1. No I am Jewish. Jews do not believe in Jesus other then as a historical figure. Although, we both believe in the coming of the messiah. You guys think he came and is coming again. [/QUOTE]
Any particular reason you do not accept Him as the Messiah?
Do you consider yourself Jewish by birth (Hebrew) or by faith??
2. I understand that some who believe in animal rights may have religious beliefs. But to say the average everyday animal rights person or homosexual wants to bring down Judeo-Christian beliefs is not accurate. They are separate issues in general. An Aunt of mine runs an animal rights organization in Israel. She is far from a normal person but she is a person of the Jewish faith and solid human being. She just really cares about the treatment of animals. The problem is in the politics the extremest always rise to the top. Who else would want anything to do with the political structure?
Well the extremists do the most to advance legislation of laws, court rulings and dictate public policy, as well as being proactive in the election of amimal rights friendly legislators. For instance we recently have seen an overturning of 300 years of legal precedent in making of supposed animal abuse into a felony instead of a misdemeanor.
Others are just willing sheep.
BTW, the nazis had the most stringent animal rights laws in history. It is a bit ironic that the jewish state representative in Tennessee, Cohen, introduced a state law that was almost a duplicate of nazi law
that was most detrimental to farmers, ie, you cannot shoe your own horse but must hire a licensed farerier, not castrate your own pigs but hire a licensed vetenarian, etc etc.
As far as our laws having similarities to Nazi laws well I believe the reason behind the laws are quite different. I do think we are at a point in our society where the people of faith and those without are coming into a new type of conflict. I would see it as more similar to the Soviet Union.
Well said.
Bear in mind socialism is socialism whether it be of the fascist or the internatioinalist kind, the government is all powerful.
Obama himself reminds me of early Soviet leaders. A man of little moral grounding. He believes he is grounded in rational thought. Although rational thought is only a tool of the assumptions we base them on. He has no assumptions of meaning. He is open to all ideas it seems yet believes solidly in nothing. Thus, he will lead us where ever the winds take us. It is easier to go with the wind then fight it. :hi:
Ditto, except for the last line, through the power of Jesus I have commanded the wind, in a physical sense if not in a political sense, I leave that to Him, so far.
Back to the topic of 'is islam evil?'
Sharia Law And Forced Amputations In Nigeria
"This is what God said" (muslim law of sharia)
Obama nominee sees no "reason why sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States"
(bear in mind that Koh is reportedly near the top of the list of litigators Obama would nominate to any supreme court vacancies.)