IRS Warns Americans of New Law in 2023

Obligation to pay for what? I might agree if we had any responsibilities with that money. As it is, the tax taken from a poor person hurt them more and are absolutely wasted.

Politicians have too much power than they should already because of money. Forcing more people to give them even more is the answer?

If my kid needs $5 I don't hand him $100 and hope he's responsible with it. We need to treat govt the same way
Obligation to pay for the spending of the elected idiots. We are all United in the benefit of America and the obligation to fund.

If your child's allowance fluctuates with the family budget AND your child's interests are part of the budget, your chold learns how their choices impacts the whole family in general and their allowance specifically.

I cannot say moving away from a model where everyone contributes has helped our country. I woul, however, be happy to go back to those who own land are the only voters. I suspect that option is unpalatable for most.
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Obligation to pay for the spending of the elected idiots. We are all United in the benefit of America and the obligation to fund.

If your child's allowance fluctuates with the family budget AND your child's interests are part of the budget, your chold learns how their choices impacts the whole family in general and their allowance specifically.

I cannot say moving away from a model where everyone contributes has helped our country. I woul, however, be happy to go back to those who own land are the only voters. I suspect that option is unpalatable for most.
The irresponsible child was the govt.

They need less money not more people giving them more money
Obligation to pay for what? I might agree if we had any responsibilities with that money. As it is, the tax taken from a poor person hurt them more and are absolutely wasted.

Politicians have too much power than they should already because of money. Forcing more people to give them even more is the answer?

If my kid needs $5 I don't hand him $100 and hope he's responsible with it. We need to treat govt the same way
The issue is that your kids are voting for you to give them $5, and never feel the ramifications of getting said free money. Maybe the next time you tell them no fastfood because I already gave you those $5, that would teach responsibility. Or at least show them action/consquence.
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The issue is that your kids are voting for you to give them $5, and never feel the ramifications of getting said free money. Maybe the next time you tell them no fastfood because I already gave you those $5, that would teach responsibility. Or at least show them action/consquence.
The kid is the govt so I'm in favor of treating them that way. Instead of blindly paying there is no withholding and a tax bill is due 4 times each year. Full accounting of the previous qtr spending vs revenue must be released. If not then you miss the window and ask again next qtr
The irresponsible child was the govt.

They need less money not more people giving them more money
I agree. Impossible to agree more.

The government needs less money in. We, as Americans, should all have skin in the game on the amount of money needed.
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I agree. Impossible to agree more.

The government needs less money in. We, as Americans, should all have skin in the game on the lamount of money needed.
Ok, when govt stops catering to and benefitting from the wealthy then we can make everyone give their share.
Ok, when govt stops catering to and benefitting from the wealthy then we can make everyone give their share.
If / then propositions are less likely with more complex systems.

Personally, I believe the foundations of something as large and complex as government begin with principles, beliefs, and concepts.
Iirc they were posting transactions in order of size to promote more overdrafts. They were also delaying payments/not posting same day to cause late fees. Checks that bounced had fees charged to the depositor.
Not sure I understand why the order matters, so I dont sed an issue with it.

The second one is straight up bs if they are using that gap to assess fees. You could plan around that if you knew, but that doesnt seem designed as a way to specifically punish the poor or keep them down.

Not sure how to feel about that last one. If it's an automatic system I cant see a reason for the fee, but if it's something has fo be run down/verified I can see why their is a fee.

If you are wanting to blame the banks for stuff I would look at some of their other fees that can show up. Punishments for going under an arbitrary minimum balance above 0, fees based on number of purchases, fees for lack of use, or lack of minimum charges.

But even with those, 90% arent specific poor people problems. They are problems for everyone, and the poor are always going to suffer relatively more than others under the exact same rules. That's one of the reasons not to be poor.

All giving the poor beneficial special rules does is encourage continued poverty. It's just more welfare, that ends up making people dependent on the system rather than encouraging self improvement.

Look at the children tax benefits, they can get monthly support for each child. If they have more children that means more support. Or you have the minimum wage reflection where minimum wage workers will actively reduce their hours to avoid making too much file for various welfare programs. They use/abuse the system just as much as anyone.
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Not sure I understand why the order matters, so I dont sed an issue with it.

The second one is straight up bs if they are using that gap to assess fees. You could plan around that if you knew, but that doesnt seem designed as a way to specifically punish the poor or keep them down.

Not sure how to feel about that last one. If it's an automatic system I cant see a reason for the fee, but if it's something has fo be run down/verified I can see why their is a fee.

If you are wanting to blame the banks for stuff I would look at some of their other fees that can show up. Punishments for going under an arbitrary minimum balance above 0, fees based on number of purchases, fees for lack of use, or lack of minimum charges.

But even with those, 90% arent specific poor people problems. They are problems for everyone, and the poor are always going to suffer relatively more than others under the exact same rules. That's one of the reasons not to be poor.

All giving the poor beneficial special rules does is encourage continued poverty. It's just more welfare, that ends up making people dependent on the system rather than encouraging self improvement.

Look at the children tax benefits, they can get monthly support for each child. If they have more children that means more support. Or you have the minimum wage reflection where minimum wage workers will actively reduce their hours to avoid making too much file for various welfare programs. They use/abuse the system just as much as anyone.
If you post the largest first you're more likely to get multiple overdraft fees than if you clear the lowest charges. It's why they did it.

I'm not saying special rules but removing bad ones would be a start. Allowing some of the less fortunate to get some relief from what can be ridiculous and overwhelming system (on purpose) is compassionate. The govt has more than enough money that it doesn't need to also steal from the poorest and then return pennies on the dollar to them.

Many spend more time worrying about what the poor might get than they do the trillions wasted. The us govt is a scam
Should the poorest get thousands in free money for contributing absolutely nothing?
As opposed to sending it other places where it disappears? Absolutely, the health and welfare of US citizens should be prioritized. Once there's a fiscally conservative push in the govt that can be revisited.

Why do you and others get so worked up about us citizens getting us tax dollars? The real money drain is happening outside our borders
As opposed to sending it other places where it disappears? Absolutely, the health and welfare of US citizens should be prioritized. Once there's a fiscally conservative push in the govt that can be revisited.

Why do you and others get so worked up about us citizens getting us tax dollars? The real money drain is happening outside our borders

I don’t need my tax dollars redistributed to anyone else, especially in the form of cash, and don’t care who it is.
I don’t need my tax dollars redistributed to anyone else, especially in the form of cash, and don’t care who it is.
Yet you continue to vote for and support people who do just that. They do it mainly for other rich people, many of whom live outside these borders. You're a fraud, a hypocrite
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Yet you continue to vote for and support people who do just that. They do it mainly for other rich people, many of whom live outside these borders. You're a fraud, a hypocrite

Says the guy that complains about EVERYTHING yet has never offered a reasonable suggestion to fix anything.
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Middle class beware the IRS will be coming after us with a vengeance. Much easier targets than the millionaires and billionaires because they can afford to fight.

This is yet another reason I'm an independent voter, not beholden to either party. Both parties a bunch of rich, greedy, liars and parasites. Their only goal is to leech off us, and stay in power, nothing else.
Says the guy that complains about EVERYTHING yet has never offered a reasonable suggestion to fix anything.
No, you simply don't like my suggestions but many have been posted. I'm guessing they make you uncomfortable since they remove the process where others do the thinking for you and just tell you what to believe.
Just wait until these good service employees start getting hit for their full earnings.

Just a couple of short months ago they were cutting the IRS on as they were getting ready to roll out their cannons to go after the rich..................Only to see them roll those cannons right up to their nose and load them.

We watched as different branches of the federal government pushed and broke lawful boundaries to fit their agenda and did nothing.

While the population bickers about stupid crap they use to wedge us they take more and more. The sad thing is they've taken it so far we'll likely never get this back without rolling ourselves apart first.
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