Is Georgia's front 7 as good/better than Oklahoma's?

I wasn't intending to write off UT's LBs. They are good. I was responding to a comment.
You basically wrote off everyone's.

I didn't name UGA's LBs the best group, others have done that for me. The folks at SECN seem to think they are the best. So do most of the national people. UGA has weaknesses, but the front 7 isn't one.

I never said it was a weakness. I'm not sure who did. Comparing your front 7 to OU's is NOT an insult even if some don't think you are quite as good.

Now. You have made another truth claim. What "folks"? And who constitutes "most of the national people"? Plus when did they say it? Pre-season? If so... I hope you know how wrong those commentaries can turn out. For instance, none of them expected UT's DL to play as well as they have so far... all we heard was how UT was to replace all 4 starters. Few if any even knew who Reeves-Maybin was...
I have not seen Georgia enough to be able to compare their D with the Oklahoma D but I would take exception to one post herein about the OU D. It is not 10 guys and Eric Striker as has been suggested. We have playmakers all over the field on D.

The down three (Tapper, Phillips, & Ndulue ) are all hugely talented and able to dominate the LOS individually. The 4 LB's (Grissom, Alexander, Evans, & Striker) are big, fast, and can cover in space. Our secondary is full of playmakers. Hell, playing hurt the entire game and going up against one of the premier WR's in the country vs WVU, Zack Sanchez recorded an interception in his 5th straight game.

We OU fans were impressed with Tennessee and believe they have turned the corner.....something we know a little about after the disastrous 90's. I see the Vols doing the very same thing vs Georgia that they did against us. Sellout to stuff the run and force the Georgia QB to beat them through the air.

And it must be said as well, the Tennessee QB is a warrior. He stood his ground and delivered the ball time and time again under a withering assault by the OU D. There is no question that the Tennessee O-line is very young and inexperienced and they had their hands full with the OU D but there is talent there and it will continue to improve.
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You made a subjective statement about UGA's LB's being the "best" as if it were some sort of objective fact.
You keep changing your story. 1st, you said I wrote everyone else off. That was blatantly false. Now it is something else. However, I didn't come here to argue or engage in a p.ssing contest. So, here is my assessment of UGA.

QB - Average
RBs - Great
Wrs - Average
O line - Above average
D line - Above average
LBs - Very, very good
DBs - Poor
ST - Above average
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You keep changing your story. 1st, you said I wrote everyone else off.
It is the same thing.
That was blatantly false.
No. Your inability to read and discern does not make what I write "false".

Now it is something else. However, I didn't come here to argue or engage in a p.ssing contest. So, here is my assessment of UGA.

QB - Average
RBs - Great
Wrs - Average
O line - Above average
D line - Above average
LBs - Very, very good
DBs - Poor
ST - Above average

I don't entirely disagree with your grading there.... but when you throw around words like "best" or claim that "they" say they're the best... then you need to substantiate those claims.
I have not seen Georgia enough to be able to compare their D with the Oklahoma D but I would take exception to one post herein about the OU D. It is not 10 guys and Eric Striker as has been suggested. We have playmakers all over the field on D.

The down three (Tapper, Phillips, & Ndulue ) are all hugely talented and able to dominate the LOS individually. The 4 LB's (Grissom, Alexander, Evans, & Striker) are big, fast, and can cover in space. Our secondary is full of playmakers. Hell, playing hurt the entire game and going up against one of the premier WR's in the country vs WVU, Zack Sanchez recorded an interception in his 5th straight game.

We OU fans were impressed with Tennessee and believe they have turned the corner.....something we know a little about after the disastrous 90's. I see the Vols doing the very same thing vs Georgia that they did against us. Sellout to stuff the run and force the Georgia QB to beat them through the air.

And it must be said as well, the Tennessee QB is a warrior. He stood his ground and delivered the ball time and time again under a withering assault by the OU D. There is no question that the Tennessee O-line is very young and inexperienced and they had their hands full with the OU D but there is talent there and it will continue to improve.

Dude... you really need to get a clue and know your place when in the presence of UGA fans....:)

Here's how it is done....:bow2:
It is the same thing. No. Your inability to read and discern does not make what I write "false".

I don't entirely disagree with your grading there.... but when you throw around words like "best" or claim that "they" say they're the best... then you need to substantiate those claims.
I don't get paid to put up with you, so I won't. I could comment on comparative reading ability, and comparative educations, given our respective institutions, but I won't do that either. I won't even bring up the lameness of your failure to respond to the change of stories.
So, here is to an injury free game. I will comment after the game, regardless of the outcome.
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I don't get paid to put up with you, so I won't. I could comment on comparative reading ability, and comparative educations, given our respective institutions, but I won't do that either. I won't even bring up the lameness of your failure to respond to the change of stories.
I didn't change anything. You continue to avoid issues. You tried to parse two things that aren't different to escape answering.
So, here is to an injury free game. I will comment after the game, regardless of the outcome.

This is a tough draw for UT. Jones has pushed the team faster than most thought he could be you've got significant advantages.

FTR, when you made the unsubstantiated but uncompromised claim that UGA's LB's were the best in football... you dismissed everyone else's LB's. You didn't say UGA's were among the best which I would probably agree with. You didn't say they were "very, very good" which I would agree with. You said they were the "best" then pointed to the anonymous "they" for support.

Not sure who usually pays you to post on chat boards... but when you say someone has posted something that is "blatantly false" you need to actually understand the meaning of what they posted first.

Congrats though. You've managed to turn this into an argument rather than supporting your claims.
I think until you get to the back of that defense, UGA is on par with OU defensively. The secondary is a work in progress. There is talent there but it is young, raw and has a new scheme to work from. Swann is that guy for us that is great one minute, then chasing a guy down the sideline the next.

TDAWG, I watch a lot of football...especially OU. OU's defensive front is collectively the best in college football this year (much more than just Striker). Their offensive line is at least top 3 if not the best. OU is deep in both lines. Our defense is very fast. I've watched Georgia play and your front 7 is athletic but they're not as good. UT's defense is better than you think. UT May or May not win the game but they will be able to exploit your secondary because Worley should have a little more time to throw. UT's receivers will do damage tomorrow. I'm predicting a very close game. You will be surprised
Just to show my honesty, being an OU fan whose team has all world line play.... I expect them to lose a game this year and may not make the playoffs. We don't have enough experienced receivers and can get "loose" with the ball at times (turnovers). Go Vols!
So far through one half, UGA's front 7 do not look nearly as good as OU's did. Some of that is improvements by UT... but they do not look as good even that considered.
I know that coming into this season all I heard about was Eric Striker and the Oklahoma front 7, and they lived up to their reputation against us.

I have heard very little about Georgia's front 7 except now that I'm talking to Georgia fans, they seem to think we will have a similar experience. I'm even hearing a lot of "you thought Oklahoma was all over Worley, just wait until Saturday" kind of talk. I haven't really done the research, just curious as to everyone's thoughts. Will this be Oklahoma part 2 for our O-line or is this mostly just fluff from Georgia fans?

Maybe not, but Okl offense and total game prep is better. Worley may get pressure vs Vandy and Kentucky so doing that against UT would'nt be a notch in my cap so to speak. But we are talking about UGA fans. Ask them how their chicken tastes. Richt is Spurriers little concubine.
OU's front 7 is better than UGA's... with all due respect to "everyone" and UGA fans as well. They're good... but not as good as OU.
Georgia's defense is high school caliber. They only stopped us about 3 drives, the rest we stopped ourselves. Our poor execution in the end zone, the fumble cost us the game, that TD beat us.

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