We have to start looking at this as Democrats and leftists do:
It is reducing inflation already because if it had not passed Saturday, inflation would be 15% today! That is a drop of 5.9% in the inflation rate! In just two days! And it could be more. Imagine that inflation could be 20% today! This bill has kept it to 9.1%, a phenomenal reduction of the rate of 10.9% or a 54.5% reduction off the 20% rate we could be suffering. But since reality does not matter, we'll take that 10.9% drop and divide it by the 9.1% and lo and behold! We have a 120% reduction in the rate of inflation! Thanks be to God!
And lest we forget, the climate portion of the bill has saved us because the world will not end in ten years!
See how easy that is?