'It's just crazy': 12 major cities hit all-time homicide records

Who among us democrats on the board has said anything other than that we ought to be prosecuting the crap out of criminals arrested for gun offenses? We all urge that occur. I personally favor mandatory minimums, like at least ten years, for any such offense.

None of that works and doesn't address the root causes.
We're closer on all of this than you think.

A young man died, needlessly. He and his family had every expectation of safety in his bike ride. Now his family is in deep pain and loss and who knows how many families won't let their children ride that area anymore. When one person dies a tragic and needless death, so much dies along with them.

I believe the accused should be permanently removed from society for this crime if/when found guilty. Either to prison until which time as he dies (of natural causes or otherwise), or to a mental institution until he is deemed fit to enter the prison population and assume his sentence.
The problem is that as long as he's drawing breath, there will be the possibility of getting out. Liberals want to open the prisons. After a few decades, your run of the mill murderer will be set free. It's only the Charles Manson types that remain locked away until death. Even that POS had the death penalty until liberal KKKalifornia changed it. Of all the people that deserved to die, how can you argue that he wasn't one?

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