Is MAGA Quasi-Fascist?

I'm going to own the fascist label. As a white male I'm already racist, sexist, homophoboc , etc. Might as well accept another label, I might catch up to lbgtqrstuv....

Look-it, Glad. You are right about people recklessly bandying labels. But we're talking about something MFing serious. I do not think Biden is calling "Wolf!" when there is no wolf.

Trump coluded with the Russians - nope that was the democrats.

Trump used his political position to extort from a foreign country, Ukraine. - Nope that was the democrats.

Trump illegally tried to influence the election by using social media - nope that was the democrats.

Trump created a fictitious dossier used to o tain warrants, nope that was the democrats.

The democrats are the most corrupt political organization in the western hemisphere. They operate unchecked by the media, and our own federal justice system. We live in a banana Republic.

Your jaundiced outlook is chock full of errors, ranging wrong by close to 180 degrees.
Your jaundiced outlook is chock full of errors, ranging wrong by close to 180 degrees.
It's 100% fact.

Let me add..

Trump tried to create a cabinet position to determine what was the "truth" they wanted on social media - nope democrats.

Trump went to said social media companies and had them suppress information on his son claiming it was Russian disinformation on his son in order to protect his candidacy - nope that was the democrats.

Shall I keep going? Can you dispute any of it?
The semi-fascist by Biden is another attempt to divide the country by targeting his countrymen. Any term of adding words to MAGA which is a political slogan like “Hope” or “Build Back Better” and he’s using it to fuel Governor's to target residents as they are not welcomed. It’s hate speech protected by being a Democrat.
It's 100% fact.

Shall I keep going? Can you dispute any of it?

Frankly, yes, I can. But I have better things to do than waste my time trying to educate a man who is committed hard core to his own prejudice. With guys like you, nothing ever changes. You only accept what confirms your own existing attitudes and beliefs, however wrong they might be.
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No, Tim, projection is what Republicans do. They accuse their opposition of that which they are guilty. Many's the time when they accused Democrats of doing something because they planned to do that very thing and did do that very thing. But first they accused Democrats of doing it because they wanted to muddy the waters of public perception before committing to the next phase of the plan. Of course, they also accuse Democrats of doing what they are caught doing, divert attention of their dimwitted supporters. Some of the wealthiest individuals and corporations pay hundreds of millions of dollars a year to public relations professionals to operate as their propaganda professionals. There obviously are many so-called conservatives who swallow that propaganda hook, line, and sinker.
Frankly, yes, I can. But I have better things to do than waste my time trying to educate a man who is committed hard core to his own prejudice. With guys like you, nothing ever changes. You only accept what confirms your own existing attitudes and beliefs, however wrong they might be.
Which ones do you disagree with?

Every one mentioned has been proven.

Do you dispute the Steele Dossier?
Do you dispute the fact that that Biden bragged, on video of getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired?
Do you dispute the collusion with the Russians?
Do you dispute the recent news of the FBI telling Zuckerberg to suppress the hunter biden laptop?

Which one isn't factual.

You're a genetic cross of a sheep and a lemming.
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Yes and we would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling kids.

There’s a secret organization called UMAGA (Ultra MAGA). The sole purpose of this organization is to censor free speech on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks. We have infiltrated these businesses with “fact checkers”. Any speech we find offensive to our views we censor or label as disinformation or untrue.

Wait until we unleash “ministry of truth”
Yes and we would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling kids.

There’s a secret organization called UMAGA (Ultra MAGA). The sole purpose of this organization is to censor free speech on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks. We have infiltrated these businesses with “fact checkers”. Any speech we find offensive to our views we censor or label as disinformation or untrue.

Wait until we unleash “ministry of truth”

The saddest thing about it is that you do not know the effing difference anymore, if you ever did.
The most damaging thing the government can do is try to control and censor free speech.

All rights have limits. This board is evidence of our freedom; don't you think? Nobody is dragging us off for expressing ourselves, here. At the same time, we are not free to yell, "Fire!" in a theater when there is no fire.
No and no.
Because you can't.

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Because you can't.


Because I do not do writing assignments from message board flamers. Maybe you can get somebody else to play soldier in your imaginary army. You can tell yourself what to do, or your wife and dog if you have a wife and dog.
All rights have limits. This board is evidence of our freedom; don't you think? Nobody is dragging us off for expressing ourselves, here. At the same time, we are not free to yell, "Fire!" in a theater when there is no fire.

You are the one throwing around the word fascist. I’m pointing out that the dem party has been censoring free speech (the most dangerous part of fascism).
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You are the one throwing around the word fascist. I’m pointing out that the dem party has been censoring free speech (the most dangerous part of fascism).

You haven't pointed out doodley squat, except in your imaginary world of propaganda bull hock.

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