I am profoundly disappointed in myself for engaging in a relationship that was negatively affected the people I love will resepct my privacy of my family and me as we deal with this difficult situation I have caused
Not good, he is not coming to replace Elzy, that is for sure.
I am profoundly disappointed in myself for engaging in a relationship that has negatively affected the people I love will resepct my privacy of my family and me as we deal with this difficult situation I have caused
Not good, he is not coming to replace Elzy, that is for sure.
So this doesn't make it better when I say this but he's young and young people make mistakes. I don't see this as a reason to drag the man.
You think this guy's career should be over because he had a slip up (however major it may be)? That's a little harsh.Hope he has coached his last game
No more living off the hard work of his moms name in a job he didn't deserve.
I believe in forgiveness but this one is very close to the line of unforgivable
You think this guy's career should be over because he had a slip up (however major it may be)? That's a little harsh.
Ye without sin cast the first stone
You think this guy's career should be over because he had a slip up (however major it may be)? That's a little harsh.
Ye without sin cast the first stone