Car Salesman: “here she is, the wrangler you called about. Nice huh?”
Jake Fromm: “be a lot cooler if it had fewer doors”
Car Salesman: *removes one door
Jake Fromm: *evil smile spreads across face “keep going”
Car salesman: *shrugs, removes second door
Jake Fromm: *foam begins to form at the corners of his mouth “again”
Car Salesman: *shaking now, removes third door
Jake Fromm: *Stares into the middle distance, the pupils of his eyes have now completely disappeared “YESSSS”
Car Salesman: *sweat and blood pour from his brow, Begins to remove final door from its hinges......
The universe collapses into a black hole of upper middle class redneck douchebaggery while Darius Rucker’s “Wagon Wheel” plays on.