Is the current GOP good for America?

I think having a counterbalance is good, as both parties are given to excess. However, the current GOP is an absolute dumpster fire. It has no principles, other than doing what Donny wants. It's not a counterbalance, it a conspiracy theory-laden cult of personality.
And I think you’re a **** stirring shrew that is just trolling thus why you posted this thread.

And I think you’re a **** stirring shrew that is just trolling thus why you posted this thread.

What is the current GOP doing that's good for America? Are they taking actions to get COVID under control or worsening the spread? Are they strengthening democracy or trying to cast it aside? Are they improving our standing in the world or diminishing it?
What is the current GOP doing that's good for America? Are they taking actions to get COVID under control or worsening the spread? Are they strengthening democracy or trying to cast it aside? Are they improving our standing in the world or diminishing it?
Go find somebody that cares to engage in your trolling I’ll just keep dropping the 🤡’s

I’d accuse you of cognitive dissonance but all you’re doing it stirring the pot.
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If the current GOP continues to allow itself to be the Trump Party, then it is doomed........I guess I'm okay with that.
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No. The Republican Party represents the top income bracket and their lobbies in Congress, which enables capital to be withheld from the economy, to the detriment of our middle class. Because it cannot win elections for its real policies, it supports divisive and incendiary misinformation about its political opposition with massive amounts of money. Its propaganda dangerously polarizes attitudes in our entire society. The Republican Party functions by influencing our economic and political systems to be less and less functional, so that our nation continually suffers one catastrophic event after another, with a standard of living which trails other developed countries in almost every category. The Republican Party requires unacceptable abuses power to manage higher and higher levels of corruption and profiteering, which only benefit people who are already the wealthiest in the country.
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No. The Republican Party represents the top income bracket and their lobbies in Congress, which enables capital to be withheld from the economy, to the detriment of our middle class. Because it cannot garner votes for its real policies, it supports divisive and incendiary misinformation about its political opposition, which dangerously polarizes attitudes in our entire society. The Republican Party functions by influencing our economic and political systems to be less and less functional, so that our nation continually suffers one catastrophic event after another, with a standard of living which trails other developed countries in almost every category.
Right. How about all the Wall Street money going to Biden?
No. The Republican Party represents the top income bracket and their lobbies in Congress, which enables capital to be withheld from the economy, to the detriment of our middle class. Because it cannot win elections for its real policies, it supports divisive and incendiary misinformation about its political opposition, which dangerously polarizes attitudes in our entire society. The Republican Party functions by influencing our economic and political systems to be less and less functional, so that our nation continually suffers one catastrophic event after another, with a standard of living which trails other developed countries in almost every category.
Ok you’re clearly guilty of cognitive dissonance and this post is a great example 😂

And shrew evil has some nibbles 🤣🤡
Tin foil would be much more expensive if it wasn’t for Republicans and their support of free markets and the pro capitalism agenda.

No. The Republican Party represents the top income bracket and their lobbies in Congress, which enables capital to be withheld from the economy, to the detriment of our middle class. Because it cannot win elections for its real policies, it supports divisive and incendiary misinformation about its political opposition with massive amounts of money. Its propaganda dangerously polarizes attitudes in our entire society. The Republican Party functions by influencing our economic and political systems to be less and less functional, so that our nation continually suffers one catastrophic event after another, with a standard of living which trails other developed countries in almost every category. The Republican Party requires unacceptable abuses power to manage higher and higher levels of corruption and profiteering, which only benefit people who are already the wealthiest in the country.
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