My wife is also smarter than me, just ask her about it.
My wife says just the opposite, otoh she is a confirmed liar.
This reminds me of the young boys who wanted to know if they could go squirrel hunting up behind my house and I said OK.
So they went up and sat beneath a beech tree waiting for the squirels to come feed and one of them discovered a pint fruit jar filled with shine underneath him, left over from an old moonshine still and so they shared that and then dug about for more of the same and discovered a brass lamp.
As they rubbed the dirt off it, a genie appeared and said; "I will fulfill three wishes, since there are three of you, you each get one wish."
So the smartest of the bunch said; "I'm first and I want you to make me the smartest man in the world."
"Poof" said the genie; "you are now the smartest man in the world."
The next one thought for a while and said; "I want to be twice as smart as the smartest man in the world."
"Poof" said the genie, "you are now twice as smart as the smartest man in the world."
The third one thought and thought and thought and then said; "I want you to make me ten times as smart as the smartest man in the world!"
"Poof, said the genie, "You are now ten times s smart as the smartest man in the world, but that comes with a warning, you now half as smart as the dumbest woman in the world."
While we on that topic, let us know that
What you don't get on the six o'clock news.
Women subject to islam get a raw deal.
Under islam women are chattel, worth no more than a donkey.