Is this for real? Giuliani itt

Trump took thousands of questions from the activist, agenda driven press. We’re still waiting for Biden to truthfully address very serious questions concerning his family’s financial connections with China.
Just like trump truthfully answered questions about his tax returns?
Trump took thousands of questions from the activist, agenda driven press. We’re still waiting for Biden to truthfully address very serious questions concerning his family’s financial connections with China.
How many times did Trump look the American public in the eye and promise to release his tax returns?
And he knew full well he would never release them.
The biggest liar in presidential history.
How many times did Trump look the American public in the eye and promise to release his tax returns?
And he knew full well he would never release them.
The biggest liar in presidential history.
No one cares about tax returns. The average American couldn't glean anything useful anyways
You also said that I had left Trump “out of the mix” while replying to my comment that both Rudy and Joe are cognitively failing.

Trump made decisions like whether or not to shoot missiles at Iranian assets. Joe’s most challenging decisions were more along the lines of does he want the banana or tapioca pudding today.

You must be an Obama fan and if not then you should watch his comedy. He made a similar joke at the 2012 White House Correspondents dinner. Unlike your comment, Obama's was grounded in reality and illustrated drumpf's lack of Presidential qualifications.

Before becoming President, only decisions trump was which hooker to piss on.

Starts at 9:50 mark
No one cares about tax returns. The average American couldn't glean anything useful anyways
Which is even more of a reason for him to keep his word.
Why habitually and blatantly lie about something inconsequential?

There are really only two possible answers.
Which is even more of a reason for him to keep his word.
Why habitually and blatantly lie about something inconsequential?

There are really only two possible answers.
same reason obama didn't release transcripts

If it's inconsequential then why keep asking? You couldn't read them anyways and would only rely on a biased source to tell you how to feel
Maybe that's what happens when the President, acts like a President instead of a snowflake that thinks the whole world is out to get him. Trump made his own bed with the media.
No, that's what happens when the media are all far left radicals and one of their own gets elected. Speaking of snowflakes, they couldn't handle someone fighting them back and calling them what they are: the enemy of the people
Just like trump truthfully answered questions about his tax returns?

The only issue with Trump’s taxes are what the hostile media has attempted to fabricate. The IRS has examined his returns in extreme detail and he’d be in jail already if there was any truth to the allegations,
The only issue with Trump’s taxes are what the hostile media has attempted to fabricate. The IRS has examined his returns in extreme detail and he’d be in jail already if there was any truth to the allegations,
And yet he won't release them. Doesn't make sense.
And yet he won't release them. Doesn't make sense.

As he’s pointed out many times, the IRS is still examining them. Also when he suggested he’d release them it wasn’t obvious that the media would be dissecting them and publish anything and everything, even when out of context, to stir up **** for the uninformed public to be manipulated with. Things like using the term “avoiding” taxes, which EVERYBODY does, that their sheep news consumers think is the same as “evading” taxes (which results in prison sentences).

Sounds like the Biden family taxes are an interesting read. Especially the parts about the unreported income coming from shady, foreign entities.
As he’s pointed out many times, the IRS is still examining them. Also when he suggested he’d release them it wasn’t obvious that the media would be dissecting them and publish anything and everything, even when out of context, to stir up **** for the uninformed public to be manipulated with. Things like using the term “avoiding” taxes, which EVERYBODY does, that their sheep news consumers think is the same as “evading” taxes (which results in prison sentences).

Sounds like the Biden family taxes are an interesting read. Especially the parts about the unreported income coming from shady, foreign entities.
I pity Rudy.

During the 9/11 crisis, he was great. Today, he's a caricature of a man. Trump's gopher boy sent out on the dumbest of dumb quests. I'd be surprised if he doesn't get sanctioned by one of the courts he's paraded through like a court jester over the past month. Frankly, he should be disbarred.

Regardless, his time in the sun is just about done.

Good riddance.

PS Rudy told Trump it'd cost him $20K/day for him to do all the crazy sh*t he did in court, yet apparently worked without a written agreement. You know Donnie will never... ever... pay him that money.

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