that teaches that all muslims must perform jihad to advance islam to be the dominate political, financial, legal, educational and religious power on a worldwide scale.
"Mosques are our barracks, minarets our bayonets, domes our helmets, the muslims our soldiers."
The only thing the qu'ran says about peace is that a peace treaty may be made when force of arms will not prevail but in no case is a peace treaty to be made that exceeds ten years and that peace treaty may be boken at any time to perform jihad.
The qu'ran divides the world into three parts; Dar al-Harb, Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Sulh.
Dar al-Sulh
Territory of treaty. Non-Muslim territory that has concluded an armistice with a Muslim government, agreeing to protect Muslims and their clients in that territory and often including an agreement to pay (or receive) tribute. Some modern writings equate dar al-sulh with the territory of friendly nations.
Dar al-Harb
Territory of war. Denotes the territories bordering on dar al-Islam (territory of Islam), whose leaders are called upon to convert to Islam. Refers to territory that does not have a treaty of nonaggression or peace with Muslims; those that do are called dar al-ahd or dar al-sulh. Jurists trace the concept to Muhammad , whose messages to the Persian, Abyssinian, and Byzantine emperors demanded that they choose between conversion and war. When the leaders of dar al-harb accept Islam, the territory becomes part of dar al-Islam, where Islamic law prevails.
Dar al-Islam
Territory of Islam. Region of Muslim sovereignty where Islamic law prevails. The Hanafi school of law holds that territory conquered by nonbelievers can remain dar al-Islam as long as a qadi administers Islamic laws and Muslims and dhimmis are protected. During the colonial period the status of colonized territories was debated, and Indian Muslims argued that British India was dar al-harb.
Source: Oxford Dictionary of Islam
there are millions upon millions of Muslims that prove it wrong every day. Unless you're claiming they don't know their own religion as well as the OP does
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan commented on the term moderate Islam, often used in the West by appologists for islam saying,
These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and thats it.
They know their religion well, I wish I could say the same for you and others who constantly apologize for the 'religion of peace.'
and was my avatar 3-4 years ago
You should have kept it, fits you well.
yeah, i love how they group everybody together. One person in the religion wants it a certain way, that must mean everybody is the same way. It baffles the mind sometimes