Israel vs Palestinians

You think I missed that? Saying it to me instead of quoting them like a coward isn’t the same thing you do when you pull the anti-Semitism card every 5 seconds
Ok internet tough guy. And no one is expected to call out everything they see.

You certainly don’t.

And I called out a specific poster for using a slur in this thread just the other day. So go whine about something else.
That doesn’t make sense, I’m not the one calling every poster anti-Semitic and if someone were posting about “Jewish scum,” or how they “don’t capitalize the J in Jew because Jews have a barbaric religion and worship a child molester,” I would say the same thing.

The worst things said in this thread about a religion are not about Jews or Judaism by a long shot, but 100% crickets on that from you and everyone else while “anti-Semitism” accusations are everywhere.

(And, btw, same guy that said something like “look at those fruits, must be Nash.” Yeah definitely concern about discrimination that is driving this McCarthyist garbage)
Lmao. You’re butthurt over “fruit loops”.

I’ll add that to plushie toys and music video memes.
Ok internet tough guy. And no one is expected to call out everything they see.

You certainly don’t.

And I called out a specific poster for using a slur in this thread just the other day. So go whine about something else.
You're explaining this to someone that will not call out Hamas for any of this whole ordeal. He would rather chastise you about getting on to another poster.
You're explaining this to someone that will not call out Hamas for any of this whole ordeal. He would rather chastise you about getting on to another poster.
Believe your first post to me was asking about calling out Hamas, which I immediately did, but here we are again lol. "Chastise you about getting on to another poster" is a weird way to rephrase what I thought was pretty obvious

EXCLUSIVE: 'Squad' firebrand Rashida Tlaib's astonishing Links to Shady Hamas Group Held Liable For DEATH of An American Jew: Charity Boss Co-Hosted Her Congress Campaign Event… and more of her backers have clear ties to murderous terrorists​

Rashida Tlaib had the crowd eating out of her hand.

It was March 2018, and the hookah lounge in a working-class suburb outside of Chicago was packed.

Warm and engaging, switching frequently between English and Arabic, Tlaib - a Michigan State representative with larger ambitions - pleaded for out-of-state donations to help her become the first Palestinian American in Congress.

She unashamedly told the audience that her Detroit constituents often declared: 'Rashida is a warrior, and this is a war we're in.'

Sitting in the front row, Rafeeq Jaber listened intently, seemingly impressed and knowing a thing or two about raising money to wage war.

For Jaber's now-defunct charity, the Islamic Association for Palestine, was found legally liable for financing the Hamas murder of an American and ordered to pay a $165 million settlement to the victim's family.

Jaber's 2018 attendance – confirmed to by a national security research institute – at an event for a future-U.S. Congresswoman would likely shock most Americans. But he was far more than simply a guest.

Rashida Tlaib had the crowd eating out of her hand. It was March 2018, and the hookah lounge in a working-class suburb outside of Chicago was packed. (Above) Tlaib's campaign event outside of Chicago, Illinois

Jaber was a prominent host of Tlaib campaign gatherings, and he remains unrepentant today - even refusing to condemn Hamas when asked to do so by

What's more, he is not Tlaib's only major supporter with alleged ties to the vicious killers now responsible for worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.

There's Wisconsin furniture salesman Salah Sarsour, who co-hosted a party for Tlaib in July 2018 in Milwaukee. His name appears on the official Tlaib invite to the event.

Sarsour is known to U.S. counter terror experts as being a suspected fundraiser in one of the largest pro-Hamas money laundering operations in U.S. history.

Then there's Abdelbaset Hamayel, whose name is listed alongside Jaber's as a co-host on an official 'Rashia Tlaib For Congress' invitation to a meet and greet at the Jerusalem Banquet restaurant in Bridgeview, Illinois in July 2018.

Hamayel was a purported point person for another charity, named KindHearts, that was accused by the U.S. Treasury Department of financing terrorism in 2006.


She Praised Islamic Terror Groups. Then the Biden Admin Tapped Her To Address 'Hate and Threats of Violence.'​

Palestine Legal manager Lina Assi has called Hezbollah 'crucial and important'​


Education Secretary Miguel Cardona hosted a meeting this month with an anti-Israel activist who has praised Hamas and Hezbollah and called for violence against Israel.

Cardona on Nov. 15 met with 13 activists—including Palestine Legal advocacy manager Lina Assi—to address the "extremely disturbing pattern of hate and threats of violence in schools and college campuses" following Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel. Assi has called Iran and its terrorist proxy, Hezbollah, "crucial and important" in "resisting imperialism" in the Middle East. As a student activist, she led a crowd in a chant of "Viva, viva Intifada," a call for violent uprising against the Jewish state.

Assi’s organization represents Students for Justice in Palestine, an anti-Israel student group that projected the pro-Hamas statement "Glory to our martyrs" on buildings at George Washington University. Palestine Legal is representing the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter at the University of Florida, which was kicked off campus for expressing solidarity with Hamas in its "Day of Resistance Toolkit."


EXCLUSIVE: 'Squad' firebrand Rashida Tlaib's astonishing Links to Shady Hamas Group Held Liable For DEATH of An American Jew: Charity Boss Co-Hosted Her Congress Campaign Event… and more of her backers have clear ties to murderous terrorists​

Rashida Tlaib had the crowd eating out of her hand.

It was March 2018, and the hookah lounge in a working-class suburb outside of Chicago was packed.

Warm and engaging, switching frequently between English and Arabic, Tlaib - a Michigan State representative with larger ambitions - pleaded for out-of-state donations to help her become the first Palestinian American in Congress.

She unashamedly told the audience that her Detroit constituents often declared: 'Rashida is a warrior, and this is a war we're in.'

Sitting in the front row, Rafeeq Jaber listened intently, seemingly impressed and knowing a thing or two about raising money to wage war.

For Jaber's now-defunct charity, the Islamic Association for Palestine, was found legally liable for financing the Hamas murder of an American and ordered to pay a $165 million settlement to the victim's family.

Jaber's 2018 attendance – confirmed to by a national security research institute – at an event for a future-U.S. Congresswoman would likely shock most Americans. But he was far more than simply a guest.

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Rashida Tlaib had the crowd eating out of her hand. It was March 2018, and the hookah lounge in a working-class suburb outside of Chicago was packed. (Above) Tlaib's campaign event outside of Chicago, Illinois

Jaber was a prominent host of Tlaib campaign gatherings, and he remains unrepentant today - even refusing to condemn Hamas when asked to do so by

What's more, he is not Tlaib's only major supporter with alleged ties to the vicious killers now responsible for worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.

There's Wisconsin furniture salesman Salah Sarsour, who co-hosted a party for Tlaib in July 2018 in Milwaukee. His name appears on the official Tlaib invite to the event.

Sarsour is known to U.S. counter terror experts as being a suspected fundraiser in one of the largest pro-Hamas money laundering operations in U.S. history.

Then there's Abdelbaset Hamayel, whose name is listed alongside Jaber's as a co-host on an official 'Rashia Tlaib For Congress' invitation to a meet and greet at the Jerusalem Banquet restaurant in Bridgeview, Illinois in July 2018.

Hamayel was a purported point person for another charity, named KindHearts, that was accused by the U.S. Treasury Department of financing terrorism in 2006.

I don't want to hear another ****ing word about MTG, ever again.
Hamas pushing wheelchairs for the crippled, handing out bottled water and exchanging waves good bye with the hostages... WTF is going on? LOL... I'll give Hamas this, they are like Ukraine in the sense that they may not be winning on the battlefield, but their media/PR game is next level. WOW...

Hamas pushing wheelchairs for the crippled, handing out bottled water and exchanging waves good bye with the hostages... WTF is going on? LOL... I'll give Hamas this, they are like Ukraine in the sense that they may not be winning on the battlefield, but their media/PR game is next level. WOW...

It goes with everything else they do.....frauds.

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