Remember, the same population that CNN and Gallup are polling just elected a socialist (please read Dreams from my father). I am just doing my best to keep everything in perspective.
LOL LOL LOL all of you REpubs are mad becaus it was Bush you voted for and your retort is WHO CARES LOL LOL LOL
Lets see, this response is not consistant with the original post. It was calling you out for voting for the worst pres EVER......thoughts?I'm mad because I love my country and I don't see a single policy being put forth by Obama, Reid, or Pelosi that is good for America.
Keep drinking that leftist Koolaid and enjoy the Euro-socialism that's coming with it's high taxes, high unemployment and lowered standard of living.
Obama would have never won the DNC Primaries, let alone the General Election, if it hadn't been for an electorate that does not know how to think for themselves.The cause/effect on that isn't cut and dry to me. Obama would have never been elected if it weren't for numbers like these....
OUCH thats two times you did not respond to the heart of the post! I am very disappointed.:whistling: