is the SEC better than the Big 10???

Our front 4 is nasty and we finally have a rock solid secondary.

Are the nasty front 4 and rock solid secondary composed of all different players than those that Appalachian State absolutely torched last year? If not, then you shouldn't be pumping them up so much.
Illinois has the 2nd Best Defense in the Big Ten, The Best Quarterback, and the 2-3 best O-line. The only weakness we have is Kicker, and Running back, other than the fact we have 4 Running backs who run 4.3-44, and a Senior who broke Ohio States Defense.....Something your precious Mike Hart couldn't do. Illinois is a top 15 Team, Michigan won't touch the top 25. And Illinois will beat Michigan in the Big a Lot.

Uh-oh, you said we when mentioning another team while being a Vol fan. Watch out!
Are the nasty front 4 and rock solid secondary totally new groups from those that Appalachian State absolutely torched last year? If not, then you shouldn't be pumping them up so much.

Actually, yes. It's amazing what a competent strength and conditioning program can do. When I was at UM, we were getting by with the ineptness of Gittleson's HIT program since we had NFL talent. While the talent gap has closed, the S&C became more important. Our guys were sucking wind in the second quarter of the ASU game last year.

In just about 6 months of the new conditioning program, Terrence Taylor lost 27 pounds and added 115 pounds to his bench press. It's pathetic how out of shape those guys were compared to the competition.

Of course, as bad as ASU was, they still managed to regroup and put a whoopin' on Florida.
do you mean speedy for Michigan, or actually fast?

I mean actual fast. Yeah, no more Lloyd means no more turning wicked fast RBs into useless DBs who don't see the field. Lloyd ran off Justin Fargas making him a safety and damn near ran off Carlos Brown. Freshmen Michael Shaw and Sam McGuffie are 4.3 guys, and Brown is as well.

A coach that can use players to the best of their abilities. What a novel concept.

Plus, in the secondary we have Morgan Trent, who ran down Percy Harvin from behind.
Actually, yes. It's amazing what a competent strength and conditioning program can do. When I was at UM, we were getting by with the ineptness of Gittleson's HIT program since we had NFL talent. While the talent gap has closed, the S&C became more important. Our guys were sucking wind in the second quarter of the ASU game last year.

In just about 6 months of the new conditioning program, Terrence Taylor lost 27 pounds and added 115 pounds to his bench press. It's pathetic how out of shape those guys were compared to the competition.

Of course, as bad as ASU was, they still managed to regroup and put a whoopin' on Florida.

As I stated, you shouldn't be pumping them up so much.
One loss is one loss. Six consecutive losses (Or is it seven? It's so many that I've lost track) is a definite trend. There is a monumental difference that is SO large that your head coach just got canned. Even if you're not knowledgeable enough to acknowledge that fact, your athletic director is.

The HC retired. He was out this year bar none. It was no secret that even if we beat OSU he was done. He was coaching through the Henne/Hart class and then calling it quits. Sadly, the AD is the most incompetent of the bunch, and would never can Lloyd (while I don't like where the program tailed off to at the end of his regime, I agree that he shouldn't have ever been canned and realized it was time to go on his own.)
Mr. Trent won't be running down a healthy Harvin, although there might actually never be a healthy Harvin sighting.

I don't know...Trent smoked Ted Ginn in HS track. Ginn was pretty darn fast. Granted, it took Trent 3 years to become anything more than a fast guy who wore a helmet.

Also, healthy Harvin= :eek:lol:
The HC retired. He was out this year bar none. It was no secret that even if we beat OSU he was done. He was coaching through the Henne/Hart class and then calling it quits. Sadly, the AD is the most incompetent of the bunch, and would never can Lloyd (while I don't like where the program tailed off to at the end of his regime, I agree that he shouldn't have ever been canned and realized it was time to go on his own.)

Retired my ass. He was TOLD that he was retiring or he was getting fired. That's nothing more than semantics. The man was canned because he couldn't beat Ohio State.
As I stated, you shouldn't be pumping them up so much.

I didn't think I was. I'm not going to proclaim any delusions of grandeur for the maize and blue this fall. Like I said, optimistically, we can go 9-3 thanks to a lame schedule.

But, our defense will be good, will get us there, and is led by a solid group of players who have gotten markedly better than they were a year ago.
I didn't think I was. I'm not going to proclaim any delusions of grandeur for the maize and blue this fall. Like I said, optimistically, we can go 9-3 thanks to a lame schedule.

But, our defense will be good, will get us there, and is led by a solid group of players who have gotten markedly better than they were a year ago.
where is the speed in the front 7? that was the freaking problem, not the skill positions.
Retired my ass. He was TOLD that he was retiring or he was getting fired. That's nothing more than semantics. The man was canned because he couldn't beat Ohio State.

You're straight up wrong on that one. Bill Martin LOVES Lloyd. Lloyd is still around in the AD. Lloyd helped select the new coach. Lloyd's retirement was nothing unexpected. It was known before the OSU game that it would probably be his last. As a former letterwinner, I can tell you that we all knew it was coming and were not surprised at all.
You're straight up wrong on that one. Bill Martin LOVES Lloyd. Lloyd is still around in the AD. Lloyd helped select the new coach. Lloyd's retirement was nothing unexpected. It was known before the OSU game that it would probably be his last. As a former letterwinner, I can tell you that we all knew it was coming and were not surprised at all.
I'm a former letter winner as well, and I can tell you that I'm not buying it. He got the option of avoiding the hammer by retiring.
where is the speed in the front 7? that was the freaking problem, not the skill positions.

I agree. The problem is that all of those guys were fat and out of breath.

Brandon Graham, Terrence Taylor, Tim Jamison and Will Johnson is a deadly line. There's a ton of talent there and indications from off-season workouts is that they are finally in optimal shape.

The concern for me is the LB group. With the exception of Panter (who I am not sold on) they are young. There's quickness there, but it doesn't amount to squat if they don't pick up the new schemes.
If you honestly think that last years Michigan win over Illinois was diserved you must not have watched. Illinois outplayed you the entire game, and only a few breaks your way (Refs on Illinois side, Illinois players Hands on Michigan side) is the reason you escaped with a win.

You will be 8-4 at best, and Illinois will be 9-3 or 10-2. Beating tOSU, something you won't come close to accomplishing. Not to mention a Win in the Big House for Ole' Zooker. You will be good in a couple years, this year I wouldn't say you finish close to the top 25.
If you honestly think that last years Michigan win over Illinois was diserved you must not have watched. Illinois outplayed you the entire game, and only a few breaks your way (Refs on Illinois side, Illinois players Hands on Michigan side) is the reason you escaped with a win.

You will be 8-4 at best, and Illinois will be 9-3 or 10-2. Beating tOSU, something you won't come close to accomplishing. Not to mention a Win in the Big House for Ole' Zooker. You will be good in a couple years, this year I wouldn't say you finish close to the top 25.

That first paragraph is ridiculous. We won by 10 points, outgained Illinois 343-253 in total yards, had a QB with a separated shoulder go 18/26 for 200 and 2 TDs, and our 3rd string RB ran for 113 yards against Illinois. Referees? Outplayed the entire game? Illinois scored 3 points in the second half.

I think Illinois will be decent this year. But 10-2? Another win over OSU? No way.

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