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Just being honest
Aug 3, 2011
Someone help me out. Why is it so critical that Rivals bump Hurd to a 5*? Why should we care? Those that have followed him know how good he is and making him a 5* doesn't change that one bit. Some of you will say that bumping him up will give our class a higher ranking....So? Again, who cares what the final ranking is? The staff that offers these kids know they can play and they are being offered by other top programs. So why are so many desperate for Rivals to like our recruits as much as we do? Its kinda embarrassing imo.
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Its a good question, I look at recruits more in groups (1-25,25 -50, ...) and they are being offered by. Its a good feeling to have a 5* kid, no doubt, but as long as your key recruits are in the target range to me that is all that matters.

considering a year ago we were fighting Furman and Montana for recruits I am happy with a class of 4* and high 3*
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There's alot of stargazers on VN thats for sure....but there are alot of recruits that are too. I've seen a couple mention our #1 class. It's a selling point for Butch n company.
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I don't care what they are ranked, but I have a strong feeling that THEY do as I was once 17 so I guess some might get finicky about a guy like Hurd or Henderson who have consistently shown they are leaps and bounds above the talent (some even 5*). Also, simply put, I don't think that the guys ahead of Hurd are any better than he is, but there is so much that go into those rankings that we will never know...
I don't care if his individual rating gets bumped or not. But if you don't care about where your class ranks in the end, then you don't really understand how college football works.
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It is actually important. Like the old expression says "Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd." The more these recruits see that 5 stars are going to Tennessee the more 5 stars look at Tennessee.

If you see a school like Virginia landing a 5 star doesn't it turn heads? It makes you relevant and college football is all about relevance. In other words, if you think we are a big deal than we we ARE a big deal.
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The answer seems pretty obvious to me: prestige. We want all of those future 5-star recruits to look at Tennessee as a program where 5-star players go.
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Because he deserves it? That's the only reason I personally care.. Most people care because of how it will help this years class ranking.. pretty obvious
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Nothing wrong with wanting our recruits to get their full notice. I think with JH its the fact that its obvious from other camps and events that he is in fact 5 star worthy, but rivals won't give the kid his deserved ranking because he hasn't "paid them off" for it by attending their camps....
I don't care if his individual rating gets bumped or not. But if you don't care about where your class ranks in the end, then you don't really understand how college football works.

There's a difference in classes ranked #1 and #30. But do you want to attempt to convince me that there's a discernible difference between the #3 and #6 ranked class in terms of eventual results on the field? If you think there is, then I'm afraid you're the one who doesn't know how college football works.
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Momentum. It's also bragging rights 1st for the coaches, 2nd for the players, and 3rd for the fans.
There's alot of stargazers on VN thats for sure....but there are alot of recruits that are too. I've seen a couple mention our #1 class. It's a selling point for Butch n company.

THIS - the best want to play with the best. Some of these guys may never see Hurd or TK in person and the only way they can evaluate is based off the same rankings the rest of us use.

Also - those stars get you that #1 ranking - which generates more buzz, its a self fulfilling prophecy and one that we need now. We need to finish at the top in recruiting, we need the buzz about it to lessen the sting of the last 3-4 years.

It all helps to build an image.
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A lot of the younger generation is more concerned about the BCS than football. They don't know anything different. The BCS was enormously successful in convincing the world it was the standard of football. Of course, those that were around before the BCS know it is more about making money than anything else. It has very little to do with football as a sport. Hopefully the playoffs next year will open up the door for an 8 team playoff, which is what it should be in the first place, and everyone knows it, but the BCS will hold on to its money as long as it can. The star rankings are a part of that BCS process.
There's alot of stargazers on VN thats for sure....but there are alot of recruits that are too. I've seen a couple mention our #1 class. It's a selling point for Butch n company.

The selling point for Butch Jones is spot on. Obviously the players are not any better if they gain a star or any worse if they lose a star, it's about selling point and I would add respect.
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THIS - the best want to play with the best. Some of these guys may never see Hurd or TK in person and the only way they can evaluate is based off the same rankings the rest of us use.

Also - those stars get you that #1 ranking - which generates more buzz, its a self fulfilling prophecy and one that we need now. We need to finish at the top in recruiting, we need the buzz about it to lessen the sting of the last 3-4 years.

It all helps to build an image.

DaRick was Dooley's first 5* recruit.......what other 5*s signed with UT because of that? Did USCe get a slew of 5*s after Clowney signed?
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THIS - the best want to play with the best. Some of these guys may never see Hurd or TK in person and the only way they can evaluate is based off the same rankings the rest of us use.

Also - those stars get you that #1 ranking - which generates more buzz, its a self fulfilling prophecy and one that we need now. We need to finish at the top in recruiting, we need the buzz about it to lessen the sting of the last 3-4 years.

It all helps to build an image.


Not a "true" stargazer myself but I do like seeing #1 and Tennessee sitting beside each other. Recruits dang sure notice too.
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I think it's more for the overall ranking so the other recruits can see. And don't worry about other posters here anyway. Ignore the idiots.

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