Is this for real? Giuliani itt

I wonder if this "you have tds" is going to be the standard place holding deflection going forward. They don't even try to dispute or debate whatever <insert trump blunder here>, they just go straight to the deflection.

My favorite are the one where they tell you "he's living rent free in your head", whereas they seem to not really grasp that he's the damn POTUS.

It's already been fascinating watching them trash biden for doing the same sht they praised trump for, too bad Pfizer can't roll out a vaccine for cognitive dissonance.
I've been trying to tell my friends this, but they just won't budge. Trump is a Lame Duck President, about to be completely and totally irrelevant in a month. Just ignore him and his tweets, ramblings, whatever. I've mostly ignored him and his merry band of misfits since mid-November, and it has been great. He doesn't matter any more. Folks need to move on to the next batch of folks we can argue about all day.
If you think it is great ignoring Trump, just wait until you ignore all of them regardless of party affiliation.
I wonder if this "you have tds" is going to be the standard place holding deflection going forward. They don't even try to dispute or debate whatever <insert trump blunder here>, they just go straight to the deflection.

My favorite are the one where they tell you "he's living rent free in your head", whereas they seem to not really grasp that he's the damn POTUS.

It's already been fascinating watching them trash biden for doing the same sht they praised trump for, too bad Pfizer can't roll out a vaccine for cognitive dissonance.

This one appears to be a severe case.
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I wonder if this "you have tds" is going to be the standard place holding deflection going forward. They don't even try to dispute or debate whatever <insert trump blunder here>, they just go straight to the deflection.

My favorite are the one where they tell you "he's living rent free in your head", whereas they seem to not really grasp that he's the damn POTUS.

It's already been fascinating watching them trash biden for doing the same sht they praised trump for, too bad Pfizer can't roll out a vaccine for cognitive dissonance.
I've never understood the rent free thing either but it really never comes from anyone I'd call a deep thinker. How dare we discuss the potus in a political forum. Unheard of!
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Then you’re just watching the bits gleaned by the hostile media used in edited down versions of his press conferences. He takes questions for an hour at a time and you’re only seeing the 5-10 second “gotcha” sound bites.
I've watched many of his press conferences live and in their entirety. He more often deflects than answers directly. He also doesn't speak in complete sentences much of the time. And his outlandishly false claims are comical
I've watched many of his press conferences live and in their entirety. He more often deflects than answers directly. He also doesn't speak in complete sentences much of the time. And his outlandishly false claims are comical
And your guy gets furious in the rare case he gets a tough question starts stuttering, then comes the c'mon man and then accuses the person doing to questioning of either needing a drug test or not being black. He's all your comrade.
I've watched many of his press conferences live and in their entirety. He more often deflects than answers directly. He also doesn't speak in complete sentences much of the time. And his outlandishly false claims are comical

Get back to me when Biden faces a room full of combative, agenda driven, activist, hostile members of the press attacking his every comment. I guess you’d be happier if he’d just read the words prepared for him off of a teleprompter like the the guys before and after him.
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And your guy gets furious in the rare case he gets a tough question starts stuttering, then comes the c'mon man and then accuses the person doing to questioning of either needing a drug test or not being black. He's all your comrade.
He's not my guy, stooge
Trump is very sharp. Ever watch him answer questions from the hostile media for more than an hour at a time AFTER working a full day? He did that EVERY week. Biden hides in his basement, makes brief appearances to read off of his teleprompter, and then scurries off without taking questions.
Funny that you think trump actually ever worked a full day while in the WH.
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Trump avoided questions for much of his presidency. He even stopped doing the covid ones because he wasn't being fawned over by the media. He does well at a rally, decent with a prepared statement but his off the cuff responses are absolutely terrible. He rambles, makes up stuff and almost never answered the actual question. He's anything but sharp

The last POTUS we had that was good whether scripted or not was Clinton. Obama was a disaster without his teleprompter. I remember him holding a 90 minute press conference and only answering 5 questions.
Get back to me when Biden faces a room full of combative, agenda driven, activist, hostile members of the press attacking his every comment. I guess you’d be happier if he’d just read the words prepared for him off of a teleprompter like the the guys before and after him.
That's not what I'm talking about. No one was hostile towards him when he was rambling about his meetings with the North Korean leader. Too many examples of it.
Get back to me when Biden faces a room full of combative, agenda driven, activist, hostile members of the press attacking his every comment. I guess you’d be happier if he’d just read the words prepared for him off of a teleprompter like the the guys before and after him.
Get back to me when Biden calls the press the enemy of the people.........quite possibly the most pathetic thing a POTUS has ever said. (the election was fraudulent and was stolen from me is a close second)
Get back to me when Biden faces a room full of combative, agenda driven, activist, hostile members of the press attacking his every comment. I guess you’d be happier if he’d just read the words prepared for him off of a teleprompter like the the guys before and after him.
What does Biden's ability to handle it have to do with Trump's? Is it wrong to expect a potus to sound intelligent when speaking?

It was almost comical when you knew the prepared statement was done and he would make some ridiculous, adjective-laden comment that sounded like a 3rd grader trying to hit an essay word count
The last POTUS we had that was good whether scripted or not was Clinton. Obama was a disaster without his teleprompter. I remember him holding a 90 minute press conference and only answering 5 questions.
Always surprised how these guys can be so bad when it's what they do for a living. The questions are never surprises. Clinton had been at it longer than most though and was pretty smart
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Get back to me when Biden faces a room full of combative, agenda driven, activist, hostile members of the press attacking his every comment. I guess you’d be happier if he’d just read the words prepared for him off of a teleprompter like the the guys before and after him.
It's going to be 2 years of full love-fest from the media
What does Biden's ability to handle it have to do with Trump's? Is it wrong to expect a potus to sound intelligent when speaking?

It was almost comical when you knew the prepared statement was done and he would make some ridiculous, adjective-laden comment that should like a 3rd grader trying to hit an essay word count

He’s a New Yorker. They all sound stupid.

I expect a POTUS to actually go off script and have real conversations instead of sticking to reading the words his speech writers prepared for him. Biden is well coached to never stray from what he’s supposed to read and which questions to respond to. Trump took on all comers. Yous guys will never see Joe go there.
He’s a New Yorker. They all sound stupid.

I expect a POTUS to actually go off script and have real conversations instead of sticking to reading the words his speech writers prepared for him. Biden is well coached to never stray from what he’s supposed to read and which questions to respond to. Trump took on all comers. Yous guys will never see Joe go there.
Trump actually avoided taking questions for the majority of his time in office. When he did take them he rambled on and usually failed to even address the questions being asked. Instead he would repeat a singular action his admin took and complain he didn't get enough credit for that
Trump actually avoided taking questions for the majority of his time in office. When he did take them he rambled on and usually failed to even address the questions being asked. Instead he would repeat a singular action his admin took and complain he didn't get enough credit for that


He turned into a politician?
He’s a New Yorker. They all sound stupid.

I expect a POTUS to actually go off script and have real conversations instead of sticking to reading the words his speech writers prepared for him. Biden is well coached to never stray from what he’s supposed to read and which questions to respond to. Trump took on all comers. Yous guys will never see Joe go there.
Trump was not horrible during his 127 Fox interviews.
Trump actually avoided taking questions for the majority of his time in office. When he did take them he rambled on and usually failed to even address the questions being asked. Instead he would repeat a singular action his admin took and complain he didn't get enough credit for that

Trump took thousands of questions from the activist, agenda driven press. We’re still waiting for Biden to truthfully address very serious questions concerning his family’s financial connections with China.
Angry he wouldn't go on CNN?
I was a little at first, but it morphed into a huge blemish on him, so I was okay with it.
Everything he did was to feed his base and nothing he did was to broaden his base.
The 2020 election shows how that strategy worked out for him.

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