Israel vs Palestinians

If identifies as messianic then Jewish?
There you go.
A reasonable question.
Not a Jew. They’re not Jewish so they are simply Messianic.
Or practice Messianic Judaism. It’s a distinction but a very important one. By Torah they are a stranger who sojourns with and are to be treated as natural born. That’s by the book. Jews who practice Judaism do not recognize MJ as part of Judaism and therefore most times….including the government…..consider them Christian. So the practice of MJ actually is a hindrance to being granted citizenship.
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Take it from a different perspective, are you alright with allowing our Football forum to be flooded with a bunch of trolls that are Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Vandy fans to the point where we can't talk about college football anymore?

I think there are limitations on who can and cannot post on forums. I would consider it problematic to have a Russian (specifically a Russian working and paid for by their government) post on this forum. It is a manner of Espionage. Russia has been proven, on numerous occasions, of sending paid agitators into forums of other nations to create havoc or push an agenda.
We allow the worst of humanity, (Alabama fans) in here. We can handle a few Ruskies and Chicoms
That post came off messy but I think the poster was referring to Messianic Jews which is a term for someone who is Jewish but considers Jesus to be the messiah (i.e. a Christian basically).
Not exactly.
The difference between Christian and Messianic Judaism is much greater than the difference in Messianic Judaism and Judaism.
we can discuss that somewhere else but I assure you that all the preachers on this site think Im going to Hell. It’s a good thing that there’s no such thing as eternal torment for mortals.
When you habitually use your vote to veto otherwise unanimously voted resolutions to peaceful means…don’t get upset when people call it what it is.
The point on the veto is fair enough.

But if that is what makes the US the most wicked entity in the world, then I have nothing for you or Ras. That is an objectively stupid opinion.
I asked this same question to myself over the weekend. Why is the US dropping food like this instead of driving it in? Surely, the Israelis wouldn't fire at US convoys...

Because this is one way to keep Hamas from stealing the food..

..and because most Palestinians cant swim..
Fair enough, but given the circumstances, how could they target Hamas to the degree to ensure that Hamas never attacks them again (and not harm any civilians)?
The IDF should have conducted a counterterrorism operation or a special military operation.

Instead, they chose a Dresden/"mowing the grass" operation.
I think the two of you are set up to misunderstand each other this. Seems like you go off results and disregard intent to some degree (not saying it's right/wrong) and when somebody thinks "wicked," they generally put a lot of weight on intent. We didn't mean to create 100 refugees, so it's not as wicked as intentionally creating 50 refugees.
I'll play along with you for a moment with regards to this, sense you are attempting to be reasonable.

Can you explain to me the thought process for attacking a humanitarian truck and killing 100+?

Also, lets say that there was Hamas in the crowd? is there a minimum threshold in your mind that would need to be satisfied in order for you to carry out an attack like this? Would have to be 1 Hamas for every 5 civilians? 1:10? 1:50? What minimum ratio would be justified in attacking a crowd looking for humanitarian aid?
The IDF should have conducted a counterterrorism operation or a special military operation.

Instead, they chose a Dresden/"mowing the grass" operation.

They should have been willing to sacrifice exponentially more Israeli sons and daughters ferreting out the terrorists from their hiding places.
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During that time, how many $trillions have we given in aid and to how many countries?
I don't know, probably a lot. And look at what it has gotten us. Probably should have kept that money here at home and helped the people here instead.

Like I said, we have our issues and far be it from me to defend every single thing American. But looking at the regimes across the world, saying we are the most wicked is absurd. You have some valid points and interesting arguments here, but saying blanket statements like "America is the most wicked entity in the world" just makes you look foolish.
Again, this was in response to a UN Security Council resolution condemning the Israeli humanitarian aid attacks. What would be the reasonable explanation for doing that and what political backlash would the US have suffered had they simply done the right thing vs standing with Israel in their clear war crimes?

Until you give me a reasonable answer to not calling what the Israelis did in that specific incident wicked, then we may no see eye to eye on much else going forward. These are basic right vs wrong issues.
Who would hurt the drivers if it was US military driving in humanitarian aid?
What difference would it make who the driver was? According to you US military can't get their finger out of their own ass. If something went wrong, you would be the first on here wagging your finger.

Instead they dropped it from the safety of a helicopter, and guess what you still found something wrong with it.
The IDF should have conducted a counterterrorism operation or a special military operation.

Instead, they chose a Dresden/"mowing the grass" operation.
Enlighten us on this special military operation. One that wipes out 30k Hamas that is hiding amongst the civilians for that very reason.
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Why is this everyone's fall back response? Instead of leaving, we need to change and do better. I'm simply expecting this country to live up to this high standard that it boasts about so much.
And yours is the same tired story. We are still the place everyone wants to be. If you think we are the most evil place in the world, you really should consider somewhere else.
No, if you hate this country as bad as Ras does, we don't need you.
I support the Bill of Rights, support our govt working in the best interests of America and not foreign states. I believe in peace, mutually beneficial trade/commerce with the world and justice, prosperity and dangerous liberty at home.

But what I do NOT support is expeditionary and interventionist wars overseas, arming and supporting radical factions overseas, and GAF about the borders of Ukraine or Israel more than I GAF about the G**D*MN BORDER right here at HOME!!!
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