is the SEC better than the Big 10???

That all depends on what you are talking about. If you mean better at college football, then yes. The SEC is better by a long shot. If, however, you are referring to blaming losses on "bad calls" by the refs, whining that the conference that has beaten the premier team in your conference every time they've played is overrated, or ignoring factual evidence that you aren't the best in the world, then no...the Big 10 can run circles around us there.

While I think that in general the best of the BigTen can compete with the best of the SEC year in/year out, from top to bottom the SEC is WAY better. At Michigan, we've had success against the SEC. A lot of it (present company excluded, of course.) OSU? Well, thanks for the last two years, guys. :eek:lol: Anyways, as I was saying, I think that from year to year the top 2-3 teams are usually pretty comparable. We've been way down lately, though as a conference. As a Michigan fan, really we worry about OSU. Penn State and Wisconsin are generally the other two "big" games, and we have dominated both of them (9 straight against PSU, 16/20 against Wisconsin.) There are other teams that can be "tough" from time to time (MSU, Purdue, etc.) but not in a traditional power sort of way.

In the SEC, you're looking at UT, UF, GA, LSU, AU and that isn't even scratching at Bama (formerly a team that was important) and USC who can be good as well.

Overall the Big Ten doesn't fare too bad against the SEC (17-19 in the last 10 years) but it's a fool's argument to say that the Big Ten is the better conference.
That all depends on what you are talking about. If you mean better at college football, then yes. The SEC is better by a long shot. If, however, you are referring to blaming losses on "bad calls" by the refs, whining that the conference that has beaten the premier team in your conference every time they've played is overrated, or ignoring factual evidence that you aren't the best in the world, then no...the Big 10 can run circles around us there.

1. Ohio State is not historically the premier Big Ten team.

2. Most Big Ten fans loved watching OSU get whooped.

3. I can't imagine a sane Big Ten fan claiming to be better than the SEC. As a Michigan fan, I only care that we can compete with the nation's best. I don't care that Northwestern can't. I have no problem admitting that Northwestern, Purdue, Minnesota, MSU, etc. are nowhere close to SEC teams.

While I think that in general the best of the BigTen can compete with the best of the SEC year in/year out, from top to bottom the SEC is WAY better. At Michigan, we've had success against the SEC. A lot of it (present company excluded, of course.) OSU? Well, thanks for the last two years, guys. :eek:lol: Anyways, as I was saying, I think that from year to year the top 2-3 teams are usually pretty comparable. We've been way down lately, though as a conference. As a Michigan fan, really we worry about OSU. Penn State and Wisconsin are generally the other two "big" games, and we have dominated both of them (9 straight against PSU, 16/20 against Wisconsin.) There are other teams that can be "tough" from time to time (MSU, Purdue, etc.) but not in a traditional power sort of way.

In the SEC, you're looking at UT, UF, GA, LSU, AU and that isn't even scratching at Bama (formerly a team that was important) and USC who can be good as well.

Overall the Big Ten doesn't fare too bad against the SEC (17-19 in the last 10 years) but it's a fool's argument to say that the Big Ten is the better conference.
last two years?? they're what, 0-9 against the SEC in bowl games?!? You're welcome! :hi:
IMO, for the last 3 years including this one, the SEC has had at least 3 teams better than tOSU. They have a situation like what Nebraska had back in the Big 8 days. They scheduled cupcake OOC games and then ran roughshod through the conference. The only challenge they had all year was OU.

This year will be the toughest schedule I've seen tOSU have in awhile. They play USC, @ Wisconsin, and @ Illinois. Other than that they'll have to choke to be challenged. They have Michigan @ Columbus. Mich St is an away game but they shouldn't be all that good this year.
last two years?? they're what, 0-9 against the SEC in bowl games?!? You're welcome! :hi:


Oh, it's a GLORIOUS thing.

The Citrus Bowl? Michigan crushing OSU's national title dreams and then UT burying their season? Awesome.
1. Ohio State is not historically the premier Big Ten team.

2. Most Big Ten fans loved watching OSU get whooped.

3. I can't imagine a sane Big Ten fan claiming to be better than the SEC. As a Michigan fan, I only care that we can compete with the nation's best. I don't care that Northwestern can't. I have no problem admitting that Northwestern, Purdue, Minnesota, MSU, etc. are nowhere close to SEC teams.

I know, I was just playin'. It does make me laugh, though, to log into neutral forums and read the comments made by the crazed Big 10 fans. It is the same with all teams though, some fans have no time for facts.

"Don't bother me with statistics and irrelevant win/loss records, we are the best because we are. I have spoken!"

Good luck to the Wolverines this year...unless they are playing the SEC...except for Florida... :)
IMO, for the last 3 years including this one, the SEC has had at least 3 teams better than tOSU. They have a situation like what Nebraska had back in the Big 8 days. They scheduled cupcake OOC games and then ran roughshod through the conference. The only challenge they had all year was OU.

This year will be the toughest schedule I've seen tOSU have in awhile. They play USC, @ Wisconsin, and @ Illinois. Other than that they'll have to choke to be challenged. They have Michigan @ Columbus. Mich St is an away game but they shouldn't be all that good this year.

I don't know. I think OSU wasn't all that good last year, but in 2006 they were damn good. They did beat Texas at Texas that year. I really think that team bought into the hype (as did we) following the #1 v. #2 game. I don't think they were THAT bad, but I don't think they were as good as the hype made them out to be. They thought they had the NC all wrapped up when they beat us.

Last year they were a product of a bad conference and no OOC tests. Part of that was our fault. Another year of top-notch talent wasted by Carr and DeBord.
I know, I was just playin'. It does make me laugh, though, to log into neutral forums and read the comments made by the crazed Big 10 fans. It is the same with all teams though, some fans have no time for facts.

"Don't bother me with statistics and irrelevant win/loss records, we are the best because we are. I have spoken!"

Good luck to the Wolverines this year...unless they are playing the SEC...except for Florida... :)

It bothers me, too. I just love college football. Sure, Michigan is by far and away #1 for me, but I love going to other games when I can. The Big Ten fans who hate all things SEC are silly to me. It's great football, and I'm going to enjoy it. I'll follow UT because odds are we'll not be playing. I can't bring myself to root for OSU, ever, even if it "helps" the Big Ten (which I think is a weak argument because we compete directly with them in recruiting.)

The Big Ten is not #1. I'm perfectly OK with being #2, and Michigan's record against the SEC.
Are you talking about the same 2006 Buckeye team I am? UF ran them off the field and it had little if anything to do with anything other than UF being a vastly faster and better team. That same UF team could have and maybe should have lost to UT and LSU in addition to Auburn.
It bothers me, too. I just love college football. Sure, Michigan is by far and away #1 for me, but I love going to other games when I can. The Big Ten fans who hate all things SEC are silly to me. It's great football, and I'm going to enjoy it. I'll follow UT because odds are we'll not be playing. I can't bring myself to root for OSU, ever, even if it "helps" the Big Ten (which I think is a weak argument because we compete directly with them in recruiting.)

The Big Ten is not #1. I'm perfectly OK with being #2, and Michigan's record against the SEC.

That's funny, 'cause the only time I ever root for them is when they are playing um.
They left out Saban who coached at Michigan St...And then turned into a prostitute and will go to whomever has the most money.
I don't know. I think OSU wasn't all that good last year, but in 2006 they were damn good. They did beat Texas at Texas that year. I really think that team bought into the hype (as did we) following the #1 v. #2 game. I don't think they were THAT bad, but I don't think they were as good as the hype made them out to be. They thought they had the NC all wrapped up when they beat us.

Last year they were a product of a bad conference and no OOC tests. Part of that was our fault. Another year of top-notch talent wasted by Carr and DeBord.
didn't that Texas team have a true freshman QB starting his first game?
didn't that Texas team have a true freshman QB starting his first game?

Yeah, I don't think it was the first game, maybe the second. McCoy was a redshirt not a true frosh and didn't play poorly (in fact, 2006 was his best season.) OSU manhandled Texas at Texas, which isn't easy to do. I don't think it was a true #1/#2 as it was at the time (since Texas faded, and early season polls=joke) but it's still a tough place to play.

I feel dirty now.

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