IRS Warns Americans of New Law in 2023

I love playing the what if game. Forget the phone, the alcohol, $4 coffee, and fast food meal you didn’t need. Bring back bologna sandwiches.
It's not just stupid decisions. A flat tire, battery, alternator, etc can be a set back. Don't have the money to renew plates, get pulled over and now you're in a world of hurt and debt.

The govt does not need the money it takes from citizens. It sure doesn't need the pittance it extracts from the poor. That money sent to Ukraine would cover their tab for a few years

You’re going way off topic and you’re wrong. Dumb decisions are the main reason people live in poverty. Yes there are exceptions but for the vast majority they are there due to bad decisions.

Now, I do agree with you that our justice system and all of the traps in that is complete bull that does contribute to keeping people down but that’s a different discussion from taxes.
Court and criminal justice system is one of the biggest. The way banks handle overdraft fees is essentially stealing from those who can least afford it. Our system can nickel and drive anyone into the poor house

What does taking $2k in taxes from someone at the poverty line actually accomplish? That's routinely suggested here
Agreed on CJS.
Banks, as a private entity, are not part of "the system".

Your 2k amount is waaaaay off. 1.4T budget for 2022, divided by 330M Americans = about $4,250 per person regardless of age.

Poor people benefit from government services. Poor people also need to experience the "pain" of bloated spending.
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You’re going way off topic and you’re wrong. Dumb decisions are the main reason people live in poverty. Yes there are exceptions but for the vast majority they are there due to bad decisions.

Now, I do agree with you that our justice system and all of the traps in that is complete bull that does contribute to keeping people down but that’s a different discussion from taxes.
Poverty is caused by lack of money. Point to a cup of coffee is the default but a headlight ticket can be much more devastating. Taxes/fines/fees are all connected

Our education system needs to teach things like stats and probability and basic economics. Demonstrate savings and investing for a future. Explain compound interest. The failure is that most poor have no one to get this info from and are stuck in a loop. Stand in the 7-11 when the Powerball reaches a big number and you can easily see who has ever taken a statistics class
Poverty is caused by lack of money. Point to a cup of coffee is the default but a headlight ticket can be much more devastating. Taxes/fines/fees are all connected

Our education system needs to teach things like stats and probability and basic economics. Demonstrate savings and investing for a future. Explain compound interest. The failure is that most poor have no one to get this info from and are stuck in a loop. Stand in the 7-11 when the Powerball reaches a big number and you can easily see who has ever taken a statistics class
More access to information and education in our society than at any other time in human history.
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Agreed on CJS.
Banks, as a private entity, are not part of "the system".

Your 2k amount is waaaaay off. 1.4T budget for 2022, divided by 330M Americans = about $4,250 per person regardless of age.

Poor people benefit from government services. Poor people also need to experience the "pain" of bloated spending.
Banks are bailed out by govt funds. Call it private if you wish but they are predatory entities with easy more access to govt decisions that and poor individual.

My $2k was a guess at the effect on a person riding the poverty line of a "10% for everyone, no exceptions" that's routinely thrown out around here
More access to information and education in our society than at any other time in human history.
Sure i can go watch an MIT lecture on string theory but it didn't mean I'll get it easily without help. If we force a captive audience of young people then why not teach them something useful
A graduated tax system would be optimal....x% if you earn X. The more you make the higher % you pay. But it has to be fair on both ends. The cap should be 30%. But EVERYONE pays. Do away with all this deduction bullsheeeet. The Government takes our money at the point of a gun and they spend it anyway they want.
A graduated tax system would be optimal....x% if you earn X. The more you make the higher % you pay. But it has to be fair on both ends. The cap should be 30%. But EVERYONE pays. Do away with all this deduction bullsheeeet. The Government takes our money at the point of a gun and they spend it anyway they want.
govt steals but here's how to make sure they're fully funded. Solid rant 😂
Banks are bailed out by govt funds. Call it private if you wish but they are predatory entities with easy more access to govt decisions that and poor individual.

My $2k was a guess at the effect on a person riding the poverty line of a "10% for everyone, no exceptions" that's routinely thrown out around here
You're stretching to make banks part of "the system".

Unfortunately every person, even poor ones, regardless of age owe almost 100k in US debt separate from their bill for this year's budget.
Sure i can go watch an MIT lecture on string theory but it didn't mean I'll get it easily without help. If we force a captive audience of young people then why not teach them something useful
You've leapt to string theory from your earlier lament on baseline "common sense" understanding.
A graduated tax system would be optimal....x% if you earn X. The more you make the higher % you pay. But it has to be fair on both ends. The cap should be 30%. But EVERYONE pays. Do away with all this deduction bullsheeeet. The Government takes our money at the point of a gun and they spend it anyway they want.
Completely disagree with your opening phrase.
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You've leapt to string theory from your earlier lament on baseline "common sense" understanding.
Might as well be when there is no one around that understands. You have to know what to look for and what is correct. That's not an easy thing to decipher on your own. Stats isn't necessarily basic common sense
Might as well be when there is no one around that understands. You have to know what to look for and what is correct. That's not an easy thing to decipher on your own. Stats isn't necessarily basic common sense
You think they will Google "statistics" or "should I buy a lottery ticket"?
I think neither which is a definite hole in understanding
I don't know how you move the uninitiated or irresponsible to a place where they are yearning for understanding.
Additionally, you are moving from a systemic oppression...or, at least, cards stacked against the the day to day autonomy of the poor person.

You've got valid points on the CJS and Education content but that's all I can see so far.
Poverty is caused by lack of money. Point to a cup of coffee is the default but a headlight ticket can be much more devastating. Taxes/fines/fees are all connected

Our education system needs to teach things like stats and probability and basic economics. Demonstrate savings and investing for a future. Explain compound interest. The failure is that most poor have no one to get this info from and are stuck in a loop. Stand in the 7-11 when the Powerball reaches a big number and you can easily see who has ever taken a statistics class

Old joke, Obvious answer:
What has 3 balls and screws rednecks?
I don't know how you move the uninitiated or irresponsible to a place where they are yearning for understanding.
Additionally, you are moving from a systemic oppression...or, at least, cards stacked against the the day to day autonomy of the poor person.

You've got valid points on the CJS and Education content but that's all I can see so far.
I'm simply including the other arguments made regularly (phones, coffee, etc). Individual choices are not helping but there is a serious lack of understanding about the alternatives. Then, even when that's addressed, there is a real system in place that makes it extremely difficult on the less fortunate. That is both a public and "private" system
Sure i can go watch an MIT lecture on string theory but it didn't mean I'll get it easily without help. If we force a captive audience of young people then why not teach them something useful

That could be problematic for the big gov party
I'm simply including the other arguments made regularly (phones, coffee, etc). Individual choices are not helping but there is a serious lack of understanding about the alternatives. Then, even when that's addressed, there is a real system in place that makes it extremely difficult on the less fortunate. That is both a public and "private" system
Their bad choices doesn't preclude their share of obligation to pay for government. The systemic difficulties also do not absolve the poor from obligation. It's a separate issue which needs dismantling.
When voters are divided by those who pay and those who receive, politicians have more power than they should. I also believe tax rates give them too much power.
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Banks are bailed out by govt funds. Call it private if you wish but they are predatory entities with easy more access to govt decisions that and poor individual.

My $2k was a guess at the effect on a person riding the poverty line of a "10% for everyone, no exceptions" that's routinely thrown out around here
Why are overdraws particularly bad/evil/keeping people down? Depending on the account it's either based on a limit of credit, and they go over, or if its debit its access to their money, and they also go over. Either way the individual is using the bank/account to cover their own overspending and likely breaking a contract.

Why is it ok for an individual to overspend but not the government? Both are relying/taking from others.
Their bad choices doesn't preclude their share of obligation to pay for government. The systemic difficulties also do not absolve the poor from obligation. It's a separate issue which needs dismantling.
When voters are divided by those who pay and those who receive, politicians have more power than they should. I also believe tax rates give them too much power.
Obligation to pay for what? I might agree if we had any responsibilities with that money. As it is, the tax taken from a poor person hurt them more and are absolutely wasted.

Politicians have too much power than they should already because of money. Forcing more people to give them even more is the answer?

If my kid needs $5 I don't hand him $100 and hope he's responsible with it. We need to treat govt the same way
Why are overdraws particularly bad/evil/keeping people down? Depending on the account it's either based on a limit of credit, and they go over, or if its debit its access to their money, and they also go over. Either way the individual is using the bank/account to cover their own overspending and likely breaking a contract.

Why is it ok for an individual to overspend but not the government? Both are relying/taking from others.
Iirc they were posting transactions in order of size to promote more overdrafts. They were also delaying payments/not posting same day to cause late fees. Checks that bounced had fees charged to the depositor.
I'm OK with a standard deduction to prevent those under a certain income amount from not filing.

I'm not in favor of programs like the EITC which are rife with fraud. The tax code should be used to collect taxes, not redistribute wealth from taxpayers to non taxpayers...

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