Is the current GOP good for America?

Thanks for making clear that Kavanaugh cannot do his job, be bigger than holding petty grudges and do impartial justice.
Nobody implied Kavanaugh won’t do his job correctly... well other than you. But that idiocy is right in the with the stupidity pointed out in the tweet now isn’t it.
No. The Republican Party represents the top income bracket and their lobbies in Congress, which enables capital to be withheld from the economy, to the detriment of our middle class. Because it cannot win elections for its real policies, it supports divisive and incendiary misinformation about its political opposition with massive amounts of money. Its propaganda dangerously polarizes attitudes in our entire society. The Republican Party functions by influencing our economic and political systems to be less and less functional, so that our nation continually suffers one catastrophic event after another, with a standard of living which trails other developed countries in almost every category. The Republican Party requires unacceptable abuses power to manage higher and higher levels of corruption and profiteering, which only benefit people who are already the wealthiest in the country.

Even if everyone gets through the first half this piece of hyper partisan hackery, as soon as anyone with two brains cells reads where you said that we trail other countries in our “ standard of living in almost every category “ you are just going to be laughed at . There’s not another country on this planet that gives every single people living here the opportunities to be successful in every aspect of life , in every single category. Our system was set up to provide opportunities not hand outs . We create our own fortunes or misfortunes, another thing this country does better than most , gives you more options than any other country for you to choose how you want to live your life . I love listening to you socialist droning on about the Rs rigging the system for the rich , while every single Urban city is ran by liberals into the ground , off the backs of the poor and bad liberal polices .Smh
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I think having a counterbalance is good, as both parties are given to excess. However, the current GOP is an absolute dumpster fire. It has no principles, other than doing what Donny wants. It's not a counterbalance, it's a conspiracy theory-laden cult of personality.

The dem party has no morality and the principle it bestows is that of Stalin, Pol Pot and most dictators. The dems are following that same path.
Lol. The GOP has its issues no worse then the Dems. You literally have a Dem party that's leaders were reluctant to criticize violent riots for fear of looking bad. Who wouldn't call for accountability in BLM for fear of political back lash. Stood by and watched their own cities and communities burn. Then lecture everyone, except for protestors, for assembling during a pandemic. They have crushed small business in this country, while shoving infected into nursing homes, then complain about the POTUS and his handling of this. All the while holding these same Dem Govs, particularly Cuomo, up as great examples of leadership. Get a damn clue. Yet you won't. Bc you can't look past your nose and understand how alarming it should be to you that the GOP picked up seats in the house and will hold the senate. Has a incumbent POTUS ever lost an election while his party made gains down ballot? That should literally scare the crap out of you for two years from now.
Lol. The GOP has its issues no worse then the Dems. You literally have a Dem party that's leaders were reluctant to criticize violent riots for fear of looking bad. Who wouldn't call for accountability in BLM for fear of political back lash. Stood by and watched their own cities and communities burn. Then lecture everyone, except for protestors, for assembling during a pandemic. They have crushed small business in this country, while shoving infected into nursing homes, then complain about the POTUS and his handling of this. All the while holding these same Dem Govs, particularly Cuomo, up as great examples of leadership. Get a damn clue.
You rube why did you bump this tripe 🤬
What is the current GOP doing that's good for America? Are they taking actions to get COVID under control or worsening the spread? Are they strengthening democracy or trying to cast it aside? Are they improving our standing in the world or diminishing it?
Depends on your definition of good. I havent seen a whole lot of good out of DC in my life period. The right to try and the limited jail reforms they passed were good. Operation warp speed has got us vaccines incredibly fast. I have been told multiple times you strengthen democracy by getting more people to vote. We had the most this year. Well Russia has taken any new countries under the GOP. And there were a whole bunch of Israeli-Arab peace treaties signed. That were pretty big deals, ushered in by the presidents watch to the point he was nominated for multiple Nobel peace prizes.

You can flip it for the Dems. I wonder if the OP can admit to any of these?

They have divided our nation by race. Bad.
Punish success with taxes and regulations. Bad.
Are trying to restrict freedoms on every front. Bad.
And all that ignores what the AOC/Bernie side wants to do. Which even the moderate Ds admit is not so good.
Shut down businesses and public parks. Bad.

What actions have the Dems done to get Covid under control? Lock up seniors. Encourage mass protests. All the various examples of do what I say not what I do. Masks and social distancing havent worked anywhere.

The Dems have been protesting every single thing the democratically elected GoP has been trying to do. Held how many witch hunts? Are creating Trump supporter naughty lists. Rioting. We saw it in this election where there were a lot of the silent trump supporters who were afraid to admit to his support due to the pressures exerted by society. Hard to say you support democracy if you suppress people's opinions. Heck even this thread didnt start from a neutral stance.

Define world standings? Again russia took countries during Obama's term. And it got so bad that the Polish politicians were openly asking if an american alliance was worth anything, we had a thread on it. The Kyoto accords or Paris treaty, no one is meeting that that stayed on. Hard to say you lose standing on a losing proposition. Then NATO wasnt even trying to meet their requirements under Obama.
The dem party has no morality and the principle it bestows is that of Stalin, Pol Pot and most dictators. The dems are following that same path.

That's rich coming from a guy who presumably supports Trump, a guy that is actively and without a shred of actual proof looking to overturn and undermine the results of a certified election that he lost by 7 million votes.

Take your calls for a fascism and buzz off, you look ridiculous calling the kettle black. If Trump were tougher, less stupid and didn't employ Rudy G and a traffic court lawyer as his QB's - he'd make a hell of a banana republic dictator.
That's rich coming from a guy who presumably supports Trump, a guy that is actively and without a shred of actual proof looking to overturn and undermine the results of a certified election that he lost by 7 million votes.

Take your calls for a fascism and buzz off, you look ridiculous calling the kettle black. If Trump were tougher, less stupid and didn't employ Rudy G and a traffic court lawyer as his QB's - he'd make a hell of a banana republic dictator.

There is a lot of evidence. I know the media will not cover it, but there is plenty. Either way, you can't defend a party that has no morality. A party that actively goes against the constitution.
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Depends on your definition of good. I havent seen a whole lot of good out of DC in my life period. The right to try and the limited jail reforms they passed were good. Operation warp speed has got us vaccines incredibly fast. I have been told multiple times you strengthen democracy by getting more people to vote. We had the most this year. Well Russia has taken any new countries under the GOP. And there were a whole bunch of Israeli-Arab peace treaties signed. That were pretty big deals, ushered in by the presidents watch to the point he was nominated for multiple Nobel peace prizes.

You can flip it for the Dems. I wonder if the OP can admit to any of these?

They have divided our nation by race. Bad.
Punish success with taxes and regulations. Bad.
Are trying to restrict freedoms on every front. Bad.
And all that ignores what the AOC/Bernie side wants to do. Which even the moderate Ds admit is not so good.
Shut down businesses and public parks. Bad.

What actions have the Dems done to get Covid under control? Lock up seniors. Encourage mass protests. All the various examples of do what I say not what I do. Masks and social distancing havent worked anywhere.

The Dems have been protesting every single thing the democratically elected GoP has been trying to do. Held how many witch hunts? Are creating Trump supporter naughty lists. Rioting. We saw it in this election where there were a lot of the silent trump supporters who were afraid to admit to his support due to the pressures exerted by society. Hard to say you support democracy if you suppress people's opinions. Heck even this thread didnt start from a neutral stance.

Define world standings? Again russia took countries during Obama's term. And it got so bad that the Polish politicians were openly asking if an american alliance was worth anything, we had a thread on it. The Kyoto accords or Paris treaty, no one is meeting that that stayed on. Hard to say you lose standing on a losing proposition. Then NATO wasnt even trying to meet their requirements under Obama.

Quite accurate, i think when a dem defines "world standing" they usually mean that America must do what is good for globe and bad for America. Americans must take a back seat because we're racist etc.... it's mindset that's been cultivated for decades.
There is a lot of evidence. I know the media will not cover it, but there is plenty. Either way, you can't defend a party that has no morality. A party that actively goes against the constitution.

If there were "a lot" of evidence the boogeyman media would have no choice. It's not showing up in court rooms either, where it counts.

You're either delusional, in denial (probably both) but either way I suggest you prepare your delicate psyche for the inevatability of Biden being your President.
If there were "a lot" of evidence the boogeyman media would have no choice. It's not showing up in court rooms either, where it counts.

You're either delusional, in denial (probably both) but either way I suggest you prepare your delicate psyche for the inevatability of Biden being your President.
There was actually plenty of real evidence that Tony Bobulinski provided implicating Biden in influence peddling and the boogeyman media absolutely buried that. No not the laptop, the business partner with all of the actual original communications that he was party to.

Here’s to hoping it rises zombie like to follow his influence peddling ass around.
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There was actually plenty of real evidence that Tony Bobulinski provided implicating Biden in influence peddling and the boogeyman media absolutely buried that. No not the laptop, the business partner with all of the actual original communications that he was party to.

Here’s to hoping it rises zombie like to follow his influence peddling ass around.

Four years of a Trump grift and suddenly influence peddling is a deal breaker.


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