
It may have been as simple as saving face with their people
They did a lot more damage when we took out that General. I’m wondering if they’re hoping Israel launches an attack where it gives Iran the justification to use a nuclear weapon.
How is he a traitor? I see him post 'America first' about every day.

The fact that he actively roots for and cheers for our enemies (notably China and Russia but Iran as well).

It is literally like someone rooting on the USSR during the Cold War or Nazi Germany and Japan in 1940s (he has also tried to defend Japan's aggression as well).

This would not have tolerated in past societies.

It is one thing to say the USA should reduce its involvement or discuss policy and it is another to actively brag about US enemies and hope they destroy the USA or its allies. People like him are disgusting and shouldn't be tolerated. On par with Judas Iscariot or Benedict Arnold.

Sad thing is that I sometimes agree with his criticism of USA government but the fact that he is to the point where he is rooting for the defeat of Ukraine, Israel, the USA, etc. goes too far.
They did a lot more damage when we took out that General. I’m wondering if they’re hoping Israel launches an attack where it gives Iran the justification to use a nuclear weapon.
They’re very much hoping nothing further happens and US and UK convince Israel to let it go.
Or you can just ignore him.

I would rather keep calling this person out because, maybe, they might change. Probably a wrong estimate.

Ras is probably some bitter child that couldn't get a girl friend or a job and hates the USA because of it. There is typically a story behind these hateful people.
They did a lot more damage when we took out that General. I’m wondering if they’re hoping Israel launches an attack where it gives Iran the justification to use a nuclear weapon.
What? There is no indication at all that Iran has nuclear weapons.

Bu let's say they do have them for a minute. My argument would be that the Israelis would be the most likely to lob a nuke before I ran would. Israel has shown that they have zero issues with mass killing civilians.
The fact that he actively roots for and cheers for our enemies (notably China and Russia but Iran as well).

It is literally like someone rooting on the USSR during the Cold War or Nazi Germany and Japan in 1940s (he has also tried to defend Japan's aggression as well).

This would not have tolerated in past societies.

It is one thing to say the USA should reduce its involvement or discuss policy and it is another to actively brag about US enemies and hope they destroy the USA or its allies. People like him are disgusting and shouldn't be tolerated. On par with Judas Iscariot or Benedict Arnold.

Sad thing is that I sometimes agree with his criticism of USA government but the fact that he is to the point where he is rooting for the defeat of Ukraine, Israel, the USA, etc. goes too far.
People are free to have their favorite foreign countries. There are quite a few on here who you'd think were IDF.
You mention treason. Nobody's posted anything treasonous.
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Doesn’t seem that long ago, the Dims and their media darlings were screeching about Trump getting us into war with Iran if he were re-elected. Now nothing but crickets.

Good times.
Proxy war with Russia.
Proxy war with Iran.
Direct conflict with Houthis.
Direct conflict with resistance forces in Iraq and Syria.

Anticipated proxy war with China.

Wild cards of North Korea and West Africa.

Fun times...

What would the ulterior motive be?
Didn’t see this earlier. Simple plan or motive would be so they could spread us out further, keep us engaged in another long, drawn out ME conflict while we’re still focused on Ukraine and distracted some from China/Taiwan. Keep our $$$ printing presses going and push us further toward a worthless currency. Lord knows, and our adversaries as well, something’s gotta give eventually once no one wants to buy your debt instruments backed by a virtually worthless currency. We’re hitting $35T in debt now. Just five years ago we were at $22T. The momentum and acceleration of it is problematic. Why not help your adversary accelerate their monetary and economic folly even more, especially if they’ve shown such willingness to do so?

We’re already doing our part with ridiculous spending, welfare for illegals, student loan forgiveness, past and current stimulus and a host of other absurd spending measures.
We have to at least assume China, Russia and Iran are coordinating and having these type of discussions amongst themselves. No one is going to defeat us on a typical battlefield (China would be a bloodbath though), so the smart move is to make it atypical in every way. We don’t tend to look both ways before stepping out into traffic.
Didn’t see this earlier. Simple plan or motive would be so they could spread us out further, keep us engaged in another long, drawn out ME conflict while we’re still focused on Ukraine and distracted some from China/Taiwan. Keep our $$$ printing presses going and push us further toward a worthless currency.
No... it would not be "they" spreading us out further. It will be "us" spreading ourselves out further. None of these conflicts are existential to the United States or average Americans. We could walk away from all of this right now and not lose anything from it.

Lord knows, and our adversaries as well, something’s gotta give eventually once no one wants to buy your debt instruments backed by a virtually worthless currency. We’re hitting $35T in debt now. Just five years ago we were at $22T. The momentum and acceleration of it is problematic. Why not help your adversary accelerate their monetary and economic folly even more, especially if they’ve shown such willingness to do so?
On a certain level, you almost hope that no one wants to buy your debt at some point... just so the madness can end sooner rather than later.

We’re already doing our part with ridiculous spending, welfare for illegals, student loan forgiveness, past and current stimulus and a host of other absurd spending measures.
We have to at least assume China, Russia and Iran are coordinating and having these type of discussions amongst themselves. No one is going to defeat us on a typical battlefield (China would be a bloodbath though), so the smart move is to make it atypical in every way. We don’t tend to look both ways before stepping out into traffic.
The United States has nukes. That is really the only thing that keeps us relevant right now. We don't have an industrial base. We don't have the skilled workforce. We don't have the necessary moral character or values. We don't have strong families. We don't have leaders that GAF about the well being of America over other outside interests.
Outside of @Burhead 's posted tweet about a 10 year old boy being killed by fallen debris... I've seen nothing thus far from either side about civilian casualties...

Surely, if there were any, there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth all over the place.
Religious bias a major part
Indeed it is. And that is a new age concept as well. I have yet to see a zionist Christian judeo-Christianity worldview be popularized anywhere much before 1900, be it Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, gnostic, the Early Church fathers, the Popes up until Vatican II, Martin Luther, really all were on the opposite side.
Wow someone with IQ over 75 in here. Ron paul in 2012 had a military vet on faux news and the vet got cut off while saying: "OH I absolutely believe that Israel can defend itse" that kid could have died on the job but the duality of Satan, psychological warfare, controls the narrative, and it's great feed for these duped cattle. They are going to send their neighbors kids to die for a country that had usurped us dry for 80 years, and through the institutions, has decreased our "on paper" demographics by 40% in just 40 years.
Hey now, I’m a solid 80.
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Is Reuters an "approved" news source?

Iran informed Turkey in advance of its operation against Israel - Turkish source

Iran informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, a Turkish diplomatic source told Reuters on Sunday, adding that the U.S. conveyed to Iran via Ankara that its operation must be "within certain limits".

So the US told the Iranians, "OK, you can have your retaliatory strike on our blood ally Israel... just don't be too hard on them."
US could send Bombers and absolutely level the Tehranian gov or infrastructure, military bases, dismantle their oil export and production capacity.

Each B-2 can carry 160 SDBs with independently targeted precision, B-1s, plus tactical aircraft like F15-E, Super Hornets, F-16s, etc etc.

Would that overthrow the gov, probably not, but dent them so hard they would suffer immense economic effects that would drastically diminish their funding and weapons transfers to their proxies.

BTW..Iran launches hundreds of those vanted cheap Iranian weapons and didnt hit ****. Now to your cost, quantity matrix, there are so many programs to more cheaply disable drones including precision cannon fire rounds, microwaves, jamming, etc..

Now ask yourself, would you feel safer as an Iranian faving the full might of the Israeli or US armed forces, or visa versa? Iran would get the absolute dog **** kicked out of them, despite all your vaunted military expertise.

Until the 5000+ sleeper cells they probably have here begin terrorist operations across America, having walked across our open borders and probably given a free room and stipend with which to launch the operations.

Thats far more my concern.

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