Is Nico being "pampered"

I know I will get flack for this but I sure was hoping to see Gaston Moore after halftime. The heck with pampering you’ve got to do what’s best for the team.
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There is a fine line here.

For those of us who remember Peyton as a freshman, you can argue that he was actually protected more. We rarely threw the ball down the field and relied heavily on our running game. His stats were very pedestrian as a frosh.

Coaches cannot put expectations on young players that they are not ready to meet. It’s akin to driving a square peg into a round hole.

Coaches instead have to find a player’s capability and comfort zone, and operate there.

However, whatever the staff is doing with Nico is not working because he is playing very tentatively.
Peyton was a true freshman, not a RS freshman who'd been with the program for a year by the time he was asked to start.

Apples and oranges.
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Peyton was a true freshman, not a RS freshman who'd been with the program for a year by the time he was asked to start.

Apples and oranges.
It is not ideal either way. Nico will be fine though but the whole offense needs work. Just sloppy everywhere last night coaches and players. Penalties killed any chance more often than not
It is not ideal either way. Nico will be fine though but the whole offense needs work. Just sloppy everywhere last night coaches and players. Penalties killed any chance more often than not

Still, pretending that he's a raw true freshman thrown to the wolves out of necessity, and not someone who will have been with the program two years in two months, and had 5 starts going into this game, is disingenuous.
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I appears to me that Nico is being pampered so far. The offense relies on the QB running and he is not running, he's only getting yardage on scrambles and even then he is passing when he could coast for a 1st down. Just one first down near the end would have sealed the win. We are completely predictable without the threat of the QB running and I believe it's to keep him from getting hurt. I seriously believe that either of our backups could have won this game because they run the ball a lot.
No. He's a frosh/soph, who until very recently had no SEC experience. Who hadn't played anyone other than pipsqueaks until OU. Where we saw, he struggled against a REAL defense. We will see it again as the SEC season moves along. Hopefully, he grows up FAST, very FAST. if not, hopefully, Josh doesn't make the same wrong move he did when he Joe in when he should have put Hendon in, instead. Said it months earlier, got laughed at, but we may well see Gaston Moore on the field taking over for the 8 million dollar man. Nico isn't super human, he will grow, he will be great (I honestly believe that) but he isn't any of that yet. And SEC teams especially, will exploit his current vulnerability. Now, that OL, it's good, but not as much as we might have believed at season start. Just he same, I believe we will be OK. I believe in our coaches.
Still, pretending that he's a raw true freshman thrown to the wolves out of necessity, and not someone who will have been with the program two years in two months, and had 5 starts going into this game, is disingenuous.
I don't pretend he doesn't need to play better. I AGREE. However failing to recognize it was his 6th start and understanding the game is about reps. He openly took blame for the last play. He understands he has to play better. That is step 1. He also understands penalties killed drives and ultimately lost the game. Coaches and players deserve some critique. However laying it all at the feet of the QB is not fair. He didn't run into the kicker in a punt safe and he didn't let a punt bounce 20-25 yards at the end of the game with a few minutes left. There are a lot of things to fix in this game.
That play made me wonder if Nico has the tools from the neck up. Kid obviously has great physical tools but does he have the mental game to be a great QB?
He is gonna struggle some. The play calling is not helping him get into a flow. Either penalties or dumbass play calling when we have so much at our disposal. Nico is fine unless this fan base destroys him

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