Is Pollack serious??

Stability and competence have a lot to do with it.

True. Recruiting rankings in July are many times nothing more than fool's gold. Hopefully the class can stay together once the losing starts during the season, but for people to just count what Jones has done so far this year as if he's actually got those guys on campus would be shortsighted IMO. The first week of February is a LONG way off right now.
I would imagine the coaches had a conversation with every 2014 recruit along the lines of "This year is going to be rough, but it's going to turn around when you get here, etc."

If we make a bowl, we'll be fine. I doubt many, if any, will jump ship if we only win 5 games too.

I would certainly hope they've made this year's commits aware of what's coming this fall. I don't really think we'll get to a bowl game this year, but hopefully Jones can convince them that he's got what it takes to be successful and that this year's results aren't a good indicator of what's he's capable of.
True. Recruiting rankings in July are many times nothing more than fool's gold. Hopefully the class can stay together once the losing starts during the season, but for people to just count what Jones has done so far this year as if he's actually got those guys on campus would be shortsighted IMO. The first week of February is a LONG way off right now.

True, but I know of at least one recruit that says publically he isn't leaving. Wu-Tang or Passed Out probably could name a few more.

In the end Butch really made Lane look like an ass and Dooley look even worse.
Our recruiting really hasn't been what it used to be over the past 3-5 years. Granted, we're doing awesome so far this year, but it remains to be seen if the class holds together once the losses start piling up during the season. In exactly the same way people pointed out that it was just July and there was a LONG time to go when Dooley was lagging behind in recruiting, the same is still true this year. Until, signing day comes and goes and we still have an elite class, we haven't accomplished anything.

Butch is selling the recruits this year on how they will be the class that turns UT around, that will help a lot as the season goes on. He has let them know that this year may be rough, but they can be the ones that change every thing.

If Butch proves he can coach and improvement is shown throughout the year, we will have no problems. He would have to tank big time to see a real effect on recruiting.
Pollack doesn't like UT and never has

So. Doesn't mean he should make ridiculous comments when there is a live camera starring him in the face.

Hard to take a guy serious when he is talking about a drop in recruiting and the school is currently ranked #1 or #2 (pending on which service you look at).
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played for UGA and was a heck of a college football player

I just saw a pic of him on another thread, yeah I have seen him before on College Gameday I think. Usually he is a pretty good analyst, this time though - he has failed to do his research! :ermm:
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Butch is selling the recruits this year on how they will be the class that turns UT around, that will help a lot as the season goes on. He has let them know that this year may be rough, but they can be the ones that change every thing.

If Butch proves he can coach and improvement is shown throughout the year, we will have no problems. He would have to tank big time to see a real effect on recruiting.

What's your definition of "tank big time"?

Personally I don't see any way this team wins more than 5 or MAYBE 6 games this year. In your opinion are both of those results good enough to keep the class largely intact?
So. Doesn't mean he should make ridiculous comments when there is a live camera starring him in the face.

Hard to take a guy serious when he is talking about a drop in recruiting and the school is currently ranked #1 or #2 (pending on which service you look at).

People actually take him seriously? :eek:lol:
Has he not seen our recent recruiting class? "Georgia and South Carolina have closed off their borders and are keeping guys in-state."

For the love of God can guys whose sole job it is to follow college football actually follow college football?

Or, is that asking too much? Too much? Really? All right.
So. Doesn't mean he should make ridiculous comments when there is a live camera starring him in the face.

Hard to take a guy serious when he is talking about a drop in recruiting and the school is currently ranked #1 or #2 (pending on which service you look at).

Doesn't his own network use Scout for their rankings, and isn't TN #1 in those?
What's your definition of "tank big time"?

Personally I don't see any way this team wins more than 5 or MAYBE 6 games this year. In your opinion are both of those results good enough to keep the class largely intact?

I wouldn't think 6-6 is terrible. It just means on pace with Saban. Think about it that way..
What's your definition of "tank big time"?

Personally I don't see any way this team wins more than 5 or MAYBE 6 games this year. In your opinion are both of those results good enough to keep the class largely intact?

If we make a bowl game, this class may get better. If we win 5, this class will largely stay together, may see a couple deflect but we may see that anyways. If we just win 4, you get to see how good of a salesman Butch is. If we just win 3, some idiot may burn down Neyland and we won't have to worry about this lol.

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