Israel vs Palestinians

The 9 Children still held hostage in Gaza, yet to be freed under truce deal​


Some of the Israeli children in Gaza are being held by terror groups other than Hamas, and the terror group has claimed that not all of their whereabouts are known.

The following is a list of children believed to be still held hostage in Gaza:

Kfir Bibas, 10 months, and Ariel Bibas, 4​


Gali Tarshansky, 13​


Amit Shani, 16​

Ofir Engel, 18​

Bilal Ziyadne, 18, and Aisha Ziyadne, 17​

Liam Or, 18​

Itay Regev, 18​

That much is true, and most probably are. They can also curse those raining down that hell.
76 % approval of Hamas in last poll.
If I was Israel, I’d leave a generational mark that leaves no doubt that they should absolutely never ever attempt anything like this again.

That message apparently has yet to be understood, so here comes round 2 and they have nobody to blame but themselves.
76 % approval of Hamas in last poll.
If I was Israel, I’d leave a generational mark that leaves no doubt that they should absolutely never ever attempt anything like this again.

That message apparently has yet to be understood, so here comes round 2 and they have nobody to blame but themselves.
I haven't seen 76% but a) it wouldn't justify targeting noncombatants, and b) people tend to support their government in wartime even if they don't support them otherwise.
I haven't seen 76% but a) it wouldn't justify targeting noncombatants, and b) people tend to support their government in wartime even if they don't support them otherwise.

Isn’t the entire purpose of a terrorist group to make combatant vs non combatant indistinguishable?
76 % approval of Hamas in last poll.
If I was Israel, I’d leave a generational mark that leaves no doubt that they should absolutely never ever attempt anything like this again.

That message apparently has yet to be understood, so here comes round 2 and they have nobody to blame but themselves.
Using that logic, the Likud Party coalition and their supporters need to be eliminated also since they openly supported Hamas prior to this, correct?
Isn’t the entire purpose of a terrorist group to make combatant vs non combatant indistinguishable?
Hamas wouls be a non-factor very likely had the Israelis not openly supported them in the past. All of this animosity needs to be equally directed at Netanyahu and his Likud Party terrorists...
I haven't seen 76% but a) it wouldn't justify targeting noncombatants, and b) people tend to support their government in wartime even if they don't support them otherwise.
They aren’t.
They are targeting Hamas.
Hamas is hiding behind their people like the shitbags that they are.
They aren’t.
They are targeting Hamas.
Hamas is hiding behind their people like the shitbags that they are.
If you fire on a maternity ward on the 5th floor IIRC and the justification is that Hamas uses tunnels several stories underground, not sure how one can say that's about "targeting Hamas" with a straight face
They aren’t.
They are targeting Hamas.
Hamas is hiding behind their people like the shitbags that they are.
If they were actually targeting Hamas, they wouldn't have conducted the campaign that they are doing now. They would have engaged in a counter-terrorism campaign that specifically targetted Hamas.

They are just "mowing the grass" and clearing way for new Israeli settlements at this point.
I think you’re a lier
I don’t read anything you’re lying ass posts
What about reading from the Times of Israel? Are they liars?

For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces

According to various reports, Netanyahu made a similar point at a Likud faction meeting in early 2019, when he was quoted as saying that those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

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