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Being Gay is primarily a fad, the same as being a Hippy was in the 1960's.
I try to love all people as my neighbor, regardless of their lifestyle. I certainly don't approve of the majority of people's lifestyles in this day and age though.
As far as gay marriage goes, I think its all a joke. What happens when pedophiles start screaming for equal rights. They can easily say they were born that way and it wasn't something they decided to pursue, but rather something they accepted as being who they were. People can scream all they want to about them being sick and perverted and they should have no rights, but they can use alot of the same arguments as are being discussed here.
For the record - I think pedophiles are twisted and sick individuals who need to be relocated to a island cut off from the remaining world. If I ever find out one is even looking at any of my children, I will beat the perversion out of them myself.
I'm sorry but that's a bit asinine; ealier there were people who said if gays were ever given any rights the Men Who Love Boys would come storming in right behind them.
there's just a bit of a difference there....just a bit
I agree that there is a difference. But there are also similiarities.(I'm not even going to touch on the religious aspect of this).
It's a group of individuals who have a chosen a lifestlye (although some say they are born that way) that goes against the natural use/purpose of a male and female.
A pedophile has chosen a lifestlye (although some say they are born that way) that goes against the natural use/purpose of a male and female.
A man who has sex with an animal can cry he was born that way and deserves equal rights based on the logic in this thread.
An alcoholic can cry he was born that way and therefore is above the law while he is driving drunk, simply because he either chose that lifestyle or was born with it. In his mind, he can't help it and therefore deserves the laws to be changed to accomodate himself.
You may call it asinine. I call is logical reasoning. The society we live in is completely warped. People will twist the laws and their thoughts and view to accomodate their own personal and selfish desires, no matter how corrupt they may be.
People will twist the laws and their thoughts and view to accomodate their own personal and selfish desires, no matter how corrupt they may be.
a pedophile is both mentally ill and the child is not of an age of consent and not at an age where he could willingly consent
two homosexuals are two people of consensual age who have both agreed to said activities out of feelings they for each other
bit of a difference
you are using the most extremes to your comparison.....like a man who back in the day woud say it wasn't a woman's place to vote or that if slaves were ever freed, well then the white man would ended working for all of them after the uprising (and they'd steal our daughters to have sex with them, so on so on)
or the congressman who said that if the 14th amendment was ever passed, the state of california would end up overrun with the Chinese.....you're using comparisons of things people find utterly disgusting and trying to make an unconscious association through reinforcement that "see, they're really not that different"
with ideas of comparisons to that extreme of comparison to diseased or mentally ill people, you're getting really close to somewhere near pat robinson ridiculous or the 80s reagan era idea of "AIDS IS A PUNISHMENT FROM GOD TO THE HOMOSEXUALS FOR THEIR LIFESTYLE!"
I hope you realize that can apply to you just as much as it can apply to me or the general public.....though it'd be a bit better if it was amended to "corrupt and self-serving" to reflect how society always has been and always will be
I agree with the first bolded part, but who's to say what age a child can give consent. The laws of every land are different. As far as the mentally ill goes, again, based on what?
Perhaps people think homosexuals are mentally ill since they both have decided to toss aside (by choice) their natural purpose in this world and choose a corrupt and self-serving lifestyle.
I agree that pedophilia is a sick and disgusting practice, but those pedophiles who we all want to kick in the balls and then kick some more can use many of these same arguments. Its the same principles.
Some who truly are repentant of this sick act will try to repress these thoughts and feelings since this is a sick and twisted and unnatural lifestyle. They will not just say "I was born this way" or "this is who I am, so I just accept it".
The second bolded part above is laughable. I in no way think God is punishing homosexuals by affliciting them with a life-threatening disease. Absurd. Each individual faces the consequences (good or bad) for the actions they choose for themself.
"[Homosexuals] want to come into churches and disrupt church services and throw blood all around and try to give people AIDS and spit in the face of ministers."
I am in no way saying Homosexuals are the same as Pedophiles.
I'm saying that both groups can argue their rights using some of the same principles located in this thread. Both groups claim they were either "Born that way" or "That is who they are so they accepted it". There are laws concerning both groups prohibiting aspects in full or in part of what each group practices.
Before 20 or so years ago, Homosexuality was in large part view gross and immoral by the majority of the population. It wasn't even spoken of really. However, due to the perverseness and corrupt morals of society which was accelerated by the media, this practice became more and more accepted to the point that its now taboo not to accept it.
Who's to say at some point in the future, The world will or will not become more tolerable of other perverse or corrupt practices?
My grandparents, and even parents, never would have thought they would see the day when a man and another man (or a woman and another woman) could join together in a legal marriage because of how society viewed this. That day is here.
This has been a great discussion. I am out of this thread for the night. Good night everyone.
No too personal at all. I can answer this only from my experience and that of many friends. I believe 100% that being gay is not a choice; whether it be genetic, chemistry, etc. I do not know not can I prove anything. However, I was raised in a good Christian family and I fought it for most of my life. I prayed on it, counseled with ministers and others in the church - and nothing changed. At the age of 24 I finally accepted that this is who I am.
fyp... :thumbsup:
Just so you know, I am a Christian and I really enjoyed reading your post and appreciate you sharing your personal information. The only thing I perhaps disagreed with is that you are not a "what" (I hope that was more of a grammatical mistake and not a belief). I don't want to hijack this thread and get it off track by turning it into another "religion" focused discussion (there's been plenty of those), but I don't believe it is a choice either. For those who may be a little self-righteous, the Bible makes it clear that we are all born of sin. You know... cast the first stone... yada... yada... yada.
For anyone who thinks it may be a choice, ask yourself this... when did you choose to become attracted to the opposite sex? For me personally, I don't recall ever making the decision to be more attracted to women than men. And in further support of this innate attraction, I can say jokingly... and with some certainty... that my erector set is 100% in synch with my attraction toward women.![]()
fyp... :thumbsup:
Just so you know, I am a Christian and I really enjoyed reading your post and appreciate you sharing your personal information. The only thing I perhaps disagreed with is that you are not a "what" (I hope that was more of a grammatical mistake and not a belief). I don't want to hijack this thread and get it off track by turning it into another "religion" focused discussion (there's been plenty of those), but I don't believe it is a choice either. For those who may be a little self-righteous, the Bible makes it clear that we are all born of sin. You know... cast the first stone... yada... yada... yada.
For anyone who thinks it may be a choice, ask yourself this... when did you choose to become attracted to the opposite sex? For me personally, I don't recall ever making the decision to be more attracted to women than men. And in further support of this innate attraction, I can say jokingly... and with some certainty... that my erector set is 100% in synch with my attraction toward women.![]()
What gets me, is that there is only one way to view homosexuality now days. As a student at UT in the mid to late 70's, psychology taught that homosexuality was a diease. Now if you believe that homosexuality is not right you have the diease (homophobic). Funny how things changed in 20 to 30 years. Ever looked into the backgrounds of some of the modern psychologist that studied this and believe that its natural? Its interesting.
What gets me, is that there is only one way to view homosexuality now days. As a student at UT in the mid to late 70's, psychology taught that homosexuality was a diease. Now if you believe that homosexuality is not right you have the diease (homophobic). Funny how things changed in 20 to 30 years. Ever looked into the backgrounds of some of the modern psychologist that studied this and believe that its natural? Its interesting.
I will avoid directly commenting on the Bible when I can since it bothers panda, but I saw this sign:
Any thoughts on this? Is this just inflammatory rhetoric? Or is it taking something out of context? Or do some of you agree with the biblical sentiment here?
This occured when Jesus died on the cross, the last blood sacrifice, or however you want to say it. In the NT there really isnt such strict guidelines for marriage as in the OT. Basically the NT God is a much nicer being than the OTAt that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split