Is Pollack serious??



First of his name
Jan 26, 2010
4 guys sitting at the table, 3 of them saying there's no reason UT can't get back to greatness in the coming years, Pollack saying they won't because "recruiting for UT isn't what it used to be"...............

Pollack is an idiot.
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Has he not seen our recent recruiting class? "Georgia and South Carolina have closed off their borders and are keeping guys in-state."
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4 guys sitting at the table, 3 of them saying there's no reason UT can't get back to greatness in the coming years, Pollack saying they won't because "recruiting for UT isn't what it used to be"...............

Pollack is an idiot.

Its no secret he hates UT without saying it.
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Our recruiting really hasn't been what it used to be over the past 3-5 years. Granted, we're doing awesome so far this year, but it remains to be seen if the class holds together once the losses start piling up during the season. In exactly the same way people pointed out that it was just July and there was a LONG time to go when Dooley was lagging behind in recruiting, the same is still true this year. Until, signing day comes and goes and we still have an elite class, we haven't accomplished anything.
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4 guys sitting at the table, 3 of them saying there's no reason UT can't get back to greatness in the coming years, Pollack saying they won't because "recruiting for UT isn't what it used to be"...............

Pollack is an idiot.

My mom always said "It's better to be quiet and let them think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.."
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Has he not seen our recent recruiting class? "Georgia and South Carolina have closed off their borders and are keeping guys in-state."

That's the dumbest thing I have heard. A bad year from either head coach and they could very easily be shown the door...

Anyone care to agree?
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Our recruiting really hasn't been what it used to be over the past 3-5 years. Granted, we're doing awesome so far this year, but it remains to be seen if the class holds together once the losses start piling up during the season. In exactly the same way people pointed out that it was just July and there was a LONG time to go when Dooley was lagging behind in recruiting, the same is still true this year. Until, signing day comes and goes and we still have an elite class, we haven't accomplished anything.

I didn't even flinch at the statement. When they ask Pollack for anything on UT they're just looking for the contrarian opinion to stir up some controversy. It's the same reason that you don't see any of the other reporters telling him that just yesterday we picked up a 4* commitment from GA.
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Our recruiting really hasn't been what it used to be over the past 3-5 years. Granted, we're doing awesome so far this year, but it remains to be seen if the class holds together once the losses start piling up during the season. In exactly the same way people pointed out that it was just July and there was a LONG time to go when Dooley was lagging behind in recruiting, the same is still true this year. Until, signing day comes and goes and we still have an elite class, we haven't accomplished anything.

Stability and competence have a lot to do with it.
Our recruiting really hasn't been what it used to be over the past 3-5 years. Granted, we're doing awesome so far this year, but it remains to be seen if the class holds together once the losses start piling up during the season. In exactly the same way people pointed out that it was just July and there was a LONG time to go when Dooley was lagging behind in recruiting, the same is still true this year. Until, signing day comes and goes and we still have an elite class, we haven't accomplished anything.

I would imagine the coaches had a conversation with every 2014 recruit along the lines of "This year is going to be rough, but it's going to turn around when you get here, etc."

If we make a bowl, we'll be fine. I doubt many, if any, will jump ship if we only win 5 games too.
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He had just gotten done saying UT has all the pieces (Tradition, facilities, stadium, etc) and that Butch was a great hire and was going to get us turned around, and how our O-line was "beast mode." Then he does a complete 180 when asked if we can get back to title contention. He reminds me of a politician....
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