It’s almost like Joe Milton has improved

Nah, I’ll still remember him for that play…and the Pitt fumble…and the countless overthrows…and the absolute putrid football he played at Michigan that got him benched. He is just not a reliably consistent QB at this level. It’s been 4 years of **** plays.

Yeah i agree, nobody can improve their efforts, So I guess the rest of the Vol Nation is going to have to disregard a poster who features arrogant condescending posts placing a ceiling on a players potential based on a few games played within months of arrival on campus and discounting our QB developing coaches decision to start him because he obviously saw high end POTENTIAL in his future. And by the way kept him at #2 ahead of another highly decorated QB. I realize you are not alone with your posting methodology, and that saddens me, but I am pleased that the distribution of posts in this thread assessing his efforts strongly discount this as rational thought. Wish we had not reached the conclusion that neither players nor posters have remedial potential, but it is what it is. SIGH!

Some players can utilize position room sessions and watching from the sidelines, others have to see it and feel it in competition, and some will never turn the corner. This guy has two more years to see if the light turns on and only God knows what his ceiling is. Even then, Some Can't, some Can but Don't, and some Do. We hear it all the time, the key is does the game slow down so a player can process the situation and make the right decisions and execute. For this guy that is clearly TBD.
I blame him. I ain't afraid to admit it.

Hooker was awful today. He missed the easy throws. Most sailed on him. Which one led to an interception and that's when the game started getting out of reach.

If his easy throws weren't 20 feet over our receivers heads we would have had a ball game. Not to mention his deepballs weren't that good either. A couple the receiver was covered so we can let those slide. But a few of them we had the defender beat and he couldn't connect.

Half of this on Hooker. The other half in Coaching. Some of those play calls were garbage.

Defense played way better than Kentucky.

We just can't seem to get both sides of the ball playing great football at the same time.

The offense and the defense failed in the face of the number 1 team in NCAA football,. The only thing between you and the Post button is air. I have zero use for Moral victories and I also have zero use for Moral defeats. Go back and see what he had to process in pocket integrity. Like always some overthrows are really under runs as receivers don't get of the line and reach or sustain their speed. Film study will determine that today. I will bet some of those overthrows to the sideline were when he had to turn the ball loose and picked up coverage too close to try and fit it in and he sailed it to safety as he had been instructed. Yet I have seen multiple condemnations for those in this thread without that knowledge. Those are Moral defeats, just like scoring the most points against them, and the total yardage numbers are moral victories. Don't see value add to either.
Yeah i agree, nobody can improve their efforts, So I guess the rest of the Vol Nation is going to have to disregard a poster who features arrogant condescending posts placing a ceiling on a players potential based on a few games played within months of arrival on campus and discounting our QB developing coaches decision to start him because he obviously saw high end POTENTIAL in his future. And by the way kept him at #2 ahead of another highly decorated QB. I realize you are not alone with your posting methodology, and that saddens me, but I am pleased that the distribution of posts in this thread assessing his efforts strongly discount this as rational thought. Wish we had not reached the conclusion that neither players nor posters have remedial potential, but it is what it is. SIGH!

Some players can utilize position room sessions and watching from the sidelines, others have to see it and feel it in competition, and some will never turn the corner. This guy has two more years to see if the light turns on and only God knows what his ceiling is. Even then, Some Can't, some Can but Don't, and some Do. We hear it all the time, the key is does the game slow down so a player can process the situation and make the right decisions and execute. For this guy that is clearly TBD.
Whatever dude. He is what he is at this point, take it or leave it. I hope we bring in somebody else to back up Hooker next year because I have zero faith in Milton. I have every reason to feel that way because of his body of work. If he is going to improve to play at this level, he is almost out of time to do that. Good coaches have tried. He just doesn’t have it.
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Trust me GA was not wanting us to score again .the fact we scored 17 stung them some as it should a great defense. Every yard was earned today my friend.

Tennessee left another 17 pts out there
Yeah i agree, nobody can improve their efforts, So I guess the rest of the Vol Nation is going to have to disregard a poster who features arrogant condescending posts placing a ceiling on a players potential based on a few games played within months of arrival on campus and discounting our QB developing coaches decision to start him because he obviously saw high end POTENTIAL in his future. And by the way kept him at #2 ahead of another highly decorated QB. I realize you are not alone with your posting methodology, and that saddens me, but I am pleased that the distribution of posts in this thread assessing his efforts strongly discount this as rational thought. Wish we had not reached the conclusion that neither players nor posters have remedial potential, but it is what it is. SIGH!

Some players can utilize position room sessions and watching from the sidelines, others have to see it and feel it in competition, and some will never turn the corner. This guy has two more years to see if the light turns on and only God knows what his ceiling is. Even then, Some Can't, some Can but Don't, and some Do. We hear it all the time, the key is does the game slow down so a player can process the situation and make the right decisions and execute. For this guy that is clearly TBD.

EXACTLY. All of this.'s unbelievable how many people question his heart because he ran out of bounds. Yes, he lost track of time and made a boneheaded play after being thrown in to an unfair situation late in the game and having what should have been the game winning TD go uncaught because Tillman couldn't get off the ground....but do you people think he ran out of bounds to avoid contact? Really? He was trying to stop the clock. He looked up to see it, in fact. Yes, it was at zero, but he wasn't trying to avoid contact. That's absurd.
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Man GA played hard, they wanted to keep that stat of not allowing was garbage time but GA didn't go Prevent and didn't give him easy passes.
Milton made the passes tonight during the little time he was out there..
Hope he continues to grow.

Still, the mentality of playing when the game is out of reach vs. driving for a game winning TD is night and day difference.
This x 10000

He hardly played and missed a bunch of deep balls and people talked about him like he was JG

They were projecting their JG fatigue on him

Hes not bad
I will admit that I wasn’t high on Milton before he ever got here. I have mentioned before that I married into Michigan folk, and I probably saw every snap of college football that he played. Michigan fans felt the same way about him that we did about JG. So I wasn’t high on him to begin with. And then he did the same things once he got here. But when he lost me was when he let go of the football during a sack in the Pitt game so that he could put both hands down and break his fall. I was done with him at that point. And the next time that he got his chance to shine, he ran out of bounds with the game on the line. It’s a lot of things with him. He doesn’t appear to have situational awareness, heart, consistency, etc. So please excuse me if I am pessimistic about him making a miraculous turnaround. If he was a redshirt freshman or true sophomore, I could be a little more forgiving. But he has been playing football for a very long time, and the things I listed above have nothing to do with how long he has been in a particular offense.
Not saying I agree or disagree with my husband's comment, but his quote - "when there's no pressure to win, you gonna look like gold".
Your husband comment goes back to what I said weeks ago. If it's mental he needs to see a sports head doc to try to get over that hurdle.

Agree there wasn't any pressure from a need to win the game standpoint and that may have helped him play a little more loose. Everyone said he balled out in practice but then the showtime lights came on he would fold but he did have pressure on him, no the pressure of winning the game but I'm sure he had tons of pressure on him from a mental stand point of he didn't want to over throw all his passes and look bad, guarantee you he wasn't going to step out of bounds last night. He played against GA #1's and I'm pretty sure he knew why they were still out, GA didn't want TN getting 14pts or more on them. I'm sure he put pressure on himself to try to get that TD and break GA stat line. He wasn't given that TD and that had to be a morale booster for him and his confidence.
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Several times we could have kicked field goals but instead went for it on 4th down because our coach was playing to win. Could have scored 6-9 more points and not given GA momentum and good field position, but our coach was playing to win and not to just keep it close. It could have easily been 34-23 if we had kicked the field goals. Looks better but still a loss. Game was much closer than 25 points

Yeah?? Well, I, for one, like Heup's attitude of: "We ain't scared of you. And we'll do our darnest to kick you in the teeth. And do that even if you have us in a headlock, and beating our head with brass knuckles on your fist. If all we can is spit blood on your shoes, that's what we'll do." Yessir, I'm all for Heup's attitude of:

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Milton playing a little better is a good sign that competition pushes a player to improve and that it’s a good sign that Heupel and staff may actually be able to coach up players! Haven't seen that in years.
No offense to Milton or anyone at all,but these big armed QBs are a dime a dozen anymore.Outside of Cam and maybe Lamar but he's just shifty how many Dwayne Haskins of the world have failed in the NFl.
A lot but this isn’t the NFL. Haskins was a good college QB. If you want to argue that we won’t beat Georgia with a Haskins level QB that’s one thing but we aren’t there yet... big gap to fill before contending for championships. Need to get to 7,8, 9 wins as quickly as possible then reassess and adjust as needed IMO. A Haskins type guy could get us there. We aren’t going to compete for championships before Milton’s eligibility expires regardless of who our QB is, so I don’t see why it matters. If he’s the best we have over the next couple years why not rally around him and hope he can get us to the 8 or 9 win level?
Please listen to me. He either has no idea what is going on during the game or he has no heart. He ran out of bounds after the clock expired. That is all ANYONE should need to know about him. I am not hating on him. He is just not the type of guy I want under center leading my team. I want a player with heart and brains. He comes off as being all about himself. Look at me throw the ball 70 yards. Never mind I only needed to throw it 55 yards. Look at how I can run. Never mind I will run out of bounds on the last play of the game instead of cutting back to the middle and trying to win. SMDH
Please listen to me. He either has no idea what is going on during the game or he has no heart. He ran out of bounds after the clock expired. That is all ANYONE should need to know about him. I am not hating on him. He is just not the type of guy I want under center leading my team. I want a player with heart and brains. He comes off as being all about himself. Look at me throw the ball 70 yards. Never mind I only needed to throw it 55 yards. Look at how I can run. Never mind I will run out of bounds on the last play of the game instead of cutting back to the middle and trying to win. SMDH
I hear you. I just don’t think it’s a valid argument.
Please listen to me. He either has no idea what is going on during the game or he has no heart. He ran out of bounds after the clock expired. That is all ANYONE should need to know about him. I am not hating on him. He is just not the type of guy I want under center leading my team. I want a player with heart and brains. He comes off as being all about himself. Look at me throw the ball 70 yards. Never mind I only needed to throw it 55 yards. Look at how I can run. Never mind I will run out of bounds on the last play of the game instead of cutting back to the middle and trying to win. SMDH

I wish the kid nothing but success and to have a 30 for 30 on him one day.I just don't think there's some things u can coach into a guy.Some things u either have it or u don't.Look at Hooker dude ain't huge or swoll or cocky but he's got mad heart and u can tell he's super confident in himself and the team.Sometjmes a lil to confident,I knew Milton wasn't the guy from all his over throws.If u know some football it was dead obvious he didn't trust the line and would shoot the ball a half sec early.Majority of those early game throws were 2 steps ahead because of pressure and the idea he might get his Vag injured.I want a warrior,I used to be that guy I hated whoever was across from me until that final whistle.Not hate hate but imma make u regret ever rolling out of bed and even THINKING u can play on my field against me.
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Whatever dude. He is what he is at this point, take it or leave it. I hope we bring in somebody else to back up Hooker next year because I have zero faith in Milton. I have every reason to feel that way because of his body of work. If he is going to improve to play at this level, he is almost out of time to do that. Good coaches have tried. He just doesn’t have it.

I will go with Coach. If he thinks it is time to go another route I am good with it. Speaking of zero i will also continue to have zero respect for folks that want to be VOLS that take cheap shots at guys on the field. I have every reason in the world to feel that way too. He is young enough to still have maturity to fall back on to improve his output, what do you have?

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