Is this for real? Giuliani itt

He’s 76 years old. I think he’s in the early stages of Biden’s cognitive ailment. Joe’s just appears worse as he also stutters. Neither one is making good decisions.
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He’s 76 years old. I think he’s in the early stages of Biden’s cognitive ailment. Joe’s just appears worse as he also stutters. Neither one is making good decisions.
You left Trump out of the mix. He's an old guy and making worse decisions than both Biden and Rudy combined.
You left Trump out of the mix. He's an old guy and making worse decisions than both Biden and Rudy combined.

Trump is very sharp. Ever watch him answer questions from the hostile media for more than an hour at a time AFTER working a full day? He did that EVERY week. Biden hides in his basement, makes brief appearances to read off of his teleprompter, and then scurries off without taking questions.
You guys gonna "muh trump" during Biden's presidency?😂
I've been trying to tell my friends this, but they just won't budge. Trump is a Lame Duck President, about to be completely and totally irrelevant in a month. Just ignore him and his tweets, ramblings, whatever. I've mostly ignored him and his merry band of misfits since mid-November, and it has been great. He doesn't matter any more. Folks need to move on to the next batch of folks we can argue about all day.
Trump is very sharp. Ever watch him answer questions from the hostile media for more than an hour at a time AFTER working a full day? He did that EVERY week. Biden hides in his basement, makes brief appearances to read off of his teleprompter, and then scurries off without taking questions.
I said he's making more bad decisions than Biden and Rudy combined.
I said he's making more bad decisions than Biden and Rudy combined.

You also said that I had left Trump “out of the mix” while replying to my comment that both Rudy and Joe are cognitively failing.

Trump made decisions like whether or not to shoot missiles at Iranian assets. Joe’s most challenging decisions were more along the lines of does he want the banana or tapioca pudding today.
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It’s going to be 4 years of but but but Trump because they can’t take responsibility for giving the country a once in a lifetime disaster
Trump is very sharp. Ever watch him answer questions from the hostile media for more than an hour at a time AFTER working a full day? He did that EVERY week. Biden hides in his basement, makes brief appearances to read off of his teleprompter, and then scurries off without taking questions.
Trump avoided questions for much of his presidency. He even stopped doing the covid ones because he wasn't being fawned over by the media. He does well at a rally, decent with a prepared statement but his off the cuff responses are absolutely terrible. He rambles, makes up stuff and almost never answered the actual question. He's anything but sharp
Trump avoided questions for much of his presidency. He even stopped doing the covid ones because he wasn't being fawned over by the media. He does well at a rally, decent with a prepared statement but his off the cuff responses are absolutely terrible. He rambles, makes up stuff and almost never answered the actual question. He's anything but sharp

Then you’re just watching the bits gleaned by the hostile media used in edited down versions of his press conferences. He takes questions for an hour at a time and you’re only seeing the 5-10 second “gotcha” sound bites.
Then you’re just watching the bits gleaned by the hostile media used in edited down versions of his press conferences. He takes questions for an hour at a time and you’re only seeing the 5-10 second “gotcha” sound bites.
yeah clearly that's what I was doing

I watched quite a few when he actually decided to do them including almost all the nightly covid ones. He's quick with a put down but he avoids actual policy discussions (rightfully so). When he tries to ramble off the cuff it's worse than his tweets
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I watched quite a few when he actually decided to do them including almost all the nightly covid ones. He's quick with a put down but he avoids actual policy discussions (rightfully so). When he tries to ramble off the cuff it's worse than his tweets

That’s ill advised for those afflicted with the TDS.

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