Is Trump constitutionally barred from being POTUS again?

"Ms. Cheney is expected to speak more about her views on President Trump during her upcoming appearance on the daytime television show The View. She is scheduled to appear on the all-women talk show on Jan. 10."

Is there a bigger idiot in politics?

She is auditioning for a regular spot on the show.
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This is a stupid question, and I’m going to ask it because I really don’t care enough to look it up…..but…..can Colorado stop a bunch of MAGA from writing in Trump in?
This is a stupid question, and I’m going to ask it because I really don’t care enough to look it up…..but…..can Colorado stop a bunch of MAGA from writing in Trump in?
I laughed. That's funny. You think the MAGAnistas can spell five letter words?
I laughed. That's funny. You think the MAGAnistas can spell five letter words?
It’s a legitimate question.
You underestimate the power you give people when they believe they’re being oppressed.
Just look at the last election. Now the republicans get to sell oppression to their base.
There were plenty of examples of those that left the Union and joined the government of the Confederacy or took up arms against the Union. These people were not allowed to rejoin the military or government once the Civil war ended.

Your second paragraph is laughable. Since insurgency is a federal crime according to 18 U.S.C. 2383, the States need to stay out of it. If the Federal government wants to charge him for it, by all means go for it. Either charge him and let a jury decide, or let the people decide with their votes.

The third paragraph is a perfect example of why people dislike lawyers, Lawyers will argue over what the word "is" is. Neither defamation law nor criminal law restricts speech. Those laws only give consequences for the speech that does harm to others, they do not prevent the speech.

My entire point was/is that these democrats are acting like petulant children and should stop. Thiis is not good for the country, and it will only lead to the republicans acting more childish.

I actually expected a better response from you. Guess I know better now.
Again: what due process were all these “plenty of examples” afforded that was so preferable to following codified procedures that were established by legislative process? It wasn’t a criminal trial. What was it?

You say the second paragraph is laughable and then spend your next two paragraphs humiliating yourself displaying a complete misunderstanding of civics and the first amendment.

Speaking of childish: complaining that this wasn’t a “legal finding of such” and then crying about lawyers because one explained to you why your reading of the privileges and immunities clause was nonsensical is pretty damn childish.
Sorry, they are biased, the decision by definition is wrong. That is what Trump himself says.

You can't have it both ways.
Coming from the guy supporting the party wanting to stack the court in their favor, that’s rich.

"Ms. Cheney is expected to speak more about her views on President Trump during her upcoming appearance on the daytime television show The View. She is scheduled to appear on the all-women talk show on Jan. 10."

Is there a bigger idiot in politics?

She is auditioning for a regular spot on the show.

Idiot? You mean an individual who puts country before party and exposes a dangerous loser who used to stink up the White House? A man who doesn't respect the rule of law or our constitutional system of government? I think your powers of perception and ethical foundation have weakened considerably, to put it politely. You and MAGA are pathetically misguided.
It’s a legitimate question.
You underestimate the power you give people when they believe they’re being oppressed.
Just look at the last election. Now the republicans get to sell oppression to their base.

The last election wasn't about "oppression." What the hell are you even referring to? And the next election won't be, either, obviously.
Idiot? You mean an individual who puts country before party and exposes a dangerous loser who used to stink up the White House? A man who doesn't respect the rule of law or our constitutional system of government? I think your powers of perception and ethical foundation have weakened considerably, to put it politely. You and MAGA are pathetically misguided.
Yeah LG she's a real peach.

Bless your heart .
The last election wasn't about "oppression." What the hell are you even referring to? And the next election won't be, either, obviously.
Ya it was.
81 million voted against Trump. Nobody was excited about Biden. The Dimbass democrats are actually making Trump look like the victim.
Just Fing stupid
What we absolutely know is the man has been accused of EVERTHING and he has won every case against him so far. I am really bothered by the FACT that the whole Russian lie was made up by the democrats. Don't argue about it, it's been PROVEN in court. Now, what about the criminals that bankrolled and created this lie? Nothing? Really? We know the names, dates, bank records, we know what happened and how they did it. We know who did what and who paid who. Rigging elections is suppose to be illegal and not one thing has been done. Now the democrates want to take away the choice of the people by trying to bar him from the election. I will be concerned about "Trump crimes" when I see justice being done to the PROVEN criminals. It's been 3 years and nothing. Wake me on election day.

BREAKING: The man who has been filing lawsuits in every state to get Donald Trump removed from the 2024 election ballot has been arrested & charged with filing 17 sets of false tax documents to the IRS

In total, John Anthony Castro has been charged with 33 counts of aiding the preparation of false tax returns. Prosecutors claim he ran a virtual tax preparation business that provided customers with tax returns beyond what they were actually owed, defrauding the government.

Castro announced his "campaign" for President in the Republican primary which was clearly all for show in order for the deep state to use him as a vehicle to file the ballot lawsuits (all of which have failed).

You literally cannot make this up, this guy told judges Donald Trump was a criminal when in actuality, he was a criminal
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Again: what due process were all these “plenty of examples” afforded that was so preferable to following codified procedures that were established by legislative process? It wasn’t a criminal trial. What was it?

“Soon after the Fourteenth Amendment formally came into effect in mid-1868, America elected Grant president. Grant placed Brevet Major General Edward Canby in charge of Virginia’s Reconstruction. As Grant later explained in his memoirs, Canby was an officer “of great merit”— “naturally studious and inclined to the law.” Few, if any, army officers, wrote Grant, “took as much interest in reading and digesting every act of Congress. . . . His character was as pure as his talent and learning were great.”18

Shortly after the Fourteenth Amendment’s formal promulgation, Canby properly concluded that Section Three was self-executing. Any disqualified candidates in the Virginia elections, Canby announced, would not “be allowed to enter upon the duties of the offices to which they may have been chosen, unless their disabilities have been removed by Congress.”19 He kept at least two disqualified candidates-elect out of the legislature.20””

Answer: they didn’t get any due process.

Cc: @825VOL

“Soon after the Fourteenth Amendment formally came into effect in mid-1868, America elected Grant president. Grant placed Brevet Major General Edward Canby in charge of Virginia’s Reconstruction. As Grant later explained in his memoirs, Canby was an officer “of great merit”— “naturally studious and inclined to the law.” Few, if any, army officers, wrote Grant, “took as much interest in reading and digesting every act of Congress. . . . His character was as pure as his talent and learning were great.”18

Shortly after the Fourteenth Amendment’s formal promulgation, Canby properly concluded that Section Three was self-executing. Any disqualified candidates in the Virginia elections, Canby announced, would not “be allowed to enter upon the duties of the offices to which they may have been chosen, unless their disabilities have been removed by Congress.”19 He kept at least two disqualified candidates-elect out of the legislature.20””

Answer: they didn’t get any due process.

Cc: @825VOL
Thanks for tagging me. You just proved my point.

Anyone that joined the Confederate army or legislature were unable to participate in the federal government once the war over. That was the entire point of the 14th amendment.

Neither Trump nor any of the J6 defendants started a new country, created a new army, or created a new legislature. Thus, they would not be disqualified due to the 14th amendment.

Keep doing the research, eventually you will find out I am correct. I will await your apology.
What we absolutely know is the man has been accused of EVERTHING and he has won every case against him so far. I am really bothered by the FACT that the whole Russian lie was made up by the democrats. Don't argue about it, it's been PROVEN in court. Now, what about the criminals that bankrolled and created this lie? Nothing? Really? We know the names, dates, bank records, we know what happened and how they did it. We know who did what and who paid who. Rigging elections is suppose to be illegal and not one thing has been done. Now the democrates want to take away the choice of the people by trying to bar him from the election. I will be concerned about "Trump crimes" when I see justice being done to the PROVEN criminals. It's been 3 years and nothing. Wake me on election day.

You put this in the wrong place, the quanon thread is on your other tab.

Careful with those capitol letters. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself with all that emphasis.
What we absolutely know is the man has been accused of EVERTHING and he has won every case against him so far. I am really bothered by the FACT that the whole Russian lie was made up by the democrats. Don't argue about it, it's been PROVEN in court. Now, what about the criminals that bankrolled and created this lie? Nothing? Really? We know the names, dates, bank records, we know what happened and how they did it. We know who did what and who paid who. Rigging elections is suppose to be illegal and not one thing has been done. Now the democrates want to take away the choice of the people by trying to bar him from the election. I will be concerned about "Trump crimes" when I see justice being done to the PROVEN criminals. It's been 3 years and nothing. Wake me on election day.

"Donald Trump has won everything against him. It's been proven in court!"

"Even though it's been proven otherwise in court, I still think the election was rigged!"

Mental gymnastics.

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