Israel vs Palestinians

His green card and student visa are revoked.. Not a give can of this but I also believe we meet in to many people who refuse to assimilate and that part of the reason we are in the position we are socially
Exactly if we aren't more proactive we'll end up like England being overrun by these terrorist/sympathizers who also indoctrinate young people.
You’re right, I don’t remember any real discussions to limit speech (outside of the “hate speech isn’t free speech” nonsense) as a result of that riot.

Though it wasn’t students, and was not on campus. It was in a city park.

I thought the tangential discussion was about the probable double standard in favor of the anti-Israel protests on campus.

The argument being that if:
-Instead of faces cloaked in keffiyeh, they were faces cloaked in white hoods.
-Instead of advocating for the destruction of Israel, the destruction of Black America.
-Instead of death to Zionists, it was death to black people.

It would elicit a profoundly different response, and a much heavier hand. And I think we all likely know that to be true.
The Unite the Right hate-in was on campus too. The protesters were ambulatory if you can believe that.
You're being disingenuous again with those 'instead of's. The goal of the protests isn't the destruction of Israel or death to Zionists.
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The Unite the Right hate-in was on campus too. The protesters were ambulatory if you can believe that.
You're being disingenuous again with those 'instead of's. The goal of the protests isn't the destruction of Israel or death to Zionists.
That ugly display was primarily at a city park.

Sure, sure it’s been a big love-in.
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The Unite the Right hate-in was on campus too. The protesters were ambulatory if you can believe that.
You're being disingenuous again with those 'instead of's. The goal of the protests isn't the destruction of Israel or death to Zionists.
Yea I’m sure one of protests leaders going on Instagram and calling for the death of Zionists was just a coincidence.

I’m sure the Hamas flags that have been seen at protests are simply to show they want innocent Palestinians to stop dying right?

I’m sure when they say Globalize the antifada they mean completely peaceful. Not like the last one that resulted in almost 150 suicide bombings against Israeli civilians, right?

These protests are a joke and does more harm than good for the Palestinian people
That’s why I said primarily.

Just so we’re clear:
- They believe Israel is an apartheid state
- They believe Israel is conducting genocide
- But they want Israel to persist

That’s Weird.
You must have forgotten to write it since primarily isn't there.
No, we're not clear. They don't want Israel to persist in their slaughter of innocents and oppression of Palestinians, hence the protests.
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The divesting idea is about the fact that the money we send there is contributing to death. I don't think we're as "invested" in Hamas in the first place, so it doesn't apply the same way.

There are plenty of pro-Israel protests on college campuses too where I'm sure people have talked about annexing Gaza, there just aren't as many students on Israel's side
Wait, how is Columbia supporting the war effort? They are protesting Columbia and asking them to divest. If Colombia was sending money to Israel for warfare or part of some arms research and development University I might understand it. Columbia uses an investment firm to manage a portfolio to keep their books in top fiscal shape and maximize endowments, that's their priority, that isn't an endorsement, that's just business. They also wanted Israel to stop partnerships with Israeli universities.

If I wanted to stop SeaWorld from exploiting mammals I don't go to the Tyson meatpacking plant a county over and protest them. Columbia has next to zero to do with the war in Israel just as Tyson has nothing to do with what happens at SeaWorld.

I think there are probably more on Israel's side if asked to pick one ......... They just aren't nearly as vocal, aggressive and extreme about it.

For what it's worth I think this needs to end, the sooner the better. But it isn't. Nobody wants Palestinians, even their own ethnic brothers and sisters. And they don't want to share the land and I can understand why they would feel that way. I also funny believe Israel wants to share the land either, especially now. Hell I don't know what the answer is.

Edit to add something I missed. You switched Hamas for Palestinians. We send a lot of money to Palestinians. That money goes to Hamas as fires virtually all aid to Palestinians.

But I do know that kicking this guy out, from the info I've read from the Internet, is counterproductive and an abuse of power, just plain wrong. Even though I don't understand the reasons for his protest of his University, it doesn't make it illegal or a reason to deport him.
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Yea I’m sure one of protests leaders going on Instagram and calling for the death of Zionists was just a coincidence.

I’m sure the Hamas flags that have been seen at protests are simply to show they want innocent Palestinians to stop dying right?

I’m sure when they say Globalize the antifada they mean completely peaceful. Not like the last one that resulted in almost 150 suicide bombings against Israeli civilians, right?

These protests are a joke and does more harm than good for the Palestinian people
That's painting with a very broad brush. I don't take minority opinions as indicative of or an indictment of the whole movement.
I think the protests are good for the Palestinian people and for the American people. It's good that truths that have been long suppressed are seeing light.
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You must have forgotten to write it since primarily isn't there.
No, we're not clear. They don't want Israel to persist in their slaughter of innocents and oppression of Palestinians, hence the protests.

That ugly display was primarily at a city park.

Oh sure, sure. Calls for Intifada, and River to the Sea, the presence of terror symbols… that just screams “co-existence” 🤷‍♀️
That's painting with a very broad brush. I don't take minority opinions as indicative of or an indictment of the whole movement.
I think the protests are good for the Palestinian people and for the American people. It's good that truths that have been long suppressed are seeing light.
The Globalize Antifada chants are done at almost every protests. Same with the the anti-Semitic tropes they use through “Zionism”, and when one of your leaders is calling for the death of all zionists it’s a very bad look.

They’re counterproductive. They make people sympathize with terrorist orgs like Hamas and not care about the atrocities they commit against Palestinians, because they’re “freedom fighters”. These same people are silent when thousands of Christian’s are murdered in Syria, they’re silent when there’s civil wars in ME resulting in thousands of innocent children dying. Just falling for more IRGC propaganda
Don’t you know “From the river to the sea Palestine will be Arab” is actually just a loving term meant for coexistence. It’s just to highlight genocide!
“River to the Sea” simply states what they all believe - that what lay between those borders is Palestine. And once it is restored, Israel will cease to exist.
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The Globalize Antifada chants are done at almost every protests. Same with the the anti-Semitic tropes they use through “Zionism”, and when one of your leaders is calling for the death of all zionists it’s a very bad look.

They’re counterproductive. They make people sympathize with terrorist orgs like Hamas and not care about the atrocities they commit against Palestinians, because they’re “freedom fighters”. These same people are silent when thousands of Christian’s are murdered in Syria, they’re silent when there’s civil wars in ME resulting in thousands of innocent children dying. Just falling for more IRGC propaganda
Do the colleges invest in or does the US government overtly fund those murdering Christians in Syria? If yes to either I'd expect protests for that too.
Do the colleges invest in or does the US government overtly fund those murdering Christians in Syria? If yes to either I'd expect protests for that too.
The US has been involved in Syria and wanted Assad to be overthrown for years, and have backed militias to do so. So lmk when the protests start. Spoiler alert: they won’t
I haven't heard that version. I've just heard them say free as the last word.
It’s what’s chanted in Arabic

It’s what terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah use when they take about wiping Israel and Jews off the face of the earth. Probably not a slogan that should be used to protest genocide but I don’t think they care

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