have to pay consequences. Any other job, if you are that bad, you are let go. Why should this be different?

4. Tim banks. Bye. Florida won’t sniff 29 points against anybody else in the SEC.
1. totally agree plus the OC from last 2 seasons is gone to South Florida who just hung with Bama for 4 quarters.
2. Ollie had a bad game but I'm not sure we have a better option at the moment till Mays gets back.
3. Refs killed 2 great drives in the 2nd half, game could've been different.
4. Not sure what the game plan was from Banks but agree maybe we should move on from him. Mertz looked like a top 5 pick last night and actually not that good.
5. There were a lot of communication errors from the sidelines to JM, not sure what's causing this. See #1 from me above as I think this is what's going on.
6. Where the hell was Dylan Sampson last night????
7. Hadden is terrible
8. Missing Pili experience at LB
9. Joe has 3 main issues: 1. he does not throw the ball well when he's moving. 2. Sometimes holds the ball 2 long 3. If he can get the 1st down running then take off. I've said since he started early last year that he seems to not want to run the ball. Everything else he has improved on and he is not the reason we lost last night. A piece but not the 1 reason.
This. Announcers even said Josh acted as this game was no big deal whereas Napier went all in hyping his guys up.
Napier was coaching for his job on the line. CJH was just coaching , but for what . Didn’t look good . Florida got their azz beat by Utah and a back up QB . Looks like we should have played our back up. Our defense lost that game in the first half, our offense ran the ball maybe once in the first half. That offense like all offenses works best when you can run the ball
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CJH just lost every bit of equity he built last year. I'm out on this damn clown after last night. That's the most inexcusable loss in the last ten years. Absolutely outclasses by a ****** coach and team.
Cool. Hopefully we won’t see anymore of your dumb azz posts then. Thinking this loss was anywhere near the worst in 10 years shows your football IQ is lower than snail poop.
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